Can I replace an LC circuit with a crystal?

In summary, if you want to operate your transmitter in the commercial FM band then you will need to use a 90+ MHz overtone crystal. If you want to use a crystal oscillator circuit then look for designs on the Radio Ham and constructor websites.
  • #1
Hello all,

I am trying to make an FM transmitter that operates at only 1 frequency. I need the frequency tolerance to be very high, so I'd like to choose a crystal instead of an LC circuit.

This is the circuit I'm building:

If I were to replace the tank circuit with a crystal, would it operate the same way?
Engineering news on
  • #2

Please take note of the warning notice about the legality of transmitters that appears at the top of your linked-to article.

Such a transmitter, if legal in your country, would work if you used a ceramic resonator of the appropriate frquency, rather than a crystal.
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  • #3
I checked the FCC's regulations. They outline a specific section for hobbyists making low power unlicensed transmitters. I'm perfectly within my rights to make this transmitter.

And thank you for the advice about the resonator.
  • #4
Crystals and ceramic resonators are both insulators to DC so you could not just remove the tuned circuit and substitute a crystal or a ceramic resonator.

However, there are plenty of crystal oscillator circuits you could use. Not all of them would work at the frequency that this circuit operates at, though.

Operation in the commercial FM radio band would require a 90+ MHz overtone crystal which would be expensive if you have to order one especially made.

Also, it is quite difficult to get wideband FM from a crystal oscillator.

Wireless microphones get around this problem by generating FM at a low frequency (like 8 MHz or so) and then mixing this with a crystal oscillator to get to the required output frequency (sometimes 45 MHz or so)
  • #5
If you want frequency stability then you are right; LC is certainly not the best way to go. If you want a suitable circuit then look in the Radio Ham and constructor pages. Trying to take that circuit and to modify it would be difficult as the impedances would be all wrong. There are dozens of tried and tested circuit designs for crystal and ceramic resonators.
If this is one of your first projects then you don't want to be doing any design mods - you want it to be as easy as possible and VHF frequencies are not like audio.
I found this link amongst others
  • #6
Here's a crystal oscillator circuit that shouldn't be too hard to incorporate into your circuit. As for the unconnected lead from C2, I'm guessing that goes to the collector of the next stage in order to increase positive feedback.


  • Xtal Osc.jpg
    Xtal Osc.jpg
    10.1 KB · Views: 796
  • #7
How are you going to frequency modulate the crystal? Often the frequency of the crystal is multiplied a number of times in order to increase the deviation. You can also modulate the tank circuit with varactor diodes which will give you an even more stable carrier but technically it's phase modulation instead of frequency modulation. It has an advantage of providing natural pre-emphasis to audio frequencies. A phase modulated signal must also be multiplied up multiple times in order to get enough deviation.

FAQ: Can I replace an LC circuit with a crystal?

1. Can a crystal be used to replace an LC circuit in a circuit design?

Yes, a crystal can be used to replace an LC circuit in certain circuit designs. However, it is important to note that crystals are not always suitable replacements for LC circuits and it depends on the specific circuit and its requirements.

2. What is the difference between an LC circuit and a crystal?

An LC circuit is a type of electronic circuit that uses an inductor (L) and a capacitor (C) to generate an oscillating current. A crystal, on the other hand, is a solid material that can vibrate at a specific frequency when an electric current is applied to it. While both can be used to generate oscillating currents, they operate in different ways and have different properties.

3. When should I consider using a crystal instead of an LC circuit?

If your circuit requires high accuracy and stability in its frequency, a crystal may be a better option than an LC circuit. Crystals have a more precise and consistent frequency output compared to LC circuits, which can be affected by external factors such as temperature and voltage fluctuations.

4. Can a crystal be used in any type of circuit?

No, crystals are not suitable for all types of circuits. They are commonly used in clock circuits, frequency synthesizers, and radio frequency (RF) circuits. However, they may not be effective in some other types of circuits, such as low-frequency circuits, due to their limitations in frequency range.

5. How do I choose between using an LC circuit or a crystal in my circuit design?

The decision to use an LC circuit or a crystal depends on the specific requirements of your circuit. Consider factors such as frequency accuracy, stability, size constraints, and cost when making this decision. It may also be helpful to consult with a knowledgeable engineer or do further research to determine the best option for your particular circuit.
