Can I submit my paper to arXiv if it has been accepted by a journal?

In summary, you can submit your paper to arXiv even if it has been accepted by a journal, as many journals allow this. However, it is best to check with the journal's policies before uploading. In most cases, submitting your paper to arXiv will not affect its publication in the journal, but it is important to confirm this with the journal beforehand. You can make changes to your paper after it has been accepted by a journal and uploaded to arXiv, but it is important to clearly indicate any changes and the version that was accepted by the journal. arXiv has specific guidelines on what version of a paper can be uploaded, generally the final accepted version but not the copyedited or formatted version. It is important
  • #1
Haorong Wu
Hi. My paper has just been accepted by PRD. Can I still submit this manuscript to arXiv? Will this action violate any copyright? Thanks.
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  • #4

FAQ: Can I submit my paper to arXiv if it has been accepted by a journal?

1. Can I submit my paper to arXiv if it has been accepted by a journal?

Yes, you can submit your paper to arXiv even if it has been accepted by a journal. arXiv is a preprint server, meaning it allows researchers to share their work before it has been formally published in a journal.

2. Will submitting my paper to arXiv affect my chances of getting published in a journal?

No, submitting your paper to arXiv will not affect your chances of getting published in a journal. In fact, many journals allow authors to submit preprints to arXiv, and some even encourage it as a way to increase visibility and citations for their work.

3. Do I need to get permission from the journal to submit my paper to arXiv?

It is always best to check with the journal's policies before submitting your paper to arXiv. Some journals may have specific guidelines or restrictions on preprints, so it is important to make sure you are following their rules.

4. Can I submit my paper to arXiv after it has been published in a journal?

Yes, you can still submit your paper to arXiv after it has been published in a journal. However, you should check with the journal's policies first, as some may have restrictions on post-publication sharing.

5. Is it necessary to make any changes to my paper before submitting it to arXiv?

No, you do not need to make any changes to your paper before submitting it to arXiv. However, it is always a good idea to proofread your paper and make any necessary revisions before sharing it on a public platform like arXiv.

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