Can Intergalactic Gas Feel Hot Despite Its Low Density?

In summary, intergalactic gas is a strong source of X-rays due to its high temperature of up to 10^8K. However, despite its high temperature, the gas is of very low density and would not feel hot to a solid object due to the infrequent collisions. The average particle energy of the gas is just under 10 keV, which could potentially cause damage upon collision with molecules. The body's perception of warmth is based on its own temperature and the amount of heat it absorbs or releases to the environment. In the interstellar medium, while it may transfer more energy to the body, the body would still lose more energy through radiation, making it feel cold. Therefore, while the interstellar medium may be hot
  • #1
I understand that intergalactic gas is a strong source of X-rays due to high temperature of upto 10^8K.
If this gas is also known to be of very low density, will it 'feel' hot?
I am a little confused, because I understand that densities can be so low as to produce forbidden spectral lines.. So how could such low densities impart heat to a more solid object .. Thanks
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  • #2
it really wouldn't feel hot at all. According to wikipedia, there's about 10 to 100 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.

Compare that to a cubic meter of water with 3.345x10^28 molecules.
  • #3
The temperature just indicates the mean of the statistical distribution of particle kinetic energies in the gas. Since the temperature is so high, it means that, on average, the particles in the gas are moving around pretty fast.

You are right that, due to the very low density (and hence the very low frequency of collisions with your body), this gas would be very ineffective at heating you up by means of conduction. I think that how hot something "feels" depends on how well it can transfer heat to you by conduction.

You still probably wouldn't want to go there. Those X-rays are ionizing radiation, which is very dangerous. (Of course, I'm sure you are already aware that X-rays are dangerous). I wonder, also, if the individual gas particles themselves might not have enough energy to cause damage upon collision with your molecules. The average particle energy seems to be just under 10 keV, which sounds like it could be well into the ionizing regime.
  • #4
That is an interesting question. How warm you feel is based upon the body temperature of the individual and how much heat it absorbs or confers to the surrounding environment.

The interstellar medium will "warm you up" (it will transfer more energy to you than vice-versa), however, it will not warm you up quickly enough to make up for the huge amount of energy you are radiating into space.

Think about it. The human body probably generates about 100 Watts of power in base metabolism. At maybe 2 m^2 of surface area, from the Stefan–Boltzmann law we know that you would be losing about 1000 W of power due to black body radiation, so effectively you would be losing about 54000 J of energy per minute, or about 130 C. That means that for every minute you spent in the interstellar medium, your total body temperature would decrease by maybe half a degree (assuming that your body doubled or tippled its metabolism to attempt to compensate and assuming your body is 100% H2O).

I am not sure about the internal thermodynamics of the human body in a vacuum, but your skin would probably get a lot colder a lot faster than the rest of your body. Since your cold receptors are in your skin, I would imagine this would feel extremely cold, and evaporation of the moisture on the skin would make your skin cool down even more quickly than radiation alone.

So yes, the interstellar medium may be "hot" but you would feel very cold.
  • #5

Thank you for your question. Intergalactic gas temperature is a fascinating topic in astrophysics and cosmology. To answer your question, we need to first understand the nature of heat and how it is transferred.

Heat is a form of energy that is transferred from a hotter object to a colder object. It is the result of the random motion of particles, such as atoms and molecules, within a substance. When particles move faster, they have more energy and thus, higher temperature.

Now, let's apply this concept to intergalactic gas. Intergalactic gas is made up of extremely low-density particles, meaning that there are very few particles per unit volume. However, these particles are still moving and colliding with each other, resulting in a temperature of up to 10^8K. This high temperature is due to the extreme energy of the particles, not the number of particles.

So, to answer your question, yes, intergalactic gas can "feel" hot even at low densities because the temperature is a measure of the energy of the particles, not the number of particles. However, this heat may not be able to transfer efficiently to more solid objects due to the low density and lack of direct contact between particles.

As for forbidden spectral lines, they are produced when an atom or molecule is excited to a higher energy state and then decays back to a lower energy state, emitting a photon of a specific wavelength. This process does not require a high density of particles, as it is the energy levels of the atoms or molecules that determine the wavelength of the emitted photon.

In summary, intergalactic gas can have a high temperature despite its low density due to the extreme energy of its particles. However, this heat may not be able to transfer efficiently to more solid objects. Forbidden spectral lines are produced by the energy levels of individual particles and do not require a high density to occur. I hope this helps clarify your confusion.

FAQ: Can Intergalactic Gas Feel Hot Despite Its Low Density?

1. What is intergalactic gas temperature?

Intergalactic gas temperature refers to the average temperature of the gas that exists in the vast space between galaxies.

2. How is intergalactic gas temperature measured?

Intergalactic gas temperature is measured through the use of telescopes and satellites that detect and analyze the radiation emitted by the gas. Scientists also use computer simulations to model the temperature of the gas.

3. What is the current estimated temperature of intergalactic gas?

The current estimated temperature of intergalactic gas is around 2.73 Kelvin, or -270.42 degrees Celsius. This is known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and is considered to be the residual heat left over from the Big Bang.

4. How does the temperature of intergalactic gas affect the formation of galaxies?

The temperature of intergalactic gas plays a crucial role in the formation of galaxies. As the gas cools, it can collapse and form into stars and galaxies. However, if the temperature is too high, the gas will not condense and form into structures, hindering the formation of galaxies.

5. Can the temperature of intergalactic gas change?

Yes, the temperature of intergalactic gas can change over time. As the universe expands, the gas cools down and its temperature decreases. Also, the interactions between galaxies, such as mergers and collisions, can heat up the gas and increase its temperature.

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