Can Jump-Starting a Cat with a Lamp Cord Turn You into a Hero?

  • Thread starter ricin
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In summary, a new member named ricin shares a story about using a lamp cord to revive his girlfriend's cat who passed out after a night of drinking. The cat ended up being fine, but had some singed hair on its chest. The conversation also includes jokes about the incident and references to the movie "There's Something About Mary".
  • #1
Hey everyone. New member here. Thought I would say "howdy." I'm not really scientific though I did use a stripped down lamp cord to jump start my girlfriend's cat's heart when it passed out, don't know if that counts since it was pure instinct but now she thinks I'm a hero and the cat doesn't shed nearly as much as it used to. Anyway, I enjoy all the discussions that go on here.
Some interesting opinions and viewpoints on different subjects in a nice mature manner, definitely a cut above most of the sites on the 'net. I especially like the Scepticism and Debunking chat room. Very cool. I will sign off for now. May you live as long as you like but never want as long as you live.
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  • #2
ricin said:
I did use a stripped down lamp cord to jump start my girlfriend's cat's heart when it passed out, don't know if that counts since it was pure instinct but now she thinks I'm a hero and the cat doesn't shed nearly as much as it used to.
Does it have anything left to shed?
  • #3
Welcome to PF ricin! Hope you enjoy your stay.

ricin said:
I'm not really scientific though I did use a stripped down lamp cord to jump start my girlfriend's cat's heart when it passed out, don't know if that counts since it was pure instinct

Pure instinct, or inspiration from the movies? Why did the cat pass out anyway? Did you give it copious amounts of quaaludes to counteract the hyperactive effects of copious amounts of uppers? :smile:
  • #4
hypnagogue said:
Welcome to PF ricin! Hope you enjoy your stay.

Pure instinct, or inspiration from the movies? Why did the cat pass out anyway? Did you give it copious amounts of quaaludes to counteract the hyperactive effects of copious amounts of uppers? :smile:

Maybe it was inspiration. I remember reading a story about a tow truck driver that stopped to help an elderly couple with a dead battery on the side of the road and when the old man started to have a heart attack the driver grabbed the jumper cables and zapped the old man and he recovered. That was probably rambling around deep in my memories.
As far as why it happened we still have no idea even after having the cat checked out by a vet. He had no clue either. And the cat didn't seem affected by the episode afterwards except for singed hair on it's chest which grew back in.
All I know is we had been out drinking with friends and came home to find the poor guy passed out on the floor not breathing. My girlfriend went hysterical because she had the cat since high school and was really close to it. She started screaming at me to do something and though it was a really cool cat, mouth-to-mouth was definitely out of the question so I unplugged a lamp ripped out the cord stripped the ends and plugged it back in and laid the ends to it's chest. The cat screeched and jumped about six feet in the air and came back down with a woozy dazed look on it's face. It staggered around lopsided for a few minutes and then shook itself real hard as if it had been doused in water, then it sat down and started licking itself. We looked at each and decided he seemed back to normal. Damndest thing I had ever been involved with.
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  • #5
ricin said:
The cat screeched and jumped about six feet in the air and came back down with a woozy dazed look on it's face. It staggered around lopsided for a few minutes and then shook itself real hard as if it had been doused in water, then it sat down and started licking itself. We looked at each and decided he seemed back to normal. Damndest thing I had ever been involved with.
If I didn't love cats so much, I'd be doing the :smile: :smile: :smile: thing right now. Aw, what the hell... :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #6
So you came home after partying, found the cat sleeping and shocked the bejeezers out of it with a lamp cord.

I like this guy. :biggrin:
  • #7
ricin said:
My girlfriend went hysterical because she had the cat since high school and was really close to it. She started screaming at me to do something

You must be a cool customer. I wouldn't know what to do in that situation, especially if someone was screaming at me to do something. An Irish jig perhaps?

BTW, my previous post was a reference to the movie "There's Something About Mary," which has an eerily similar scene to the one you describe (but it's a comedy :biggrin:). If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch it with your girlfriend just for the kick you'll get from that scene! (on second thought, it might be traumatic for your gf, so maybe you shouldn't watch it with her :bugeye:)
  • #8
And the best part is now you can see the cat glowing, so you don't trip over it at night. :biggrin:
  • #9
ricin said:
came home to find the poor guy passed out on the floor not breathing.
Did you check out the cat's whereabouts earlier in the evening? He just sounds drunk to me. :biggrin:
  • #10
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm catnip...

Welcome ricin, I can already tell that you're going to fit in here.
  • #11
Posted by Danger:

Did you check out the cat's whereabouts earlier in the evening? He just sounds drunk to me.

You know it wouldn't surprise me with that zany cat. He was a cool feline. Probably having all kinds of mixed-breed parties when we weren't there.

hypnagogue said:
You must be a cool customer. I wouldn't know what to do in that situation, especially if someone was screaming at me to do something. An Irish jig perhaps?

BTW, my previous post was a reference to the movie "There's Something About Mary," which has an eerily similar scene to the one you describe (but it's a comedy :biggrin:). If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch it with your girlfriend just for the kick you'll get from that scene! (on second thought, it might be traumatic for your gf, so maybe you shouldn't watch it with her :bugeye:)

Cool customer hell, I was bombed out of my gourd. And maybe the cat was just sleeping, I only took my girlfriends word that it wasn't breathing. But thanks for the heads up. I might swing by the vidoe store on my way home from work tonight and surprise my g/f with this movie. We rarely watch movies or TV. If I remeber right the last thing we rented was "Pulp Fiction." And I know she'll get a kick out of that scene if its the way you describe it. "Mr. Muffington the third" (like I said she was in high school when she got the cat) has made his to way to that great litterbox for almost three years now (that was a hell of a wake).
This seems like a really cool community though. Nothing wrong with learning as much as possible

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