Can Large Lunulae Indicate an Overactive Thyroid and Calcium Deficiency?

  • Medical
  • Thread starter jackson6612
  • Start date
In summary, people used to say that if someone has large lunula, then s/he is suffering from the deficiency of calcium. After searching the internet I found this: Abnormally large lunula (the white half-moon shape at the base of the nail) suggests an overactive thyroid, while the absence of a lunula can mean an under-active thyroid.
  • #1
Here people used to say that if someone has large lunula, then s/he is suffering from the deficiency of calcium. After searching the internet I found this: Abnormally large lunula (the white half-moon shape at the base of the nail) suggests an overactive thyroid, while the absence of a lunula can mean an under-active thyroid.

The thyroid produces the hormone calcitonin, which plays a role in calcium homeostasis.

Please read the following paragraph:

Primarily calcium is regulated by the actions of Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. The only real regulatory organ is the parathyroid gland. The parathyroid glands are located behind the thyroid, and produce parathyroid hormone in response to low calcium levels. The parafollicular cells of the thyroid produce calcitonin in response to high calcium levels, but its significance is much smaller than that of PTH.

Don't you think overactive thyroid will produce large quantities of calcitonin which will in turn suppress the level of calcium in body? If this is correct, then those people are correct.
Biology news on
  • #2
More than you ever wanted to know about the lunula:
  • #3
I have very large lunulas (1/3 of the nail) but my doctor said after an TSH test that my thyroid is OK. There is definitely a reason for this condition (abnormally large lunulas). What other tests could I request?
  • #4
I have Hashimoto's disease (a form of hypothyroid) and my nails are lunula-less! :biggrin: HOWEVER - on the nail of my lt. 5th finger, my lunula is inverted and covers about 3/4 of the nail.

I've been told I'm 'different'... I guess it's true. :biggrin:
  • #5
Tsu said:
I've been told I'm 'different'... I guess it's true. :biggrin:

I'll vouch for that one! :biggrin:

Related to Can Large Lunulae Indicate an Overactive Thyroid and Calcium Deficiency?

Nails and Large Lunulae

Nails are an important part of our hands and feet, and the lunula is a distinctive feature of the nail. Large lunulae can raise questions about nail health and their significance. Here are some common questions related to nails and large lunulae:

Q1: What Is the Lunula of a Nail?

The lunula is the half-moon-shaped, whitish area at the base of a fingernail or toenail. It is a visible part of the nail matrix, which is the tissue responsible for nail growth. The lunula is more prominent in some individuals and may vary in size and visibility.

Q2: Are Large Lunulae a Sign of Healthy Nails?

Large lunulae are not necessarily a sign of healthy nails, nor are small or absent lunulae indicative of nail problems. The size and visibility of the lunula can vary from person to person and are influenced by genetics, nail shape, and individual characteristics. Healthy nails come in various sizes and shapes.

Q3: What Factors Affect the Size of the Lunula?

The size of the lunula can be influenced by several factors, including:

  • **Genetics:** Some individuals may naturally have larger or more prominent lunulae due to their genetic makeup.
  • **Nail Shape:** The lunula may be more visible in individuals with certain nail shapes, such as rounded or curved nails.
  • **Nail Health:** Proper nail care and overall nail health can contribute to the appearance of the lunula, but it does not guarantee a larger lunula.
It's important to note that the appearance of the lunula is a natural variation and not a sole indicator of nail health.

Q4: Can Changes in the Lunula Indicate Nail or Health Issues?

In some cases, changes in the lunula's appearance, such as discoloration, white spots, or unusual shapes, may be associated with underlying nail or health conditions. However, these changes are not solely diagnostic, and a healthcare professional should be consulted for a proper evaluation if there are concerns about nail health.

Q5: How Can I Maintain Healthy Nails?

To maintain healthy nails, consider the following tips:

  • **Keep Nails Clean:** Regularly clean and gently trim your nails to prevent dirt and debris buildup.
  • **Moisturize:** Apply moisturizer to your nails and cuticles to prevent dryness.
  • **Protect Nails:** Use gloves when handling harsh chemicals or doing activities that may damage your nails.
  • **Balanced Diet:** A well-balanced diet with essential nutrients can support nail health.
If you notice persistent changes or issues with your nails, consult a healthcare provider or dermatologist for guidance.

In summary, large lunulae are a natural variation in nail appearance and not necessarily a sign of healthy nails. The size of the lunula is influenced by genetics and individual characteristics. Changes in the lunula may be associated with underlying nail or health conditions, and professional evaluation is recommended if concerns arise.
