Can Light Move Inside a Black Hole Event Horizon?

In summary: A and went towards B.In summary, according to the question, it is possible for light emitted in A to reach the other end point B of the metal bar. However, this is only possible if one assumes that there are no significant tidal forces acting on the bar. If one assumes that there are significant tidal forces, then it is not possible for light emitted in A to reach B.
  • #1
The question is as follows: suppose I throw a metal bar 1m long inside the event horizon of a supermassive black hole of 1 million solar masses. At both ends of the metal bar there is a light source.

(I chose a supermassive black hole to rule out any spaghettification process: with some quick calculations tidal forces on the metal bar would be just 1/1000th of g - so they are negligible - when the bar crosses the event horizon).

So, let's consider the following scheme:


Where B++++A is the metal bar, H is the (just crossed) event horizon an S is the singularity in the middle of the black hole.

My question is:

Is it possible for light emitted in A to reach the other end point B of the bar?

From what I know once inside the event horizon all possible space-time curves always lead closer to the singularity, never farther. My opinion is that is not possible for light in A to reach point B.

Now, substitute the metal bar with your head, and A and B with two neurons in your head and the light signal with an electric impulse sent between them. If it is not possible to send signals from A to B then you'll immediately lose conscoiusness and die as soon as you cross the event horizon (you'll die because what happens to the electric signals in your brain will also happen to all your bodily fluids: they'll be never be able to reach the back of your body).
So you'll be quite aware of when the event horizon is located as you'll immediately die.

A mechanical probe powered by electric signals will stop working as well.

Is this picture correct, in your opinion?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
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  • #2
Italian_Mike said:
The question is as follows: suppose I throw a metal bar 1m long inside the event horizon of a supermassive black hole of 1 million solar masses. At both ends of the metal bar there is a light source.

(I chose a supermassive black hole to rule out any spaghettification process: with some quick calculations tidal forces on the metal bar would be just 1/1000th of g - so they are negligible - when the bar crosses the event horizon).

So, let's consider the following scheme:


Where B++++A is the metal bar, H is the (just crossed) event horizon an S is the singularity in the middle of the black hole.

My question is:

Is it possible for light emitted in A to reach the other end point B of the bar?
Yes. A local inertial frame still behaves just like SR. Tidal forces simply rapidly decrease the scale (space and time) over which 'locally SR' is meaningful approximation. In a typical global coordinate system, this operation would be described as A and B heading for S faster than the outward directed light signal is heading for S, so B catches up to it. But in a local frame, the description would be as per SR.
Italian_Mike said:
From what I know once inside the event horizon all possible space-time curves always lead closer to the singularity, never farther. My opinion is that is not possible for light in A to reach point B.
Incorrect. See above for the resolution.
Italian_Mike said:
Now, substitute the metal bar with your head, and A and B with two neurons in your head and the light signal with an electric impulse sent between them. If it is not possible to send signals from A to B then you'll immediately lose conscoiusness and die as soon as you cross the event horizon (you'll die because what happens to the electric signals in your brain will also happen to all your bodily fluids: they'll be never be able to reach the back of your body).
So you'll be quite aware of when the event horizon is located as you'll immediately die.

A mechanical probe powered by electric signals will stop working as well.

Is this picture correct, in your opinion?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
All the last parts are also incorrect.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

If I understood correctly, as no significant tidal forces are acting on the bar, then it is possible to associate a local inertial frame to this body.
So, for an observer in A the light will reach B in approx. 3.3 x 10-9 sec, just as if the inertial frame was outside the event horizon. So nothing special happens during the crossing of the horizon itself.
The event "B is reached by the light signal" should also happen for any other observer inside the event horizon so, as it is not possible for the light signal to actually move outwards with respect to the central singularity, then I guess that something similar to the following should be seen by such observers:

Time 0: H--------B+++PA------------S
Time 1: H-----------B++P+A---------S
Time 2: H--------------B+P++A------S
Time 3: H-----------------BP+++A---S

Where P is a photon belonging to the ray of light.
A, B, and P are always moving closer and closer to the singularity, but P definitely manages to reach B.

Is this picture correct?
  • #4
That is the correct description in what I called 'typical global coordinates'. If A or B set up Fermi-Normal coordinates (the GR analog of Minkowski coordinates, usable only for a limited space-time region), the description would be just like SR up to second order effects (for 'soon after horizon crossing' for a quiescent supermassive BH). My quiescent, I mean no significant matter around producing intense radiation as it infalls. I also mean considering only classical effects, as many physicist argue the quantum requirements produce a firewall at the horizon.

Related to Can Light Move Inside a Black Hole Event Horizon?

1. Can light escape a black hole's event horizon?

According to current theories, once light crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it cannot escape. The gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong that even the fastest speed of light is not enough to counteract it.

2. How does the event horizon affect the movement of light?

The event horizon is the point of no return for light and any other object that enters a black hole. Once an object crosses the event horizon, it is pulled towards the singularity at the center of the black hole and cannot escape.

3. Can light be trapped inside a black hole's event horizon?

Yes, once light crosses the event horizon, it is trapped inside the black hole and cannot escape. This is why black holes are black - they do not emit any light from within.

4. Does the speed of light change near the event horizon of a black hole?

No, the speed of light remains constant near the event horizon of a black hole. However, the strong gravitational pull of the black hole may cause light to appear to slow down or bend due to the curvature of spacetime.

5. What happens to light inside a black hole's event horizon?

Once inside the event horizon, light continues to travel towards the singularity at the center of the black hole. However, at this point, the concept of time and space becomes meaningless, so we do not know exactly what happens to light inside a black hole.

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