Can magnetic resonance weaken nuclei and accelerate nuclear decay?

In summary, this article talks about how by cooling a metal down to a temperature of 12 Kelvin, it was found that the alpha decay half-life of 210Po nuclides located inside the metal was shorter by 6.3±1.4% compared to that at room temperature. This could mean that more energy could be extracted from the nuclide, as long as the heat was quickly removed. However, it was also discussed that this might not be possible, as it would be difficult to keep the metal at the 12K temperature. Another possible way to generate more energy would be to use beta-decay, but it was mentioned that this would only produce a fraction of the energy that fission/fusion would.
  • #1

While googling around further, I came across this reference:

Abstract. In the metal Cu cooled to T = 12K the α-decay half-life of 210Po nuclides, located inside the metal, was measured to be shorter by 6.3±1.4% compared to that at room temperature.

That sounds significant. 210Po is supposed to be a significant alpha emitter, and has been used in Radioisotope Thermal Generators. So enhancing its decay rate by 5-8% means significantly more energy output. However, I'd imagine it would be difficult to drain the heat off a nuclear fuel element fast enough to keep it at 12K.

But still, wouldn't it be an interesting idea?
Physics news on
  • #2

now that this discussion is open on the topic, maybe we can stick to it here :smile:

You can play with beta-decay, but there is no way it will produce as much energy as fission/fusion. The main difference is that beta-decay occurs through the weak force whereas fission/fussion come about with the strong force. The names were chosen of course for a reason. Not only are the energies involved in fission/fusion definitely larger, but also those reactions are much faster.

Any case, the general discussion is interesting, but not for energy production.
  • #3
Well, like I said, you could also choose a nuclide that has a naturally shorter half-life, so that you can get more power out of it naturally. Then perhaps you could increase the beta-decay rate over and beyond that.

What's wrong with trying to use something like deuterons, to bombard them against a heavy nuclide in the hopes that you'll get alpha emission?

I was also reading about double-beta decay, but I don't know if that's something which can be influenced.

If nuclear stability also relates to nuclear vibrations, then couldn't magnetic resonance help to weaken nuclei?

FAQ: Can magnetic resonance weaken nuclei and accelerate nuclear decay?

1. How can nuclear decay be accelerated?

Nuclear decay can be accelerated through various methods such as bombarding the nucleus with high-energy particles, using a strong magnetic field to alter the spin of the nucleus, or by heating the nucleus to high temperatures.

2. What are the potential applications of accelerating nuclear decay?

Accelerating nuclear decay has potential applications in fields such as medicine, energy production, and waste management. For example, it can be used to produce radioactive isotopes for medical imaging and cancer treatment, as well as to reduce the half-life of radioactive waste.

3. Is accelerating nuclear decay safe?

When done in a controlled and regulated environment, accelerating nuclear decay is considered safe. However, proper precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the researchers and the surrounding environment, as radioactive materials can be hazardous if mishandled.

4. Can nuclear decay be reversed?

No, nuclear decay cannot be reversed. Once a nucleus undergoes decay, it cannot be reversed or stopped. The rate of decay can only be altered or accelerated.

5. Are there any ethical concerns surrounding accelerating nuclear decay?

There are ethical concerns surrounding the use of accelerated nuclear decay, particularly in terms of nuclear weapons development and the potential for misuse. It is important for scientists to consider and address these concerns in their research and applications of this technology.
