Can Math Be Sexy? Tips for Finding Passion in Numbers

  • Thread starter bhonkers
  • Start date
In summary, the individual was IQ tested and scored high on maths, leading the professor to suggest studying maths. Despite initially doubting their intelligence, the high score boosted their confidence and they began reading quantum physics/mechanics. However, they struggle with maths and are seeking tips to make it more engaging. The conversation then shifts to discussing the importance of math in understanding physics, but the individual speaks about their passion for creative writing and how they recently had a book published on Amazon. They express their love for storytelling and their current project of writing another book.
  • #1
I was IQ tested and scored high on maths and the professor that was part of the testing suggested I should study maths.

I have often doubted my intelligence and tend to give up far too easy but the high score boosted my confidence and I started reading quantum physics/mechanics (are these terms interchangeable? ) and being slightly odd personally the bizarre nature of this field grabbed my attention.

The problem it's that as soon as maths is involved, even at its simplest form my eyes hurt and energy levels drop to sluggish calorie free sweetener with a dash if boredom and disgust.

I know I can do it but it's Like Banksy hating art.

Any tips on making maths sexy, a craving, lustful and so on?

I'm no Rainman but more than capable if needs must.
Physics news on
  • #2
"quantum physics" = quantum mechanics.

In physics, there is no way to avoid mathematics completely, but the amount of mathematics depends on the type of physics. Maybe less mathematics is better?
  • #3
That really depends on the type of person that you are. Typically, math based degrees can help you land a good career. The amount of money that you can earn may very well make math seem a whole lot sexier.

Math can be fun, if you approach it as a puzzle. If your passion lies elsewhere, pursue that instead. Just because you tested high on maths does not mean that you have to study it.

I would reccomend that you read the book "All the Adventures of a Curious Character" it is a collection of memoirs of Richard Feynman. When I read that book, I gained a new appreciation for Physics and learning in general.
  • #4
Can you be a carpenter without dealing with all that wood?
  • #5
MrTheBard said:
That really depends on the type of person that you are. Typically, math based degrees can help you land a good career.
Only if you're competent. You have to enjoy math at least somewhat to be competent. Good on the other hand...
  • #6
So what is your math back ground?

If Mark Spitz had jumped into the deep end of the pool before he leaned to swim, he would have drowned. You cannot understand physics without math. Before jumping into the Physics pool learn math.
  • #7
What level have you studied maths to? I only started to enjoy maths after studying it at A level, where you cover more complex subjects and start to see the bigger picture of what maths really is. Until then I hated maths and only took it because I wanted to study physics.
  • #8
Integral said:
You cannot understand physics without math. Before jumping into the Physics pool learn math.

I think the opposite. It is not efficient and not good motivational psychology to do something you don't like and don't see the point of on the basis of someone telling you it will be useful some day. Study instead what interests you, and then if and when you find it needs math you will be much abler to learn it and it will fit into a larger scheme self-reinforcingly.

Well there I was thinking about self-study; if you are locked into courses and syllabus it is not all so free, but you can still adapt that idea one way or other in your approach.
  • #9
There are plenty of intellectually stimulating occupations that don't require much math.
  • #10
Integral said:
So what is your math back ground?

If Mark Spitz had jumped into the deep end of the pool before he leaned to swim, he would have drowned. You cannot understand physics without math. Before jumping into the Physics pool learn math.

I'm sure plenty of high school teachers would disagree.
  • #11
You don't learn physics in high school. You learn ABOUT physics.
  • #12
Hey guys and girls, thanks for replies.

I posted this earlier while traveling on the bus but for some reason it didn't show as posted and I forgot about it until now.

I have an 'A' in my higher maths but that was after first failing it and then having to prove a point after making a rash and not very well thought through pronouncement that I would pass next time with an A.

It was that commitment to keep face that drove me to actually put in study time and I could have probably put far less effort in as I finished the exam with an hour to spare.

Then I got the misguided idea. "I'm good at maths so I have to do it at university! "

Wrong! I dropped out by Christmas. Partly because I hadn't made a promise I would pass with flying colours and secondly I enjoyed partying far more than most livers are able to keep up with.

I ended up doing electronics and the maths never exceeded anything I'd previously been exposed to.

But there is a passion of mines that far exceeds any other subject and that is creative writing. I got 3% in my higher English prelim which made me think I was no good at English, yet as very young kid, with probably many spelling mistakes and grammar that would have English professors jumping out of windows, I wrote a story that simply flowed out of me with my pencil never stopping from beginning to end. The teacher said I was a good story teller but she left and was replaced by the female version of Hitler who mocked every positive I did and I never wrote another story again. Until a few months back that was.

I've just had it published on Amazon. I'm my most honest critic and I would say it's not very good although has bursts of quite unique creative moments that I've not read in any other book.

I've now got the bug and I'm writing another book. I start with a general idea and have no clue if plot, characters, form or any other than the inspiration of the tiny idea. But once I start writing I just keep going and it seems that I'm just the typists and the storyteller is like some entity that uses this physical vessel by feeding me lines.

I prefer to give this entity the credit. That way I don't have to be hard on myself if I don't like what's written.

I'm not posting the link to my Amazon book as I want to write something more mainstream and my more creative contemporary art that one may say is drivel while another says genius, can be whatever anyone says it is and I won't care about jot. But got to get that top ten bestseller first to at least have a large mind picking critic army with some confidence in me to start with.

Maybe one of my next novels will include the plans for a 3D printable fusion reactor that has been leaked to the world and big oil decide to start a third world war to keep the energy profit and power in their hands.

Just a thought. That's what I am. A thought machine. Now to build a coherent storytelling machine.

To the word processor!
  • #13
The math forum is for doing math, it's not for talking about personal issues with doing math. Going forward, please use your blog for posts like this.

  • #14
Evo said:
The math forum is for doing math, it's not for talking about personal issues with doing math. Going forward, please use your blog for posts like this.


Sorry about that.

I've been registered on this site for a while but haven't used it much and not for quite a long while.

Was also on my phone using tapatalk so information on what content goes where isn't that clear.

On a plus side, it made the fairly long bus journey go much faster than normal.

Now that I know there are blogs, I might actually have something important to say. Not today though. It's late and I'm at one point very tired while also a bit frazzled from coke and coffee abuse.

Have a nice day.
  • #15
Why should you do maths if you don't like it?
There are LOTS of smart people like yourself, who simply lacks the fundamental interest for maths.

They tend to do well, in their own areas of interest. :smile:
  • #16
Daverz said:
There are plenty of intellectually stimulating occupations that don't require much math.

And are they really intellectually stimulating?
  • #17
I think its important to follow your interests. Maybe years from now you'll see math from a completely different perception and fell in love with it. It depends on your personality. There is no passion without time. Your view on math atm stands on your past experiences, knowledge etc. I say to make it at least more enjoyable try to relate it to something that may interest you. Example relate a linear function to something. A line. A line that increases. Or a line that decreases. With an imput and an output.
And a tip: I don't think you should force yourself on it. What will you gain from that bad time?

Good luck, I love mathematics, I have never been as fascinated about anything besides it.

Check out my question? Unfortunately I have a replies. Q: "I can't connect with people with leads to heartbreak (the problem)"
  • #18
johnqwertyful said:
Can you be a carpenter without dealing with all that wood?

Your net income from being a carpenter? Absolutely nothing. :-p
  • #19
MathematicalPhysicist said:
And are they really intellectually stimulating?

So I've heard...
  • #20
MathematicalPhysicist said:
And are they really intellectually stimulating?

Bartender, war strategist, composer, research librarian, theologist, AN HISTORIAN OF RELIGIONS!

FAQ: Can Math Be Sexy? Tips for Finding Passion in Numbers

1. Can math really be considered sexy?

Yes, absolutely! Math can be seen as sexy because it requires critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity. These are all qualities that can be attractive and appealing to others.

2. How can I find passion in numbers?

One way to find passion in numbers is to explore different branches of math and find the ones that interest you the most. You can also try to apply math to real-life situations and see the impact it can have. Additionally, finding a supportive and enthusiastic math community can help ignite your passion for numbers.

3. What are some tips for making math more exciting?

One tip is to make math more relatable by connecting it to your personal interests or hobbies. Another tip is to challenge yourself with new and difficult problems to keep your mind engaged. You can also try to make math a social activity by studying with friends or participating in math-related events and competitions.

4. Is it possible to be both good at math and have a passion for it?

Yes, it is definitely possible to excel in math and also have a passion for it. In fact, having a passion for a subject can often lead to better understanding and success in that subject.

5. Can math be sexy for everyone?

While not everyone may find math sexy, anyone can develop a passion for it with the right approach and mindset. It is important to approach math with an open mind and a willingness to learn and discover new concepts. With practice and determination, anyone can find the beauty and excitement in numbers.
