Can Mathematical Induction Validate These Inequalities for All Natural Numbers?

  • Thread starter symplectic_manifold
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In summary, the following two inequalities are not valid for n=1,2, so to prove the inequality one has to show its validity for all n\ge{3}. However, the following inequality is valid for all n\ge{4}.
  • #1
We've got the following to prove by induction:
a) [itex]2n+1\le{2^n}[/itex]
b) [itex]n^2\le{2^n}[/itex]
(It is assumed that 0 is a natural number)

a) This inequality is not valid for [itex]n=1,2[/itex], so to prove the inequality one has to show its validity for all [itex]n\ge{3}[/itex]:
1) [itex]A(3):7\le{8}[/itex] (true)
2) Assume that [itex]A(n)[/itex] is true.
[itex]A(n+1): 2(n+1)+1\le{2^{n+1}}[/itex]
[itex]2(n+1)+1=(2n+1)+2\le{2^n+2}\le{2^{n+1}}[/itex], since for [itex]2^n+2\le{2^{n+1}}[/itex] we have [itex]n\ge{1}[/itex]

Is there a difference if I make the induction step this way?:
2)[itex]A(n+1): 2(2n+1)\le{2^{n+1}}[/itex], so to prove A(n) we must show that [itex]2n+3\le{4n+2}[/itex], which is also true for [itex]n\ge{1}[/itex]
The thing that disturbs me is that if we assume 0 to be a natural number the last inequalities in 2) in both cases do not hold...but I think this case doesn't play a role since we are to prove it for n greater 3...does it?

b) This inequality is invalid for all [itex]n=3[/itex], so to show that the inequality is valid we must show that it is valid for all [itex]n\ge{4}[/itex]
1) [itex]A(4)=16\le{16}[/itex] (true)
2) Assume that [itex]A(n)[/itex] is true.
[itex]A(n+1): (n+1)^2\le{2^{n+1}}[/itex]
[itex](n+1)^2=n^2+2n+1\le{2^n+2n+1}\le{2^{n+1}}[/itex]. The last inequality in this string is equivalent to [itex]2n+1\le{2^n}[/itex], which was proved in a).

Here, equally, the same question...Is there a difference if I do it this way?:
2) [itex]A(n+1): 2n^2\le{2^{n+1}}[/itex]
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Physics news on
  • #2
I answered this on

but, you need to work on your method of proof and its exposition. it is not clear at all what you think you have shown and why that proves the result.

2. can be done if we can show (n+1)^2 <2n^2 for then (n+1)^2 <2n^2 < 2.2^n (inductively) =2^(n+1)

so prove that (n+1)^2 <2n^2 for all n sufficiently large.
  • #3

What about this inequality?
1) A(0): 1<3 (true);
2) Given A(n) then A(n+1):
So to prove it we must show that [itex]\frac{1}{3(n+1)!}<1[/itex], which is straightforward because [itex]3(n+1)!>1[/itex] for all n, and at the same time [itex]\sum_{k=0}^{n}\frac{1}{k!}>\frac{1}{(n+1)!}[/itex]. The last inequality is pretty clear but how to prove it? Is it because of the fact that [itex]2(n+1)!>1[/itex] and [itex]\frac{(n+1)!}{n!}\ge{1}[/itex], so that [itex]\sum_{k=0}^{n}\frac{1}{k!}>{\frac{1}{(n+1)!}
\Leftrightarrow{2(n+1)!+\sum_{k=2}^{n}\frac{(k+1)!}{k!}>1}[/itex] for all n?
I'm not sure whether it is enough.
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  • #4
symplectic_manifold said:
What about this inequality?
1) A(0): 1<3 (true);
2) Given A(n) then A(n+1):

again you're starting from the answer you want to prove this is bad.

So to prove it we must show that [itex]\frac{1}{3(n+1)!}<1[/itex],

no, that will not suffice to prove it, and doesn't help.In anycase, this can be done easily without induction (i don't even see an obvious inductive proof) since


is strictly bounded above by


where you should make the ... into a series you can easily sum

oh, may be i do see an inductive proof. start with the expression for the sum to n+1 (and DO NOT say it is less than 3) and manipulate it
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FAQ: Can Mathematical Induction Validate These Inequalities for All Natural Numbers?

What is the purpose of using "Prove by Induction" in scientific research?

The purpose of using "Prove by Induction" is to establish a mathematical proof for a statement that holds true for all cases in a given set. This allows scientists to make generalizations and draw conclusions based on a few known cases.

How does "Prove by Induction" differ from other methods of proof?

"Prove by Induction" is different from other methods of proof because it starts with a base case and then uses the inductive hypothesis to prove the statement for the next case. This process is repeated until the statement is proven for all cases in the given set.

What are the steps involved in "Prove by Induction"?

The steps involved in "Prove by Induction" are as follows:
1. Establish the base case, which is the first case in the set.
2. Assume that the statement is true for the nth case.
3. Use the inductive hypothesis to prove that the statement is true for the (n+1)th case.
4. Repeat step 3 until the statement is proven for all cases in the set.
5. Conclude that the statement is true for all cases in the set.

When is "Prove by Induction" used in scientific research?

"Prove by Induction" is commonly used in scientific research when a general statement needs to be proven for all cases in a given set. It is also useful when the statement involves natural numbers or sequences.

What are the limitations of "Prove by Induction"?

One limitation of "Prove by Induction" is that it can only be used for discrete cases, such as natural numbers or sequences. It also requires a clear base case and inductive hypothesis, which may not always be apparent in complex problems. Additionally, it does not provide a direct way to find a solution, but only proves the validity of a statement.

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