Can Matter Be Converted to Energy Without Extreme Heat?

In summary, Lawrence Krauss explains in his book "The Physics of Star Trek" that according to the premise of the show, in order to convert matter into energy, it would need to be heated to 1000 billion degrees. However, other theoretical methods such as nuclear reactors and matter-antimatter reactions, which convert all matter into energy, do not require such high temperatures. The sun, powered by fusion, has a much lower interior temperature in the millions.
  • #1
In the excellent book entitled, “The Physics of Star Trek” by Lawerence Krauss, states that in order to convert matter into energy, one must heat it up to 1000 billion degrees!

1) If we were to accept the premise of the show, would heating the crew members up to 1000 billion degrees be necessary in order to convert them into energy?

2) Is there another way to theorically convert matter into energy without heating it up to such high temperatures?
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  • #2
Nuclear reactors (fission now and fusion in the future?) convert matter into energy. Matter-antimatter reaction (used in Star Trek) converts 100% of matter into energy.

Fusion powers the sun and its interior temperature is in the millions, not billions.

FAQ: Can Matter Be Converted to Energy Without Extreme Heat?

What is matter?

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It is the physical substance that makes up the universe and all of the objects in it.

What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work. It is what allows objects to move, change, and interact with each other.

What is the relationship between matter and energy?

According to the law of conservation of energy, matter and energy are interchangeable. This means that matter can be converted into energy and vice versa.

What are the different forms of energy?

There are many forms of energy, including kinetic, potential, thermal, chemical, electrical, and nuclear energy.

How does matter and energy impact our daily lives?

Matter and energy are essential to our daily lives. We use energy to power our homes and vehicles, and matter is the building block of everything we see and interact with. Without matter and energy, life as we know it would not exist.

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