Can Medical Tests Determine My Body Energy and Motivation Levels?

In summary, -Your doctors can help you figure out if there are any medical tests you can take to determine your energy levels and level of motivation. -Be sure to tell your doctor about your medical history and any medications that you are taking.
  • #1
Hi I would like to know if there is any physical or medical scientific tests I can take to know/confirm my energy levels/body energy levels and will level when it comes to motivation.

the reason for wanting to take these tests is that I have a severe mental brain neurological disability known as schitzoeffective disorder and it has been very difficult for me to manage over the years. long story short, one day I became depressed and lost all my motivation that I had over 4 years ago. my motivation to do anything ended up plummeting far below 0 into the negatives. currently for about 3 years

I have been slowly recovering from that and building my motivation back up to normal levels with the help of a therapist that specializes in helping people with mental illnesses like myself. building motivation consist of 1. energy 2.will 3. purpose, its like a muscle so if you don't exercise it, it can atrophy or be harder to do things or get things done.

I once was in a mental hospital and during my stay they had me hooked up to a machine that measured my stamina(whatever that means) or something to do with stamina. they concluded that my stamina was extremely low, that's how I know that these sorts of physical or medical test's exists. I do record and monitor my motivation levels every weekday day which has been going up or improving slowly but its more of a mental gist or something I made up

SO I want to actually take a lagit scientific tests or medical tests that shows my real energy levels and will level based on the facts rather then just what I think they are..
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  • #2
Unfortunately there is no reliable test that I know of that will test your mental or motivational "endurance" or "energy". If there are, such things would almost certainly need to be administered by a trained mental health professional. Your best bet is to ask your doctor.
  • #3
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  • #4
timeuser84 said:
Hi I would like to know if there is any physical or medical scientific tests I can take to know/confirm my energy levels/body energy levels and will level when it comes to motivation.
As @Drakkith says, these are questions for your doctors. Please schedule a physical soon with your family doctor -- as part of a comprehensive physical, they will likely do a full blood work-up and urine sample, looking for any chemical imbalances in your system. Be sure to tell him/her about your medical history if they don't already know about it, and bring any medications that you have been taking.

Best of luck to you. The doctors should be able to help you out a lot with this. We cannot offer medical advice here on the PF, so the thread will need to remain closed.

FAQ: Can Medical Tests Determine My Body Energy and Motivation Levels?

1. What is a physical body test condition?

A physical body test condition refers to the state of the body during a scientific experiment or study. It includes factors such as physical health, age, gender, and any pre-existing conditions that may affect the results of the test.

2. Why is it important to consider physical body test conditions?

Considering physical body test conditions is crucial because it helps to ensure the accuracy and validity of the results. By controlling and accounting for these factors, scientists can eliminate potential confounding variables and draw more accurate conclusions from their experiments.

3. How do scientists control for physical body test conditions?

Scientists can control for physical body test conditions by carefully selecting participants who meet specific criteria, such as age range, health status, and gender. They can also use techniques such as randomization and blinding to minimize the impact of these factors on the results.

4. Can physical body test conditions affect the outcome of an experiment?

Yes, physical body test conditions can greatly impact the outcome of an experiment. If not properly controlled for, these conditions can introduce bias and affect the validity of the results. Therefore, it is essential for scientists to carefully consider and account for physical body test conditions in their studies.

5. Are there any ethical concerns related to physical body test conditions?

Yes, there can be ethical concerns related to physical body test conditions, especially when it comes to vulnerable populations such as children or individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. Scientists must ensure that their research adheres to ethical guidelines and does not harm participants in any way.

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