Can Newton's Second Law be Derived from the Work Energy Theorem?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Newton's second law as the ultimate truth and the comparison between F=ma and W=fd=(mv^2)/2 in terms of their fundamental nature. The speaker also mentions their plan to derive the second law from the work energy theorem using the principle of reverse engineering and seeks confirmation on the correctness of their method.
  • #1
i was just thinking over line that my teacher told - "Newton's second law is ultimate truth"
i feel why one can say 'F=ma' is more prestigious th 'work energy method' Though i know they are one and same thing, i was planning to derive (using principle of reverse engineering) second law of Newton from work energy theorem.
Just help me out tellin' if my method is correct [i donno high-fi vector calculus (not even much of basics)]

W= 1/2mv2
differential form


F.dx = mvdv
F = mvdv/dx
F = m(dv/dt)
Physics news on
  • #2
namanjain said:
i was just thinking over line that my teacher told - "Newton's second law is ultimate truth"
To some extent that's an aesthetic judgement, so there's no particular reason why you and your teacher have to agree about whether ##F=ma## or ##W=fd=(mv^2)/2## is more fundamental. However, forces and accelerations are things that we can see and feel, whereas work and energy are more mathematical abstractions that we constructed after the fact to help us explain the workings of force and acceleration. Thus, you'll probably find that many people share your teacher's sense of "ultimate truth".

There's nothing wrong with your reverse-engineering exercise - indeed, it pretty much has to come out that way if the theory is consistent (and I presume you and your teacher agree about that).

FAQ: Can Newton's Second Law be Derived from the Work Energy Theorem?

1. What is mathematical conversion?

Mathematical conversion is the process of changing a quantity or value from one unit of measurement to another. This is often done to make calculations or comparisons easier.

2. Why is mathematical conversion important?

Mathematical conversion is important because it allows for consistency and accuracy when working with different units of measurement. It also makes it easier to communicate information and compare data.

3. How is mathematical conversion done?

Mathematical conversion is done by using conversion factors, which are ratios that relate two different units of measurement. To convert from one unit to another, the original value is multiplied by the appropriate conversion factor.

4. What are some common units of measurement used in mathematical conversion?

Some common units of measurement used in mathematical conversion include length (meters, feet), weight (kilograms, pounds), volume (liters, gallons), and temperature (Celsius, Fahrenheit).

5. Can mathematical conversion be used for non-numerical values?

No, mathematical conversion is only applicable to numerical values. Non-numerical values, such as words or phrases, cannot be converted using mathematical methods.
