Can Non Tachyonic Bosonic Strings Resolve String Theory's Complexities?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the paper by Magueijo and Smolin discusses a proposal for deformed dispersion relations in the bosonic string action. This results in both the string modes and the center of mass propagating with deformed dispersion relations while keeping the speed of light energy independent. The authors also explore the implications for canonical quantization and the elimination of the tachyon from the spectrum. This concept is similar to the DSR theory discussed by Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman and has potential applications in the context of string theory. Other researchers, such as Thiemann, have also proposed similar ideas with mixed reactions from the community.
  • #1
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this paper is far over my head, but i thought it may
interest some of you.
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  • #2
Originally posted by wolram

this paper is far over my head, but i thought it may
interest some of you.

Magueijo and Smolin
"String theories with deformed energy momentum relations,
and a possible non-tachyonic bosonic string"
We consider a prescription for introducing deformed dispersion relations in the bosonic string action. We find that in a subset of such theories it remains true that the embedding coordinates propagate linearly on the worldsheet. While both the string modes and the center of mass propagate with deformed dispersion relations, the speed of light remains energy independent. We consider the canonical quantization of these strings, and find that it is possible to choose theories so that ghost modes still decouple, as usual. We also find that there are examples where the tachyon is eliminated from the spectrum of the free bosonic string.
----------end quote---------

"While both the string modes and the center of mass propagate with deformed dispersion relations, the speed of light remains energy independent."

sounds like a version of DSR that Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman was talking about. DSR has been applied in Loop gravity. seems reasonable to try it out in String context as well. Wolram thanks for the link, I will have look at the paper and some others will too, I expect.
Loop people seem to be intruding into the stringy realms and saying "here, allow me to remove your irksome tachyons, let me dispel your ghosts for you..." all rather strange. Thiemann's paper like that, but it didnt seem to make them very happy did it?
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  • #3

Thank you for sharing this paper on a non tachyonic bosonic string. The concept of tachyonic bosonic strings has been a topic of interest in string theory for many years. Tachyons are particles that travel faster than the speed of light and their existence in string theory has been a source of controversy and debate. The paper you shared presents an alternative approach to string theory by proposing a non tachyonic bosonic string model.

The authors of this paper use a technique called "open string thermodynamics" to study the properties of this non tachyonic string. This approach has been successful in resolving some of the issues associated with tachyonic strings, such as the presence of imaginary masses and negative energies.

The results presented in this paper are intriguing and could potentially lead to a better understanding of string theory. However, as you mentioned, the topic is quite complex and may be difficult for some readers to fully grasp. Nonetheless, it is always exciting to see new ideas and approaches being explored in the field of string theory.

Overall, thank you for sharing this paper and for sparking a discussion on this interesting topic. I look forward to reading more about the developments in this area of research.

Related to Can Non Tachyonic Bosonic Strings Resolve String Theory's Complexities?

What is a non tachyonic bosonic string?

A non tachyonic bosonic string is a type of fundamental string theory element that describes the smallest possible units of matter. It is a theoretical object that is thought to vibrate in multiple dimensions and give rise to all known particles and forces in the universe.

How does a non tachyonic bosonic string differ from a tachyonic bosonic string?

A tachyonic bosonic string is a type of fundamental string theory element that is thought to have imaginary mass and travel faster than the speed of light. A non tachyonic bosonic string, on the other hand, is thought to have real mass and travel at or below the speed of light. This difference in properties has significant implications for the behavior and effects of the strings in various physical scenarios.

What is the significance of non tachyonic bosonic strings in string theory?

Non tachyonic bosonic strings are significant in string theory because they provide a framework for understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe. They are thought to be the underlying structure of all particles and forces, and are used in theoretical models to explain phenomena at both the microscopic and macroscopic scales.

Are there any experimental results that support the existence of non tachyonic bosonic strings?

At this time, there is no experimental evidence that directly supports the existence of non tachyonic bosonic strings. However, string theory as a whole is still a highly theoretical and speculative field, and there are ongoing efforts to develop and test predictions of the theory through experiments and observations.

What are some potential applications of non tachyonic bosonic strings?

The potential applications of non tachyonic bosonic strings are vast and varied. If proven to exist, they could help us better understand the nature of gravity, unify the four known forces of the universe, and potentially lead to the development of new technologies and advancements in fields such as quantum computing and energy production.

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