Can Obama inspire change in Washington?

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In summary, Obama gives a speech about inspiring America to come together and fix the partisan divide. He also gives a speech about how he is the son of a black man and how he will be a great president.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Internet Address November 15, 2008

Can Obama continue to inspire?

Here is today's address that he has published on the Web. He looks like he continues to deliver a kind of eloquence from his past public addresses that has inspired the nation to elect him. (A few examples follow.) But can he come to inspire the machinery of Government to set aside the partisan differences and vested moneyed interests that has so divided the nation, and led to the kinds of pork barrel grabs that has been characterizing the last 8 years of the apparently disastrous reign by the Republicans? Will eloquence be enough?

Or is the real burger in the bun his intelligence, of which his eloquence is but a facet?
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  • #3
Speech to the Democratic Convention, August 28, 2008
  • #4
Victory Speech Nov 4, 2008
  • #5
Can Obama continue to inspire as he did during his campaign?

No, and yes. The honeymoon will end, and I think it will be interesting to see how and when it ends for most supporters. He is going to make a lot of difficult decisions.

But, I can also see him gaining the trust and faith of most Americans over the long term. So in the end I think he may well emerge as one of the great Presidents who inspired our nation during a time of crisis. He will rise to the challenge, and that will be inspirational in its own right.
  • #6
Ivan Seeking said:
No, and yes. The honeymoon will end, and I think it will be interesting to see how and when it ends for most supporters.

It will be like crashing from an overdose of cocaine. There are people who think he will crap out rainbows and literally they won't have to worry about their mortgages. That's just as irrational as the people who call him a terrorist. Even if he had some kind of super-intelligence to know the solution to all these problems, he's still only the President. Despite our 8 previous years, the president does have limits on his power. The expectations of him are too high, and that's a shame, because even if he does amazing things a lot of people will still think it's not enough.

But, I can also see him gaining the trust and faith of most Americans over the long term. So in the end I think he may well emerge as one of the great Presidents who inspired our nation during a time of crisis. He will rise to the challenge, and that will be inspirational in its own right.

Let's hope so. He has a huge burden to bear. Being president is hard enough, but now people are looking to him to fix the last 8 years and they want it now. People are already looking to him for guidance despite him not having any power yet. Foreign leaders are looking to negotiate with him, despite him not being in power yet.

Honestly, I hope this all blows over after he becomes president, for his sake. If he has to keep to this kind of tempo, he won't last long. He's only human.
  • #7
All I ask is that he sprouts a couple more pairs of arms, his skin turns blue, and he dances the dance of creation of fiat currency that fills every bank account to the brim.

Or maybe it would be cool if he was Raiden from Mortal Kombat and could blast Al'Quaida with lighting bolts.

We just know he's going to reveal his divinity at some point and it will be exciting to see his magic powers.
  • #8
If you ask me, he already has.

Three years ago, what odds would you have given that a black man named Hussein would be the next President?

Think about it. His chief of staff is called Emanuel. What more proof do you need? :biggrin:
  • #10
Interesting progression from his DNC speech in Boston July, 2004
  • #11
ObamaTube overload!
  • #12
Whats the point of this thread other than to post a bunch of Obama videos?
  • #13
Cyrus said:
Whats the point of this thread other than to post a bunch of Obama videos?

Lucky for you Cyrus tonight's Obama interview on Sixty Minutes is not yet avalilabe. I am sure it will be soon. It was great don't miss it.:devil:
  • #14
edward said:
Lucky for you Cyrus tonight's Obama interview on Sixty Minutes is not yet avalilabe. I am sure it will be soon. It was great don't miss it.:devil:

I watched it. But I don't see the point of just posting it here along with every other video of him ever made.
  • #15
Cyrus said:
I watched it. But I don't see the point of just posting it here along with every other video of him ever made.

We're indoctrinating you.

FAQ: Can Obama inspire change in Washington?

1. What was the main topic of Obama's address to the nation?

The main topic of Obama's address to the nation varies depending on the specific speech and current events at the time. However, some common themes include economic policies, foreign relations, healthcare reform, and national security.

2. When did Obama deliver his first address to the nation?

Obama delivered his first address to the nation on February 24, 2009, just over a month after taking office as the 44th President of the United States.

3. How often does Obama address the nation?

The frequency of Obama's addresses to the nation varies, but on average he gave about 2-3 speeches per month during his presidency. However, during major events or crises, he may address the nation more frequently.

4. How long do Obama's addresses to the nation typically last?

The length of Obama's addresses to the nation also varies, but they typically range from 15 minutes to an hour. The longest address he gave was his 2015 State of the Union address, which lasted over an hour and a half.

5. What is the purpose of Obama's addresses to the nation?

The purpose of Obama's addresses to the nation is to communicate important information and updates about the state of the country, policies, and current events. They also serve as a way for the President to connect with the American people and rally support for his initiatives.

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