Can open sets be written as unions of intervals?

In summary, the theorem states that any open set in Rn can be written as the countable union of nonoverlapping intervals, where "interval" means a parallelopiped in Rn, and nonoverlapping means the interiors of the intervals are disjoint.
  • #1
A theorem of real analysis states that any open set in [itex]\Re^{n}[/itex] can be written as the countable union of nonoverlapping intervals, where "interval" means a parallelopiped in [itex]\Re^{n}[/itex], and nonoverlapping means the interiors of the intervals are disjoint. Well, what about something as simple as an open ball in [itex]\Re^{2}[/itex] or [itex]\Re^{3}[/itex]? Intuitively, I can't visualize how non-overlapping rectangles, even a countably infinite number of them, could ever make a circle. If you could write it as such a union, then just pick a point on the circumference of the circle: it is either a corner of a rectangle or on the side of a rectangle. Either way, it would not look like a circle near that point.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You in Advance.
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  • #2
The point on the circumference of the circle does not belong to the open set. This is crucial. An open set does not contain its boundary points. So points on the circumference is something we do not need to worry about.

I agree that the theorem is counterintuitive, and I find it difficult to visualize it myself. But the theorem is true.
  • #3
micromass said:
The point on the circumference of the circle does not belong to the open set. This is crucial. An open set does not contain its boundary points. So points on the circumference is something we do not need to worry about.

I agree that the theorem is counterintuitive, and I find it difficult to visualize it myself. But the theorem is true.
First of all, are all the intervals in the theorem closed intervals? If they are, then I find it bizarre that the points on the circumference do not belong to the union of intervals.
  • #4
lugita15 said:
First of all, are all the intervals in the theorem closed intervals? If they are, then I find it bizarre that the points on the circumference do not belong to the union of intervals.

Open intervals can be written as the union of open intervals, that is what the theorem says. So we're dealing with open sets here...
  • #5
micromass said:
Open intervals can be written as the union of open intervals, that is what the theorem says. So we're dealing with open sets here...
OK, Wheeden and Zymund say every open set can be written as the union of nonoverlapping closed cubes, and they might have made a mistake, but in the interior of the circle, if you exclude the edges of rectangles, then aren't there points missing when you look at the boundary between two rectangles?
  • #6
lugita15 said:
OK, Wheeden and Zymund say every open set can be written as the union of nonoverlapping closed cubes, and they might have made a mistake, but in the interior of the circle, if you exclude the edges of rectangles, then aren't there points missing when you look at the boundary between two rectangles?

OK, closed intervals work as well actually. And no, there aren't any points missing. It's really hard to visualize, though. The point is that the intervals can be made arbitrary small and close to each other.
  • #7
micromass said:
OK, closed intervals work as well actually. And no, there aren't any points missing. It's really hard to visualize, though. The point is that the intervals can be made arbitrary small and close to each other.
OK, I can actually kind of visualize the open-interval version: within every gap between open intervals you can put an open interval, and within the new gaps you can put even smaller open intervals.

But I'm trying to understand the closed interval version. In the proof of the theorem given by Wheeden and Zymund, the closed intervals are adjacent to one another. So my first question is, in this version are ALL the intervals closed? Or is it only the intervals that are entirely in the interior of the circle that are closed, but the intervals that touch the "open air" have (parts of) their boundaries excluded? If all the intervals are closed, that would be really counterintuitive.
  • #8
Just to clarify what theorem I'm talking about, attached is the statement and proof of the result from Wheeden and Zygmund.


  • Interval Theorem.JPG
    Interval Theorem.JPG
    106.8 KB · Views: 698
  • #9
What does "non overlapping" mean in that book? - no common points? - or no common volume?
  • #10
Stephen Tashi said:
What does "non overlapping" mean in that book? - no common points? - or no common area?
It means the interiors are disjoint. Two intervals are allowed to share a boundary.
  • #11
lugita15 said:
OK, Wheeden and Zymund say every open set can be written as the union of nonoverlapping closed cubes,
lugita15 said:
It means the interiors are disjoint. Two intervals are allowed to share a boundary.
Ah, this makes a big difference! I don't believe an arbitrary open set in Rn (for n > 1) can be written as a disjoint union of open n-cubes.

In fact, I don't even believe an open interval in R1 can be written as the disjoint union of 2 or more open intervals.(aside: my gut thinks you might be able to do better than "non-overlapping" closed cubes -- that you can actually have "disjoint")

lugita15 said:
If you could write it as such a union, then just pick a point on the circumference of the circle: it is either a corner of a rectangle or on the side of a rectangle.
You missed a third and very important case: it is not on any rectangle at all. (but there is an infinite sequence of rectangles approaching it)

Related to Can open sets be written as unions of intervals?

1. What are open sets?

Open sets are sets in which every point has a neighborhood contained entirely within the set. In other words, for every point in an open set, there exists a small enough interval around that point that is also contained within the set.

2. Can all open sets be written as unions of intervals?

No, not all open sets can be written as unions of intervals. For example, consider the open set of all real numbers between 0 and 1. This set cannot be written as a union of intervals.

3. What is the purpose of writing open sets as unions of intervals?

Writing open sets as unions of intervals can make it easier to understand and visualize the set. It can also help with proving certain properties of open sets, such as connectedness or compactness.

4. How do you write an open set as a union of intervals?

To write an open set as a union of intervals, you need to find a collection of intervals that cover the entire set. This means that the union of all the intervals in the collection must be equal to the original set. Each interval in the collection should also be contained within the original set.

5. Are open sets the only sets that can be written as unions of intervals?

No, open sets are not the only sets that can be written as unions of intervals. Closed sets, perfect sets, and certain types of compact sets can also be written as unions of intervals. However, not all sets can be written as unions of intervals, as shown in the answer to the second question.

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