Can Optical Tweezers Manipulate Conducting Microscopic Particles?

  • Thread starter pjbeierle
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In summary, optical tweezers use electric fields to manipulate dielectric particles, but it is also possible to trap conducting particles. However, there are limitations in terms of particle size and the mechanism for trapping is different for conducting particles due to the excitation of surface plasmons. These tweezers can be used at the atomic scale to create Bose-Einstein condensates.
  • #1
it typically states that optical tweezers are used to manipulate dielectric particles or whatnot. Is it also possible to do the same with conducting microscopic particles? what are the limitations besides mass being not too large? obviously optical trapping can be used down to the atomic scale as well (which is why one can make bose-einstein condensates), so I am confused why it is specified as being dielectric.
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  • #2
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A dielectric material behaves as an electric dipole in an electromagnetic field (i.e. the laser beam), due to the electric field inducing a dipole moment in the dielectric. Since an electric dipole is attracted toward the region of highest electric field strength, the laser beam works as an optical tweezers with dielectric particles.

A conducting particle will reflect the laser beam, rather than refract & transmit it. However, it's not clear to me what that will mean in terms of the net force on the particle.
  • #3
pjbeierle said:
obviously optical trapping can be used down to the atomic scale as well (which is why one can make bose-einstein condensates)

there is lower limit to size of the particle that you can trap with the optical tweezer since the diameter at the focus is diffraction limited. The particle should be big enough to feel the electric field gradient, so that the photon/particle momentum exchange will drive the particle to be trapped highest intensity region of the focus.
  • #4
Smaller metal particles (of the order of 10 nm) can be trapped. Or at least there were some attempts. I did not follow the work in the field for a few years. The mechanism is different than the one for dielectric particles. It has something to do with excitation of surface plasmons.

FAQ: Can Optical Tweezers Manipulate Conducting Microscopic Particles?

1. What is an optical tweezer?

An optical tweezer is a scientific instrument that uses a focused laser beam to trap and manipulate small particles, usually on the scale of micrometers. It is also known as an optical trap or laser trap.

2. How does an optical tweezer work?

An optical tweezer works by using the momentum of photons from a focused laser beam to exert a force on small particles. This force can be used to trap and manipulate the particles in three dimensions.

3. What types of particles can be trapped by an optical tweezer?

An optical tweezer can trap a variety of particles, including living cells, bacteria, and even individual molecules. The size of the particles that can be trapped depends on the properties of the laser beam and the surrounding medium.

4. What are the applications of optical tweezers?

Optical tweezers have a wide range of applications in various fields, including biology, physics, and chemistry. They can be used to study the mechanical properties of cells, manipulate individual molecules for nanotechnology, and create new materials.

5. What are the advantages of using an optical tweezer over other trapping methods?

An optical tweezer offers several advantages over other trapping methods, such as magnetic or acoustic traps. It can trap particles without physical contact, allowing for non-invasive manipulation. It also has high precision and can manipulate particles in three dimensions with ease.
