Can Particles in Extreme Conditions Exhibit Quantum Degeneracy?

In summary, to determine whether a gas of neutrons in a neutron star with a mass density of 10^17 kg/m^3 at a temperature of 10^8K and a gas of oxygen molecules at a pressure of 10atm and room temperature are degenerate, we can use the de Broglie wavelength and inter-particle spacing formulas. By finding the de Broglie wavelength for the neutrons and comparing it to the inter-particle spacing, we can determine if the gas is degenerate. Similarly, for the oxygen molecules, we can find the number density using the given mass density and then use it to calculate the inter-particle spacing. If the calculated values are less than the de Broglie wavelength
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Homework Statement

By estimating the De Broglie wavelength and the inter-particle spacing, find whether the following systems of particles are degenerate:
(i) a gas of neutrons in a neutron star with mass density 10^17 kg/m^3 at the temperature of 10^8K
(ii)a gas of oxygen molecules at pressure 10atm(=10^6 pascals) at room temperature

Homework Equations

De Broglie wavelength, l= h/(sqrt(2*pi*m*k*T))
inter-particle spacing: (4/3)*pi*d^3=1/n
h = 6.626x10^-34 Js
k= 1.38x10^-23 J/K

The Attempt at a Solution

for degeneracy d< l

De Broglie wavelength, l= 6.626x10^-34 /(sqrt(2*pi*10^17 *1.38x10^-23*10^8))
= 2.25x10^-35?

Is m in the DeBroglie equation meant to be mass? so if I have mass density how do I found the mass if idon't know the volume of the gas??

Also for the inter-particle spacing what is the number density(n) for each example??

Physics news on
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The "m" in the de Broglie wavelength formula is the mass of one gas particle. In this case the mass of one neutron.

"n" is the number density i.e. the number of particles in unit volume. This can be expressed with the mass of a neutron and the given mass density of the neutron gas as follows:

consider V to be the volume of the gas, and N to be the total number of particles in the gas. Then: n=N/V
Now if rho is the mass density then the volume of the gas is: V=(m*N)/rho since m is the mass of a single particle, and so m*N is the total mass of the gas. Now write this in the formula for the number density, and you will see that N will cancel, only the m mass of a single neutron and the rho mass density will stay back, which are known.

FAQ: Can Particles in Extreme Conditions Exhibit Quantum Degeneracy?

1. What is the De Broglie wavelength problem?

The De Broglie wavelength problem is a theoretical issue in quantum mechanics named after physicist Louis de Broglie. It refers to the inconsistency between the predicted wavelength of a particle and the actual wavelength observed in experiments.

2. How does the De Broglie wavelength problem affect our understanding of matter?

The De Broglie wavelength problem challenges our traditional understanding of matter as particles with fixed positions and velocities. Instead, it suggests that particles also exhibit wave-like properties and have a wavelength associated with them.

3. What factors contribute to the De Broglie wavelength problem?

The De Broglie wavelength problem is influenced by the uncertainty principle, which states that we cannot know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This leads to a discrepancy between the predicted and observed wavelengths.

4. How does the De Broglie wavelength problem relate to the double-slit experiment?

The double-slit experiment is a classic demonstration of the wave-like behavior of particles. It shows that particles, such as electrons, can exhibit interference patterns, similar to waves. This supports the idea that particles have a wavelength, as predicted by the De Broglie wavelength equation.

5. What are some possible solutions to the De Broglie wavelength problem?

One proposed solution is the pilot-wave theory, which suggests that particles are guided by a pilot wave that determines their motion and accounts for the observed wavelength. Another solution is the many-worlds interpretation, which suggests that particles exist in multiple states simultaneously and the observed wavelength is a result of interference between these states.

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