Can Physical Laws Be Truly Independent?

In summary, the conversation discusses the example of an electron absorbing a photon and the constraints that come with it. The proof presented assumes that the constraints are independent, but this may not always be the case. The corollary mentioned is true for linear equations, but may not hold for non-linear and non-algebraic systems.
  • #1
There is a famous example that electron couldn't absorb the whole incoming photon without emitting another one. Instead of the normal way, I try to prove it simply by argument ( which might be wrong ).
There are four constraints in the process, one from energy conservation, three from momentum. If only electron is left after so, there are only three variables (momentum in different directions, energy could be derived from the three variables). Further 'assume' the constraints are all independent, and (Corollary)
Given there are n independent constraints with m variables, if m < n, there will be no solution.

The photon-all-absorbed configuration doesn't have enough variables, thus impossible to exist.

Questions to raise :
1. Is the proof fine? Limit it to at least the case of the photon absorption first.
2. Are the physical laws, especially the energy-momentum conservation, always independent? If not, any example?
3. Is the corollary true?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Say the electron has initial momentum (x, y, z), which corresponds to electron's energy e(x, y, z). Ditto for the photon: (a, b, c) -> f(a, b, c). Suppose the electron absorbs the photon entirely and so its momentum is now (X, Y, Z) = (x + a, y + b, z + c), and its energy is e(X, Y, Z) = e(x + a, y + b, z + c) = e(x, y, z) + f(a, b, c). So we end up with this equation:

e(x + a, y + b, z + c) = e(x, y, z) + f(a, b, c)

Can we state, without looking at the details of functions e() and f() that the equation above has no solutions?
  • #3
simoncks said:
Questions to raise :
1. Is the proof fine? Limit it to at least the case of the photon absorption first.
The proof assumes without justification that the constraints are independent.

2. Are the physical laws, especially the energy-momentum conservation, always independent? If not, any example?
As a matter of economy, we would not usually want more physical laws than we need. But it's not a rule.

3. Is the corollary true?
For a system of linear equations, yes. If you have n independent equations in n unknowns, an n+1'st equation will either be a linear combination of them or will be inconsistent with them.

There is no need to go this deep to obtain a proof, however. Just adopt a frame of reference in which the electron ends at rest.
  • #4
1- The proof isn't fine!
Before impact, we have energy of the photon and its momentum components and energy of the electron and its momentum components. Here also you can derive each particle's energy from its momentum, but because you're going to use it in conservation of energy, you should have it anyway. So you have four equations of constraint and four quantities.
The reason you can't have the process [itex] \gamma+e \rightarrow e [/itex], is that in the centre of mass frame of reference, the net momentum is zero before impact, and because the photon-electron system is isolated, the net momentum of the system is conserved and so it should be zero after the impact too. But if there is only one particle left after the impact, it should be at rest w.r.t. the centre of mass otherwise the net momentum won't be zero after the impact. So what happened to the kinetic energy?!

2- Independence of physical laws means that they're not each others' consequences. Well, some physical laws are consequences of other laws, that's for sure. But energy conservation and momentum conservation are independent from each other.

3- That's not a corollary of your arguments. That's a known mathematical fact that over-determined linear algebraic systems, have no solutions.(I don't know about non-linear and non-algebraic systems.)
  • #5

I cannot provide a definitive response to this content without further information and analysis. However, I can provide some thoughts and considerations on the topic.

Firstly, the argument presented here is not a rigorous proof and cannot be considered as such. It relies on assumptions and "thought experiments" rather than empirical evidence and mathematical analysis. In order to prove a physical law, it must be tested and verified through experiments and observations.

Secondly, the concept of independence of physical laws is a complex and debated topic in the scientific community. While some laws may appear to be independent, they may actually be interconnected and interdependent in ways that we may not fully understand yet. For example, energy and momentum conservation are closely related and cannot be considered completely independent.

Thirdly, the corollary presented here is not necessarily true in all cases. There may be situations where the number of variables is less than the number of constraints, but a solution still exists. It is important to carefully consider and analyze each specific case rather than making general assumptions.

In conclusion, while the concept of independence of physical laws is intriguing, it requires careful examination and analysis before any definitive conclusions can be drawn. As scientists, it is our responsibility to continually question and test our understanding of the laws of nature in order to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

FAQ: Can Physical Laws Be Truly Independent?

1. What is the concept of independence of physical laws?

Independence of physical laws refers to the idea that the laws of nature, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and thermodynamics, operate independently of one another. This means that the behavior of one physical system or phenomenon is not influenced by the behavior of another system or phenomenon.

2. How do scientists determine if physical laws are independent?

Scientists determine the independence of physical laws through experimentation and observation. By carefully studying and testing the behavior of different physical systems, they can determine whether or not the laws governing those systems are influenced by each other. If the behavior of one system remains consistent regardless of the behavior of another system, then the laws governing those systems are considered independent.

3. Are there any exceptions to the independence of physical laws?

While the concept of independence of physical laws is generally accepted, there are some cases where laws may appear to be dependent on each other. For example, quantum mechanics and general relativity are two theories that describe different aspects of the physical world and have been shown to be interconnected in some ways. However, this does not necessarily mean that the laws themselves are dependent, but rather that they are describing different aspects of the same overall system.

4. Why is the independence of physical laws important in science?

The concept of independence of physical laws is important because it allows scientists to make accurate predictions and explanations about the behavior of different physical systems. By understanding that the laws governing one system do not depend on the laws governing another system, scientists can better understand and manipulate the physical world around us.

5. Can physical laws change over time?

The independence of physical laws does not necessarily mean that the laws themselves are static and unchanging. In fact, scientific theories and laws are constantly evolving as new evidence and observations are made. However, any changes to physical laws must be supported by solid evidence and rigorous testing before they are accepted by the scientific community.

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