Can Pro-E Conduct Buoyancy Analysis for Underwater Autonomous Vehicles?

In summary, a team is working on designing an underwater autonomous vehicle and is utilizing Pro-E to make the process easier. They are interested in testing the buoyancy of the vehicle using Pro-E, but it is not included in the standard package. It is possible to do a basic buoyancy analysis by looking at displaced volume, weight, and center of gravity. While the speaker does not personally use Pro E, they have heard from other engineers that Pro Mechanica can be time-consuming to achieve a solution.
  • #1
My robotic team and I are constructing an underwater autonomous vehicle. We are trying to do as much of the design process in Pro-E as possible to make life easier for us down the road. One aspect of testing which would be made much easier is buoyancy testing. Therefore, I was wondering if it possible to do buoyancy analysis in Pro-E. If anyone knows more about this it would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Not in the standard package. You can only do geometry or mass analysis. You will be able to get the overall assembly CG. I don't know about Pro/Mechanica though.
  • #3
You can do a simple buoancy analysis by doing things like looking at the total displaced volume of the sumersible, the calculated weight, calculating the center of gravity, etc.
  • #4
I don't use Pro E in my current position but I have worked with other engineers who have used Pro Mechanica and they say it's time to achieve a solution can be very long.

Just thought I would throw that out there.


FAQ: Can Pro-E Conduct Buoyancy Analysis for Underwater Autonomous Vehicles?

What is buoyancy analysis in Pro-E?

Buoyancy analysis in Pro-E is a process that evaluates the buoyant forces acting on a part or assembly in a fluid environment. It helps in understanding how the fluid forces will affect the design and performance of the product.

What are the benefits of performing buoyancy analysis in Pro-E?

Performing buoyancy analysis in Pro-E allows for early detection of potential design flaws, helps in optimizing the design for better performance, and ensures that the product will function properly in the intended fluid environment. It also helps in reducing development time and costs.

What types of fluid environments can be analyzed using Pro-E?

Pro-E can analyze a wide range of fluid environments such as air, water, and oil. It also allows for the simulation of different fluid properties and conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate.

How is buoyancy analysis in Pro-E different from other analysis methods?

Buoyancy analysis in Pro-E is specifically designed to analyze the effects of fluid forces on a product, while other analysis methods may focus on different aspects such as structural integrity or thermal performance. Pro-E also offers advanced features such as surface tension and cavitation analysis.

Can buoyancy analysis in Pro-E be used for all types of products?

Yes, buoyancy analysis in Pro-E can be used for a wide range of products, from small components to large assemblies. It is especially useful for products that will be used in fluid environments, such as boats, submarines, or underwater equipment.
