Can Proof by Contradiction Be Validated through Logical Equivalences?

In summary, the conversation revolves around proving that if x^2 + y = 13 and y \neq 4, then x \neq 3. The proof by contradiction shows that if x were 3, then y would have to be 4, which contradicts the given condition that y is not 4. The other assumptions are taken for granted and the goal of the proof is to show that if they are true, then x \neq 3.
  • #1
Cole A.

Homework Statement

Prove that if [itex] x^2 + y = 13 [/itex] and [itex] y \neq 4 [/itex], then [itex] x \neq 3 [/itex].

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

The proof itself is simple enough: suppose [itex] x^2 + y = 13 [/itex] and [itex] y \neq 4 [/itex]. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that [itex] x = 3 [/itex]. Then
(3)^2 + y &= 13 \\
y &= 4.
But this contradicts the knowledge that [itex] y \neq 4 [/itex]. Therefore, if [itex] x^2 + y = 13 [/itex] and [itex] y \neq 4 [/itex], then [itex] x \neq 3 [/itex].

The problem I am having is understanding why this is logically valid. Would it be correct to say that, for the statements
A &: x^2 + y = 13 \\
B &: y = 4 \\
C &: x = 3,
what has been proven is below?
&(A \wedge \neg B \wedge C) \rightarrow B \\
\text{which is equivalent to}~ &(A \wedge \neg B) \rightarrow (C \rightarrow B) \\
\text{which is equivalent to}~ &(A \wedge \neg B) \rightarrow (\neg B \rightarrow \neg C) \\
\text{which is equivalent to}~ &(A \wedge \neg B \wedge \neg B) \rightarrow \neg C \\
\text{which is equivalent to}~ &(A \wedge \neg B) \rightarrow \neg C.

Is this the proper way to think about the validity of proof by contradiction? (Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm not a mathematician. What I am finding hard to stomach is identifying [itex] x = 3 [/itex] as the contradictory statement when there are actually three statements that were assumed to be true (and thus possible culprits of the contradiction)).
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  • #2
There is no need to write out the argument in symbolic logic. It works as follows: If x were 3 then y would have to be 4. Since we know that y is not 4, our assumption that x=3 must be false since we obtained an incorrect result with it. Therefore x [itex] \neq 4 [/itex].

You ask why the other assumptions couldn't be the source of the contradiction. We are taking [itex] x^2 + y = 17 [/itex] and [itex] y \neq 4 [/itex] for granted. After all, the goal of the proof is to show that [itex]\mathbf {if} [/itex] these two statements are true, then [itex] x \neq 4 [/itex].
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  • #3
HS-Scientist said:
... then [itex] x \neq 4 [/itex].

I'm sure that you have a typo.

You mean [itex]\ x \neq 3 . [/itex]
  • #4
@HS-Scientist: Thanks for your answer.

FAQ: Can Proof by Contradiction Be Validated through Logical Equivalences?

1. What is proof by contradiction?

Proof by contradiction is a mathematical proof technique that involves assuming the opposite of what you are trying to prove and showing that it leads to a contradiction or an absurdity. This then proves that the original statement must be true.

2. When should I use proof by contradiction?

Proof by contradiction is useful when the direct proof or other proof techniques are not applicable or do not lead to a solution. It is also used when trying to prove a statement that is difficult to prove directly.

3. How does proof by contradiction work?

In proof by contradiction, we assume the opposite of what we want to prove and then show that it leads to a logical contradiction. A logical contradiction is a statement or a situation that cannot be true, and therefore, our assumption must be false. This proves the original statement to be true.

4. Can you provide an example of proof by contradiction?

Sure. Let's say we want to prove that the square root of 2 is an irrational number. We can assume the opposite, that the square root of 2 is a rational number. This means it can be expressed as a fraction, a/b, where a and b are integers with no common factors. By squaring both sides, we get 2 = a^2/b^2. This leads to a contradiction, as a^2 must be an even number (since 2 is even) and b^2 must be an odd number (since 2 is not a perfect square). This contradicts our initial assumption that a and b have no common factors. Therefore, the square root of 2 must be irrational.

5. Are there any limitations to using proof by contradiction?

Proof by contradiction can only be used to prove the existence of something, not its uniqueness. It also relies on the law of excluded middle, which states that a statement is either true or false. In some branches of mathematics, such as constructive mathematics, this law is not accepted. Additionally, it may not always be the most efficient or elegant proof method, so it is important to consider other proof techniques as well.

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