Can Quantum Mechanics Allow for a Particle's Absolute Sharp Position?

  • Thread starter japrufrock
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In summary: I'm going to have to think about how I'm going to finish this sentence.In summary, the theory and practical reasons that no particle can have an absolute sharp position is that the position operator has no eigenvectors, and that the particle's wavefunction does not evolve in a delta function manner. There is no physical limitation in practice to this.
  • #1
What are the theoretical and practical reasons that no particle can have an absolute sharp position?

Is it because the position operator has no eigenvectors, i.e. position eigenstates are never descriptions of actual physical states (because they are Gaussian vectors with a certain width)?

And what is the physical limitation in practice, is it that we would require an infinite mean energy (because of the uncertainty principle)?
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  • #2
since the wave function is a continuous function

and that the position operator does not commute with the hamiltonian, i.e. it is not a constant but will change as time goes.
  • #3
For free particles you can prepare (mathematically) a sharply peaked = localized state using a delta function, but it will spread with time due to the Hamiltonian
  • #4
  • #5
japrufrock said:
What are the theoretical and practical reasons that no particle can have an absolute sharp position?

Is it because the position operator has no eigenvectors, i.e. position eigenstates are never descriptions of actual physical states (because they are Gaussian vectors with a certain width)?

And what is the physical limitation in practice, is it that we would require an infinite mean energy (because of the uncertainty principle)?

This is a bit puzzling. When I make a position measurement, I have a "sharp" position, which is where I measure it. The uncertainty in that measurement is not part of QM. Rather it is part of the experimental instrument,which continues to be refined.

Furthermore, in the Drude model, the single-particle spectral function of quasiparticles in a metal is a delta function. This is what gives you many of your beloved properties of conductors such as Ohm's Law. So even in principle, and certainly in the practical sense, one can certainly have "sharp positions".

  • #6
ZapperZ said:
When I make a position measurement, I have a "sharp" position, which is where I measure it. The uncertainty in that measurement is not part of QM. Rather it is part of the experimental instrument,which continues to be refined.
The best you can hope to accomplish with a "position measurement" is to confine the particle to a region of finite size, determined by the interaction between the particle and the measuring device. That region is never just a single point. So the measurement might give us a wavefunction with compact support, but not a delta function.

ZapperZ said:
Furthermore, in the Drude model, the single-particle spectral function of quasiparticles in a metal is a delta function. This is what gives you many of your beloved properties of conductors such as Ohm's Law. So even in principle, and certainly in the practical sense, one can certainly have "sharp positions".
I'm not familiar with this model, but it would be very surprising to me if the use of the delta function isn't just an idealization intended to make the calculation easier. I suppose you could argue that everything in physics is an idealization intended to make the calculation easier, but...uh...I'm going to have to think about how I'm going to finish this sentence. :smile:

OK, these are two of my thoughts:

1. The argument in the post I linked to seems to imply that only the "really nice" wavefunctions are consistent with translation invariance, which is a part of both Galilei and Poincaré invariance.

2. If you start with one of those "really nice" wavefunctions, I don't see any way for an interaction to change it into a delta function state. This is definitely ruled out for single-particle QM, where time evolution is just multiplication from the left by an operator of the form exp(-iHt), where H=p^2/2m+V and V is a smooth function of position.
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  • #7
Fredrik said:
The best you can hope to accomplish with a "position measurement" is to confine the particle to a region of finite size, determined by the interaction between the particle and the measuring device. That region is never just a single point. So the measurement might give us a wavefunction with compact support, but not a delta function.
You're talking about the wavefunction of the particle after the measurement is made. But the uncertainty principle (mentioned in the OP) just restricts the distribution of (many) measurements based on the particle's original wavefunction before the measurement. Correct?
  • #8
Fredrik said:
The best you can hope to accomplish with a "position measurement" is to confine the particle to a region of finite size, determined by the interaction between the particle and the measuring device. That region is never just a single point. So the measurement might give us a wavefunction with compact support, but not a delta function.

But the uncertainty in the position is due to my instrument. It has nothing to do with anything "fundamental". QM says nothing about the accuracy of my single measurement of the position. This is not the HUP.

I'm not familiar with this model, but it would be very surprising to me if the use of the delta function isn't just an idealization intended to make the calculation easier. I suppose you could argue that everything in physics is an idealization intended to make the calculation easier, but...uh...I'm going to have to think about how I'm going to finish this sentence. :smile:

The Drude model is the free electron gas model for metals. It is how you derive things such as Ohm's law.

If you look at the many-body theory of electron-electron interaction, the single-particle spectrum is represented by the imaginary part of the Green's function, which is the propagator. Now, how can we derive the drude model out of such a thing? We set the single-particle spectrum to be a delta function (i.e. infinite quasiparticle lifetime, etc.)! Voila! We get the Drude model and all of the familiar properties of metals (see, for example, Mattuck's Dover text on many-body physics). Such a thing may or may not be an "approximation", but this is, in principle, what is involved in one of the most common application of QM.

  • #9
japrufrock said:
What are the theoretical and practical reasons that no particle can have an absolute sharp position?

I read ZapperZ as simply answering the above question: the only thing preventing an absolutely sharp position is observational accuracy. There is no other theoretical issue according to standard physics.
  • #10
Doc Al said:
You're talking about the wavefunction of the particle after the measurement is made. But the uncertainty principle (mentioned in the OP) just restricts the distribution of (many) measurements based on the particle's original wavefunction before the measurement. Correct?

ZapperZ said:
But the uncertainty in the position is due to my instrument.
Does it matter what the cause is? You suggested that your measurement will put the particle in a delta function state, and I posted a partial explanation of why it won't. Sounds like we agree that we can get arbitrarily close but not all the way.

ZapperZ said:
QM says nothing about the accuracy of my single measurement of the position.
It doesn't put a lower bound on it, that much is true, but it does seem to say that the accuracy can't be zero.

DrChinese said:
I read ZapperZ as simply answering the above question: the only thing preventing an absolutely sharp position is observational accuracy. There is no other theoretical issue according to standard physics.
I don't believe that's correct. Translation invariance seems to require nice states (see #4), and applying a time evolution operator exp(-iHt) with a finite t to a "nice" state can't give us a delta function state. Also, the delta function isn't a member of [itex]L^2(\mathbb R^3)[/itex], so the axioms of the standard version of QM don't consider delta functions to be state vectors.

The question is, when we use the rigged Hilbert space formalism to extend the state vector space to include position "eigenstates", does this also give us a representation of the the relevant group (Galilei/Poincaré) on the "extended" state vector space? If the answer is yes, then I might change my long as we use a rigged Hilbert space to define what we mean by "QM", instead of a Hilbert space.
  • #11
Fredrik said:

Does it matter what the cause is? You suggested that your measurement will put the particle in a delta function state, and I posted a partial explanation of why it won't. Sounds like we agree that we can get arbitrarily close but not all the way.

Say you have a superposition of u1 and u2. Each is an energy eigenstate. I make an energy measurement, and I measure E1, corresponding to eigenstate u1. What's the uncertainty in my measurement of E1 based on QM?

  • #12
Quantum mechanics does not rule out a sharply defined position. It only says that such a sharp definition implies that the momentum p must have an infinite uncertainty.

In string theory, the uncertainty relation is modified to

[tex] \Delta x \geq \frac{\hbar}{\Delta p} + \alpha' \frac{\Delta p}{\hbar} [/tex]

This implies an minimum uncertainty in position of the order of [tex] ~ \sqrt{\alpha '} [/tex]
  • #13
dx said:
Quantum mechanics does not rule out a sharply defined position. It only says that such a sharp definition implies that the momentum p must have an infinite uncertainty.

In string theory, the uncertainty relation is modified to

[tex] \Delta x \geq \frac{\hbar}{\Delta p} + \alpha' \frac{\Delta p}{\hbar} [/tex]

This implies an minimum uncertainty in position of the order of [tex] ~ \sqrt{\alpha '} [/tex]

Certainly. This is similar to having plane wave states with the momentum having delta functions, while the position values can be anything. There's nothing, in principle, that prevents this.

We may be puffing and huffing over this thread for naught. The OP hasn't responded or participated since posting this.

  • #14
Not for naught! I think I see it more clearly now. Form a theoretical point of view, there is no limitation in having perfectly sharp position states. But in practice that implies an infinite energy.

What about the creation of a particle anti-particle pair when you try to do that 'sharpening'? Is that a theoretical limitation in relativistic QM?

About delta funtions, for what I can remember they are just idealizations of physical states in the limit of Delta x=0, they are not real functions representing actual states, isn't it?

thanks all
  • #15
japrufrock said:
Not for naught! I think I see it more clearly now. Form a theoretical point of view, there is no limitation in having perfectly sharp position states. But in practice that implies an infinite energy.

It does? Where do you get this from?

Are you confusing the SPREAD in a value versus the value itself?

  • #16
ZapperZ said:
I make an energy measurement, and I measure E1, corresponding to eigenstate u1. What's the uncertainty in my measurement of E1 based on QM?
The uncertainty of an observable in one of its eigenstates is 0, as you undoubtedly already know. And QM includes an axiom that says that a measurement of an observable leaves the system in an eigenstate of that observable, so the answer to your question is 0.

But position isn't an observable, at least not according to the books that go into detail about these things. (For example "An introduction to the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics: A short course for mathematicians", by F. Strocchi, and "Mathematical theory of quantum fields", by H. Araki. I have only read a few pages in each). Each measuring device that performs a "position measurement" does so with a finite accuracy, and is therefore represented mathematically not by "the position operator", but by some smoothed out version of it. (I don't know the exact details. I'm going to have to investigate this further).
  • #17
dx said:
Quantum mechanics does not rule out a sharply defined position. It only says that such a sharp definition implies that the momentum p must have an infinite uncertainty.
Are my arguments so obviously flawed that they don't even need to be addressed? There are issues with the definition of "state", translation invariance, how to get a "nice" wavefunction to change into a delta function, etc.

At the very least, we'd have to consider a formulation of QM based on the mathematics of rigged Hilbert spaces instead of the mathematics of Hilbert spaces before we can even use terms like "sharp position", and that may not solve all the issues.
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  • #18
Fredrik said:
The uncertainty of an observable in one of its eigenstates is 0, as you undoubtedly already know. And QM includes an axiom that says that a measurement of an observable leaves the system in an eigenstate of that observable, so the answer to your question is 0.

But position isn't an observable, at least not according to the books that go into detail about these things. (For example "An introduction to the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics: A short course for mathematicians", by F. Strocchi, and "Mathematical theory of quantum fields", by H. Araki. I have only read a few pages in each). Each measuring device that performs a "position measurement" does so with a finite accuracy, and is therefore represented mathematically not by "the position operator", but by some smoothed out version of it. (I don't know the exact details. I'm going to have to investigate this further).

Er.. if momentum is an observable, then why isn't position?

I can easily transform into momentum space, and THEN the status of p and x are now reversed.

  • #19
Everything I said about position holds for momentum as well. In particular, they're both unbounded operators, and neither of them is a mathematical representation of an observable. Measuring devices designed to measure position and momentum are represented by bounded operators constructed from the position and momentum operators, not by the position and momentum operators themselves.
  • #20
Fredrik said:
Everything I said about position holds for momentum as well. In particular, they're both unbounded operators, and neither of them is a mathematical representation of an observable. Measuring devices designed to measure position and momentum are represented by bounded operators constructed from the position and momentum operators, not by the position and momentum operators themselves.

Then there's something flawed with your idea. I can easily make a set of plane-wave states that are eigenstates of the momentum operator. Same deal as with the energy eigenstate example that I had earlier. Not only that, I can also make it so that the momentum operator commutes with the Hamiltonian! So if I have a non-degenerate state, I've shown that the eigenvalues of both p and H can be determined simultaneously with equal accuracy.

  • #21
ZapperZ said:
Then there's something flawed with your idea. I can easily make a set of plane-wave states that are eigenstates of the momentum operator.
Huh? Plane waves aren't state vectors, and if you mean something like

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty g(p)e^{-ipx}dp[/tex]

with a g that's nice enough for this to be a state vector, then it doesn't have a well-defined momentum.
  • #22
I agree with Fredrik here. What you can do is put the whole system in a finite volume and impose some appropriate boundary conditions. Then everything is well defined.
  • #23
Another obvious issue with sharp position measurements is that a single particle formulation of QM will have to break down the moment you attempt to locate a particle to within a region the size of the Compton length.
  • #24
Fredrik said:
Huh? Plane waves aren't state vectors, and if you mean something like

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty g(p)e^{-ipx}dp[/tex]

with a g that's nice enough for this to be a state vector, then it doesn't have a well-defined momentum.

No, I mean as in the Wannier function.

  • #25
Fredrik said:
Are my arguments so obviously flawed that they don't even need to be addressed?

I interpreted the question in the thread title to mean "is there a limit to how sharp a position a state can have?", and the answer to that is clearly 'no', since whether you want to include delta functions in the state space or not, the whole 1-paramenter family of functions fε defined by

fε(x) = 1/ε if x is in [0, ε]
fε(x) = 0 otherwise

are well defined, and ε can be as small as you want.
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  • #26
I resumed below the previous thought of colleagues for my understanding.

Why not sharp positions?

On measurement action: We get one clear value x. It includes error in reading measures Δx, so we evaluate the real position is within x plus minus Δx

On QM variance of ψ(x): QM says we get different observation values x in probability density |ψ(x)|^2.
We can prepare any sharp distribution around some x in principle.

On relativistic QM: More precise observation less than error of h'/mc cause particle-antiparticle creation and make position measurement mess because we will have multiple particles whose positions to be measured.

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Related to Can Quantum Mechanics Allow for a Particle's Absolute Sharp Position?

1. Why are sharp positions not desirable in scientific research?

Sharp positions, also known as binary or black-and-white positions, are not desirable in scientific research because they oversimplify complex issues and can lead to incorrect conclusions. They do not take into account the nuances and complexities of real-world phenomena, and can limit our understanding and ability to solve problems.

2. How do sharp positions hinder scientific progress?

Sharp positions hinder scientific progress by limiting the scope of inquiry and ignoring potential alternative explanations or solutions. They can also create bias and prevent the consideration of new evidence or perspectives that may challenge the sharp position.

3. Can sharp positions ever be useful in scientific research?

While sharp positions are generally not desirable in scientific research, they can sometimes serve as a starting point for further investigation. They can also be useful in simplifying complex ideas for communication purposes, but should not be taken as the ultimate truth.

4. How can scientists avoid falling into sharp positions?

Scientists can avoid falling into sharp positions by practicing critical thinking and being open-minded to different perspectives and evidence. It is important to constantly question and re-evaluate our beliefs and hypotheses, and to consider multiple factors and variables in our research.

5. Are there any benefits to using sharp positions in scientific debates?

While sharp positions may create a more dramatic and engaging debate, they can also lead to polarizing and unproductive discussions. It is often more productive to approach debates with an open mind and willingness to consider multiple perspectives, rather than trying to defend a sharp position at all costs.

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