Can Quaternion and Pauli Matrix algebra be linked in EM course?

In summary, the conversation discusses the connection between Quaternion and Pauli Matrix algebra. The introduction of quaternions in Minkowski's space and Dirac's proposition to discuss the Schrödinger equation led to the use of (4-4) matrices, which are related to (2-2) Pauli's matrices. This connection is further illustrated by the relation between the multiplication rules of Hamilton quaternions and Pauli quaternions. Further research is needed to fully understand the significance of this relation.
  • #1
i am learning Quaternion now for my EM course. Can someone enlighten me on the correspondence between Quaternion and Pauli Matrix algebra?
Physics news on
  • #2
Not so easy to explain;
metric tensor of the Minkowski's space <=> introduction of the quaternions;
a proposition from Dirac to discuss the Schrödinger equation => introduction of (4-4) matrices built in fine with the (2-2) Pauli's matrices;
Let us call m(a) for a = 0, 1, 2, 3 the different (4-4) matrices; the discussion shows that following relation must hold: m(a). m(b) + m(b). m(a) = 2. g(ab)
where g(ab) is the metric tensor for a Minkowski’s space.

So: not a real good explanation (sorry) but a short exposé of the connections between the actors
  • #3
From this site:

This quote:
The Hamilton multiplication rules differ from the Pauli matrix rules only by a factor of i. It is possible to formulate special relativity with Hamilton quaternions having complex coefficients(called biquaternions) and indeed it was first done that way(Silberstein). It turns out that the formulae of general relativity are simpler with the Pauli quaternions. There is also a very interesting (and possibly significant) relation between the Pauli quaternions and three dimensional Clifford Algebra
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  • #4
still yet to figure out.. but the web link looks pretty informative. Thanks. Will see if i can make some sense out of it.

FAQ: Can Quaternion and Pauli Matrix algebra be linked in EM course?

1. What is a Quaternion?

A quaternion is a four-dimensional complex number system that extends the three-dimensional system of complex numbers. It is represented as q = a + bi + cj + dk, where a, b, c, and d are real numbers and i, j, and k are imaginary units. Quaternions are commonly used in physics, engineering, and computer graphics for their ability to represent rotations in three-dimensional space.

2. What are the properties of Quaternions?

Quaternions have several important properties, including:

  • Non-commutativity: The order of multiplication matters in quaternions, unlike in regular algebra where it does not matter.
  • Associativity: Quaternion multiplication is associative, meaning that the order of operations does not matter.
  • Division: Unlike regular complex numbers, quaternions are not closed under division. However, they have a multiplicative inverse.
  • Norm and conjugation: Quaternions have a norm, which is the square root of the sum of the squares of its components. Conjugation involves changing the sign of the imaginary components.

3. What is the relationship between Quaternions and Pauli matrices?

Pauli matrices are a set of three 2x2 matrices that are used to represent spin states in quantum mechanics. They are also used in physics and engineering for rotations and transformations. Quaternions and Pauli matrices are related through the concept of spinors, which are mathematical objects used to represent rotations in higher dimensions. Quaternions can be used to construct spinors in four dimensions, while Pauli matrices can be used to construct spinors in three dimensions.

4. How are Quaternions and Pauli matrices used in computer graphics?

Quaternions and Pauli matrices are commonly used in computer graphics to represent rotations and transformations in three-dimensional space. Quaternions are used to represent rotations and Pauli matrices are used to represent orientations. They are used in applications such as 3D animation, video games, and virtual reality to create realistic and smooth movements and transformations.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using Quaternions and Pauli matrices?

While Quaternions and Pauli matrices have many useful properties, they also have some limitations. One drawback is that they can be more difficult to visualize and understand compared to traditional three-dimensional representations. Additionally, their non-commutativity can make certain calculations and operations more complex. However, these drawbacks are outweighed by their many practical applications in science and engineering.
