Can radar detect flying animal?

In summary, a 4 meter dragon flying toward a military radar would have a radar cross-section of around 1 square meter. A dragon flying toward a civilian radar would not have a radar cross-section and would be difficult to target with a missile.
  • #36
stooch said:
avatar had some of the sloppiest and dumbest writing ever. its a remake of dances with wolves

No, its a remake of Pocahontas.

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  • #37
Stooch, you can name all the tech you like, but it comes down to what they did / didn't have. They didn't have anything you pointed out.

Also, it's the future, so what? I get trapped on a desert island tomorrow, looking at what I could potentially have with me is irrelevant to the situation at hand. I could survive for years and fend off a number of attacks from various creatures with nothing but a spear. To look at my situation and say "hang on, this is the future, in 'reality' he'd have guns and explosives." just doesn't work.

Regardless, I hated Avatar. Didn't enjoy it at all. Not a bad soundtrack though, so it gets a plus for that.

Now, Chitose, the only way to match humans is to equal us or become more advanced. Whether that is via evolution (think X-Men) or via better technology.

The dragons in your story would need to be extremely stealthy, a skin capable of defending against AA rounds and topped off with an exceptional amount of brain power to work it all into a workable plan.
  • #38
umm... wait, there two more question remain.

1. can missile make U-turn move to re engage target?
2. If we let computer do the aiming, can it compute delay aim for zigzag target?

well, sorry about dragon, cause every comment say that dragon will be killed no matter what.
It seem spec of dragon in my mind are different for you guys :)

my dragon are not stealth but they skin are as tough as 'Dragon skin armor' newly bullet proof vest.

if dragon (or bird) fly low altitude in middle of cities (like new york, cite with a lot of high building) or grand canyon or jungle, If they dig their claw and stick with building wall and wait for ambush can radar detect them?

I just though
  • #39
Chitose said:
1. can missile make U-turn move to re engage target?
2. If we let computer do the aiming, can it compute delay aim for zigzag target?

To answer both of those in one: it doesn't matter. If you can get enough missiles or rounds in the air you won't have to. You just saturate the air to the point you can't miss it. Simply exploding a missile near to the target will be enough to take it out. It doesn't have to directly hit.

And yes, some systems can attempt to predict movements.
well, sorry about dragon, cause every comment say that dragon will be killed no matter what.
It seem spec of dragon in my mind are different for you guys :)

Give us the spec you are thinking of then and we'll tell you whether or not it would be. Secondly, as my previous post says, unless they have equal or greater tech then it isn't much of a challenge to take out the dragon.
my dragon are not stealth but they skin are as tough as 'Dragon skin armor' newly bullet proof vest.

The dragon skin armour you are referring to are only good against bullets. It won't stop a missile and won't defend against an explosion - look up the effects of an explosion on the human body.
if dragon (or bird) fly low altitude in middle of cities (like new york, cite with a lot of high building) or grand canyon or jungle, If they dig their claw and stick with building wall and wait for ambush can radar detect them?

If they have a radar return image of the normal landscape without it, yes - they would see something irregular on the new returns. Of course, it is irrelevant given it would attract attention from people who would see it.

Plus, the dragon would have to get there in the first place which would attract a lot of attention along with flagging the radar screens.