Can Remote Viewing Be Scientifically Validated?

In summary, a fun "remote viewing" experiment was conducted on a psychic forum where participants had to use their "psychic powers" to locate objects hidden by other participants. Although there were some interesting moments, the accuracy of the participants varied and the experiment lacked proper research restrictions. To ensure accurate results, the test should be designed with multiple-choice questions and contestants should be isolated and unaware of what is going on. Professional debunker James Randi has a $1 million challenge for anyone who can demonstrate psychic abilities, and his background in stage magic and science allows him to detect tricks that others may miss. One example of this is when he exposed Uri Geller on the Tonight Show.
  • #1
Fun "remote viewing" experiment

Hi guys! I'm happy to be back in the forums after so long :)
So here's my story. I personally define "paranormal" as hypothetical "facts" on which we lack info for proving/disapproving/explaining. So I was looking around some "psychic forums" for fun. I'll spare you the backstory, but I opened a thread of a psychic game. In that,
(1) a participant chose an item and uploaded a photo of it, then
(2) he/she hid the item somewhere in their house
(3) the other participants tried to locate it using their "psychic powers". The winner was the next to choose an object.
The participants were mostly amateurs who were having fun, but there were a lot of interesting moments, like one time we predicted the object and place before even the person uploading the pic. Among a lot of junk readings, of course.
Now, I was wondering, if I were to study the general accuracy what parameters should I set? I'm not actually trying to prove something to the world, as it was not under any pre-designed research restrictions, but it would be an interesting thing to do anyway (there is a lot of material too, over 1,000 posts of replies). And I am just very, very curious about the results I would find out.
So, first thoughts:
-some participants seem to be more accurate than others
-some guessing rounds have more participants than others
-some locations have more stuff to guess than others (=more possible to guess details by luck)
-I could get a "mostly right/mostly wrong" way of deciding about each post or a % percentage of the details that are right
-I wonder how can I find a way to decide the expected percentage of "correct" answers.
Any ideas?
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  • #2

The only way to ensure that the results can be evaluated is to design the test so that the contestants are answering multiple-choice questions. The correct answer must be chosen at random. For example, find two (or six) objects you can use, tell the contestants what the objects are, and choose which one to use by flipping a coin (or rolling a die).

Each contestant can then be assigned a "score" defined as 1 divided by the probability that someone who's just guessing will get at least as many correct answers as this person actually got.

It's not hard to do these tests correctly, but people always choose to do them wrong because they prefer to get a "fun" result.
  • #3

You'd have to do some serious statistical analysis on this, I would advise you consult a statistician if you really want to do it. It should also be important to keep the people as isolated and unaware of what is going on as possible, this is especially important for the experimenters as well.

If I was going to test someone's ability to "remote view" I would get a series of objects, something like a deck of cards and a sealed box. I'd get someone to place a card in the box and seal it without me knowing what card was taken. Then I would present the box to the psychic and ask them to tell me the number and suit of the card in the box. I would repeat this multiple times with three groups;

1) Self-confessed psychics trying to remote view
2) Normal people trying to remote view
3) A random guess group

Then I would compare the scores of these three groups and do a test to see if there are any statistically significant differences between the groups. I would be willing to bet that all three show a similar score.
  • #4

If you are looking at testing/debunking "psychic powers", make sure you keep the person who hid it way away, in case they give away the answer with their expression subconsciously and subconsciously pick it up. Unless, of course, that is what you are looking for in the first place.
  • #5

Celeb debunker James Randi has a $1m challenge to any psychic who can demonstrate abilities such as these. On his website you can read test conditions that they used to determine proof of success. They're both interesting and thorough.

It's also interesting that Randi has a background in both stage magic and science so he knows to watch for a few tricks that mathematicians or physicists don't. He can for example bend spoons by sleight of hand, so there's little chance a prestigiator could fool him.
  • #6

rorix_bw said:
Celeb debunker James Randi has a $1m challenge to any psychic who can demonstrate abilities such as these. On his website you can read test conditions that they used to determine proof of success. They're both interesting and thorough.

It's also interesting that Randi has a background in both stage magic and science so he knows to watch for a few tricks that mathematicians or physicists don't. He can for example bend spoons by sleight of hand, so there's little chance a prestigiator could fool him.
A brilliant example of that is when Randi exposed Uri Geller. In this vid he explains how and shows what he did in the infamous tonight show where Geller suddenly lost all his powers;

Related to Can Remote Viewing Be Scientifically Validated?

What is remote viewing?

Remote viewing is the practice of using extrasensory perception (ESP) to gather information about a distant or unseen target. It is often described as the ability to see or sense things that are beyond the range of normal perception.

How does remote viewing work?

The exact mechanism of how remote viewing works is not fully understood. Some believe that it involves tapping into the subconscious mind, while others suggest it may involve accessing information from a collective consciousness. Some scientists also believe that it may be a form of quantum entanglement, where the viewer is able to connect with the target on a subatomic level.

What is a fun remote viewing experiment?

A fun remote viewing experiment is a controlled test that allows individuals to practice and test their remote viewing abilities. This can involve targeting a specific location or object and having the viewer attempt to gather information about it without physically being there. It can also involve more creative experiments, such as trying to predict a random event or guessing what is inside a sealed envelope.

Can anyone learn how to remote view?

While some people may have a natural inclination towards remote viewing, it is believed that anyone can learn how to do it with proper training and practice. There are various techniques and exercises that can help individuals to improve their remote viewing skills. However, it is important to note that not everyone may have the same level of success with remote viewing and results may vary.

Is remote viewing a scientifically proven phenomenon?

The scientific community is divided on the validity of remote viewing as a phenomenon. While some studies have shown promising results, others have been inconclusive or have not been able to replicate the same results. As with any scientific study, more research and evidence is needed to fully understand and validate remote viewing as a legitimate practice.

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