Can science be used to create a realistic magic system in fantasy writing?

  • Thread starter NerdyCavegirl
  • Start date
In summary, science can be used to create a realistic magic system in fantasy writing by incorporating scientific principles and concepts into the fictional magic system. This can add depth and believability to the magic, making it more relatable to readers. However, it is important for writers to strike a balance between science and fantasy in order to maintain the magical and otherworldly elements that make fantasy writing unique. Ultimately, the use of science in creating a magic system can enhance the overall world-building and storytelling in fantasy literature.
  • #1
Name's Jo. I'm a bubbly antisocial geek with a wide variety of miscellaneous interests, ranging from art to Yu-Gi-Oh to bushcraft to zoology. I also write what I guess you would call science-fantasy, a swords-and-sorcery presentation with an attempt to base that sorcery in scientific principles. That's mostly why I'm here; I'd like to try basing the magic system of my story on real thermodynamics and electromagnetism, but I suck at math and thus suck at physics. I'll try to contribute as much as I can though. :)
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  • #2
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