Can SinA > SinB Be Used to Prove A > B in Triangle Angles?

  • Thread starter Michael_Light
  • Start date
In summary: Furthermore, if A> 90- x, sin(A)> sin(B), then necessarily, B< 90- x < 90. Since B is less than 90, it must be acute. So, the only case that could work is if A is obtuse and B is acute, which would mean B< 90 < 90- x < A < 180- x < 180.In summary, in a triangle, if sin(A) > sin(B), then A > B. This can be proven by considering two cases: one where both angles are acute and one where one angle is acute and the other is obtuse. It is not enough to simply compare the values of sin(A) and
  • #1
I am in pre-u level, i apologize if i have asked something dumb but it bothers me a lot. :frown:

Here it goes my question: If A and B are angles inside a triangle, and sinA > sinB, can i conclude that A>B? If yes, how can we prove it? Can i use this argument in proving question?

Please guide me. :smile:
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  • #2
Your restriction to "angles inside a triangle" means angles between 0 and 180 degrees (or 0 and pi radians).

Look at a graph of the sin function between 0 and 180 degrees, and you should be able to see why this is false.

If you restrict the range to between 0 and 90 degrees not 180, then it is true (that is also clear from looking at the graph).

Of course looking at a graph isn't really a "proof", but proving this rigorously needs math beyond what you have probably studied at pre-university level.
  • #3
Can't we just find the derivative of sin A and see that it is always positive in (0,90), hence strictly increasing. That's something you have to study pre-university in Hong Kong.
  • #4
dalcde said:
Can't we just find the derivative of sin A and see that it is always positive in (0,90), hence strictly increasing. That's something you have to study pre-university in Hong Kong.
That wouldn't help you in this case since angles in a triangle belong to the set [itex]\{\theta:0<\theta<\pi\}[/itex].
  • #5
Michael_Light said:
I am in pre-u level, i apologize if i have asked something dumb but it bothers me a lot. :frown:

Here it goes my question: If A and B are angles inside a triangle, and sinA > sinB, can i conclude that A>B? If yes, how can we prove it? Can i use this argument in proving question?

Please guide me. :smile:

Yes, provided that A and B are angles within the same triangle, then A > B implies that sin(A) > sin(B).

It's easiest to consider the proof as two cases, one for A acute and another A obtuse.

Case 1. If the larger angle "A" is less than or equal pi/2 then the proof is obvious, since sin is an increasing function on [0..pi/2).

Case 2. If the larger angle "A" is greater then pi/2, say [itex]A = \pi/2 + \theta[/itex], then it follows from the angle sum of a triangle that, [itex]B < \pi/2 - \theta[/itex]. So from the symmetry of sin() about pi/2 we can conclude that the inequality sin(A) > sin(B) still holds.
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  • #6
Sorry I misread your question as :
- "does A > B in a triangle imply that sin(A) > sin(B)"

when you actually asked :
- "does sin(A) > sin(B) in a triangle imply that A > B"

Let me think for a minute if the implication goes both ways ...
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  • #7
Ok, the implication does indeed work the other way too. One way to prove this is to start by proving the following:

- if sinA > sinB (in a triangle) then B must be acute. After proving this, then the result you seek is very straight forward.

One way to prove the result about "B" being acute is by contradiction. Assume that [itex](\sin A>\sin B)[/itex] and that B is non-acute, say [itex]B = \pi/2 + \theta[/itex].

Since [itex]B = \pi/2 + \theta[/itex], then to satisfy the angle sum condition we require [itex]A < \pi/2 - \theta[/itex]. The symmetry of sin() about pi/2 then implies that sin(A) < sin(B), giving us the required contradiction.
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  • #8
Regarding AlephZero's response, it is true that just "sin(A)> sin(B)" does NOT imply "A> B", even if A and B are restricted to be between 0 and 180 degrees. However, for A and B two angles in a triangle, it is a different matter. It is true that if A> 90- x, B> 90+ x, then sin(A)> sin(B) while A> B. However, in that case, we have A+ B> 180 degrees so they cannot be two angles in a triangle.

FAQ: Can SinA > SinB Be Used to Prove A > B in Triangle Angles?

1. What is the meaning of "sinA > sinB" in this statement?

In this statement, "sinA > sinB" refers to the comparison of the sine values of two angles, A and B. It means that the sine value of angle A is greater than the sine value of angle B.

2. Is this statement always true?

Yes, if sinA > sinB, then A>B is always true. This is because the sine function is an increasing function, meaning that as the angle increases, the sine value also increases. Therefore, if the sine value of one angle is greater than the sine value of another angle, the angle with the greater sine value must also be greater in measure.

3. Can you provide an example to illustrate this statement?

For example, if sinA = 0.8 and sinB = 0.6, then A > B. This is because 0.8 is greater than 0.6, and therefore the angle with the greater sine value (A) must also be greater in measure than the angle with the smaller sine value (B).

4. How does this statement relate to the unit circle?

The unit circle is a circle with a radius of 1 centered at the origin on a Cartesian coordinate system. When we plot the sine values of different angles on this unit circle, we can see that as the angle increases, the sine value also increases. Therefore, if sinA > sinB, then A>B on the unit circle as well.

5. Are there any special cases where this statement may not hold true?

Yes, there are some special cases where this statement may not hold true. One example is when A and B are negative angles in the fourth quadrant of the unit circle. In this case, sinA and sinB will both be negative, but A may be greater than B in measure. Another example is when A and B are coterminal angles, meaning they have the same initial and terminal sides. In this case, sinA and sinB will be equal, but A may or may not be greater than B in measure.
