Can Sleep Deprivation Lower IQ?

  • Thread starter KLscilevothma
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    Iq Sleep
In summary, this study is looking into how sleep deprivation and recovery affects brain function. They are doing it by doing different tests during different parts of the study. There are two branches to the study, one that doesn't involve sleep deprivation and one that does. The study that doesn't involve sleep deprivation is only accepting normal volunteers and pays $300 or $1000. The study that does involve sleep deprivation is accepting volunteers and is paying $1000.
  • #1
Is there any study showing that sleeping too little for a period of time, say a few months, lowers a person's IQ ?
Biology news on
  • #2
I don't need a study to show me that, I have proven myself correct in that regard it is very logical that it would reduce the IQ.
  • #3
Well, if a person can die due to sleep deprivation, I am sure loss of IQ occurs somewhere in between.

  • #4
I don't know of a scientific study about it, but just ask any parent. The brain turns to mush after you have kids. :smile:
  • #5
The brain is no different than anyother part of the body, it needs sleep to recover and function. Except that maybe sleep is more important to the brain.

Are there studies about sleep deprivation? I am sure there are 1000's

  • #6
Here is one study:

Project Number: 030583
Scientific Title:

Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation and Recovery Sleep on Cognitive Performance and Brain Function
Principal Investigator (ie., Lead Researcher):

Sean Drummond, Ph.D

The purposes of this study are to examine brain function and cognitive performance, both during sleep deprivation and after recovery from that sleep loss. Participants will perform cognitive tasks while we take pictures of the brain with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A number of these MRI sessions are involved. There are two branches to this study. One branch of the study requires participants to come in two times a day at the same times for five consecutive days to undergo various tests of attention and memory, as well as functional brain imaging, in order to determine how repeated testing affects measures of brain function. No sleep deprivation is involved in this part.The other branch of the study also involves 2 brain scans per day for 5 days, but additionally involves staying in the laboratory for 6 consecutive nights and 5 consecutive days. During this time you will sleep some nights and be sleep deprived (not allowed to sleep at all) on other nights. The purpose of this branch is to see how the brain reacts to sleep, a lack of sleep, and recovery sleep after sleep loss. Volunteers may only participate in one of the two branches of the study.
This project accepts normal volunteers

Please Note: This study requires an INPATIENT stay (ie., hospitalization).

Eligibility criteria:

Gender: Both males and females are eligible to participate. Minimum age: 18. Maximum age: 39. Gender: Both males and females are eligible to participate. Minimum age: 18. Maximum age: 39. Must be right handed and a native english speaker. Must be in good physical and psychological health.
Exclusions (conditions which would prevent a volunteer from participating in this study):

Current or recent use of tobacco products. Current use of illegal recreational drugs. Left handed. Sleep problems.


VA Medical Center, La Jolla (next to UCSD campus)


$300 (no hospital stays, no sleep deprivation) or $1000 (hospital stays and sleep deprivation)

For further information about this study, please contact:

Jen or Matt

858-642-1259 or 858-642-3192

FAQ: Can Sleep Deprivation Lower IQ?

1. Does Lack of Sleep Really Lower IQ?

Yes, lack of sleep can significantly lower an individual's IQ. Studies have shown that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a decrease in cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. This can ultimately result in a lower IQ score.

2. How Does Lack of Sleep Affect IQ?

Lack of sleep affects IQ in several ways. Firstly, it impairs the brain's ability to consolidate and process information, leading to memory and learning difficulties. Additionally, sleep deprivation can cause changes in brain activity, specifically in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions such as decision-making and problem-solving.

3. Can Lack of Sleep Permanently Lower IQ?

While occasional sleep deprivation may not have a lasting impact on IQ, chronic lack of sleep can have long-term effects. Studies have shown that individuals who consistently get less than seven hours of sleep per night may experience a decline in IQ over time.

4. Is There a Link Between Lack of Sleep and Low IQ in Children?

Yes, there is a strong link between lack of sleep and low IQ in children. Children who do not get enough sleep may have difficulty concentrating, learning, and retaining information, which can ultimately impact their IQ scores. It is crucial for children to get an adequate amount of sleep to support proper brain development.

5. Can Getting More Sleep Improve IQ?

While there is limited research on the direct correlation between sleep and IQ improvement, getting enough quality sleep can support overall brain health and function. This can lead to better cognitive abilities, potentially resulting in a higher IQ. It is essential to prioritize getting enough sleep to achieve optimal brain function and potential.

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