Can someone die from an uppercut?

  • Thread starter decibel
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In summary: This isn't an exact example, but it is an example of an incident in which a punch to the head could lead to death. In summary, an uppercut can kill someone if it is strong enough and if the victim's head is impacted by the force of the punch.
  • #1
can someone die from an uppercut?...
the reason i ask is i was just walking home from night school...and i took a shortcut thru the park..and this guy runs at me and starts punching me in my stomach and kicks me and i fall on the ground...hios friends were watching and laughing so I am assuming they were betting on whether he can beat me up or not...anyway I am a big guy and i know i can take this guy...i usually don't fight unless i have to anyway I am on the ground and i trip him and i get back to see what he does and he gets up and runs at i just took all my power and uppercutted him right near the chin and he just fell on his back and dident move at all...and i know he was drunk cause i can smell it on him, after all that happened he was just on the ground not moving, his freinds started running towards us so i just ran away, and got home right kinda shaky but i don't know...i hit him hard, and iv heard that if u hit someone with the palm of ur hand right under the nose it would kill them , i don't know i don't want to kill someone,
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  • #2
I think the answer is yes, though I suspect he survived.
  • #3
a broken jaw is possible, i don't think you kiled him, i took some uppercuts that got me unconscience, but I'm stil here
  • #4
He took what was coming to him. I stay away from confrontations and definately not a fighter, but being a good runner I can probably outrun them once I get some distance between me and the foe.

I wouldn't feel too bad about it. The guy probably is prison-material anyway.
  • #5
i don't care as long as he lived...
  • #6
I hope you told the story to someone you knew immediately after. That will help you a lot if something bad happens and he and his friends pull a law-suit. That would be a possibility if you injured him and no other witnesses were present. That's a rare case scenario that's more likely to be seen on t.v though.
  • #7
Did do hit with your fist or your palm? Yes you are correct about the killing with the palm but only if you hit them in the nose because a bone connected to the nose is pushed into the brain. If you hit him in the jaw I would bet the most serious problem would be a small neck injury or a broken jaw.
  • #8
i gave an uppercut with my fist really hard right under the chin or around that area and he just fell on his back and dident move...i haven't heard anything yet...but he attacked me first , I am acting in self defense
  • #9
Yes, it can kill, but with a low probability. I'd tell the police about it. Or at least I'd talk to a lawyer. As far as I'm concerned you were completely justified doing what you did. One less psycho in the world makes it a better place. But I'm not sure exactly what the law will think of it. What's bad for you now is that you will be paranoid about him and/or his friends seeking revenge. That is so unfair.

I bet this guy has a normal life. He probably has a job, a girlfriend and a mother who loves him. And probably none of them suspect that he would inflict unprovoked violence on an innocent human being. He doesn't deserve the benefits of civilised society.
  • #10
The only ways I can think of that that would kill someone would be if it was able to break or severly damage the spinal cord or if he hit his head on the ground really hard.

I have read of a fight in a high school in which a guy punched another guy in the temple, which knocked him out. He then hit his head on the cement, which killed him.

FAQ: Can someone die from an uppercut?

1. Can someone really die from an uppercut?

Yes, it is possible for someone to die from an uppercut punch. This type of punch can cause severe damage to the head and neck, leading to serious injuries or even death.

2. What makes an uppercut punch so dangerous?

An uppercut punch is dangerous because it can cause a rotational force on the head and neck, which can cause the brain to rotate inside the skull and lead to serious brain injuries.

3. Are there any factors that can increase the risk of death from an uppercut punch?

Yes, there are several factors that can increase the risk of death from an uppercut punch. These include the strength and speed of the punch, the angle at which it is delivered, and the vulnerability of the person being punched (e.g. if they have a pre-existing medical condition).

4. Can someone survive a fatal uppercut punch?

It is possible for someone to survive a fatal uppercut punch, but this is rare. If the punch causes severe brain or spinal injuries, it can be fatal. However, if medical attention is received quickly, it is possible for a person to survive these injuries.

5. Are there any long-term effects of an uppercut punch that doesn't result in death?

Yes, there can be long-term effects from an uppercut punch even if it doesn't result in death. These can include brain damage, chronic headaches, and neck injuries. It is important to seek medical attention immediately after receiving an uppercut punch to prevent these long-term effects.

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