Can someone explain Psi and Upsilon resonance?

In summary, the peaks seen at higher energies are probably due to resonances between particles, and the peaks at lower energies are probably due to different excitations of bottomium.
  • #1

I am an undergrad doing research with CERN and in examining data from ATLAS. I was looking for instances of Z bosons decaying into muons by taking systems with two energetic, oppositely charged muons, adding their four vectors, and getting the invariant mass of the result. There was an expected local peak at ~90 GeV (the z boson mass), but there was an even higher peak at about 3 GeV. There were also peaks at ~0.75, ~1.1, ~3.75, and 9 GeV. My professor said it was probably caused by Psi and Upsilon Resonances.

Could someone explain what exactly these are to me? I haven't found any direct explanations by searching, mostly just very technical explanations and specific papers not about these phenomenon in general.
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  • #2
sbryant1014 said:

I am an undergrad doing research with CERN and in examining data from ATLAS. I was looking for instances of Z bosons decaying into muons by taking systems with two energetic, oppositely charged muons, adding their four vectors, and getting the invariant mass of the result. There was an expected local peak at ~90 GeV (the z boson mass), but there was an even higher peak at about 3 GeV. There were also peaks at ~0.75, ~1.1, ~3.75, and 9 GeV. My professor said it was probably caused by Psi and Upsilon Resonances.

Could someone explain what exactly these are to me? I haven't found any direct explanations by searching, mostly just very technical explanations and specific papers not about these phenomenon in general.

As almost always these days, wikipedia has the answers:ψ_meson

The J/psi is a meson, i.e. quark/anti-quark bound state, in particular it is one made of charm quarks ("charmonium"). There are various such charmonium states, with different orbital angular momentum of the quarks:

J/psi is the first excited state, with a mass about 3 GeV. The upsilon is the same sort of deal, just made out of bottom/anti-bottom quarks ("bottomonium"). I don't know which excitation of bottomonium it is, probably it is the ground state since b quarks are pretty heavy.
  • #3
Thanks, but I already read those.
I guess my question should have been, What is the resonance part. I remember a bit about resonance from classical mechanics and waves but my knowledge of resonance in the context of particle and quantum physics is very limited. I assume it's linked to excitation because I didn't just see peaks at 3 GeV & 9 GeV, I also saw them at higher energies (there were also very slight bumps above 9 GeV which were obscured by a larger bump from some other process).
  • #4
Like, can someone explain/elaborate on this page )
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  • #5
A resonance is like a very short-living particle, and there is no clear border between "particle" and "resonance".

I found two nice dimuon spectra here, and LHCb has similar graphs (probably ALICE, too). You can clearly the see J/psi particle at its mass of ~3 GeV and the Z at ~90 GeV, together with several other particles. The CMS plot has a zoomed in version of the curve at ~10 GeV, and you see the different excitations of bottomium.
The widths of those peaks are determined by the natural widths of the particles and the detector resolution.

FAQ: Can someone explain Psi and Upsilon resonance?

1. What is Psi and Upsilon resonance?

Psi and Upsilon resonance refer to the decay of particles known as the J/ψ meson and the Υ meson, respectively. These particles are composed of a charm quark and an anti-charm quark, and they can decay into other particles through the strong force.

2. How does Psi and Upsilon resonance occur?

Psi and Upsilon resonance occurs when the charm and anti-charm quarks within the mesons exchange gluons, which are particles that mediate the strong force. This interaction causes the mesons to oscillate between different energy states, resulting in their eventual decay into other particles.

3. What is the significance of Psi and Upsilon resonance?

The study of Psi and Upsilon resonance is important for understanding the strong force and the behavior of subatomic particles. These decays can also provide insights into the properties of the charm quark and its interactions with other quarks.

4. How is Psi and Upsilon resonance observed?

Psi and Upsilon resonance can be observed in particle accelerators, where high-energy collisions between particles can produce these mesons. Scientists then use detectors to measure the decay products of the mesons and study their properties.

5. Are there any applications of Psi and Upsilon resonance?

The study of Psi and Upsilon resonance has applications in fields such as particle physics and nuclear physics. Understanding the properties of these mesons can also have implications for technologies such as medical imaging, which utilize particle accelerators.

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