Can someone explain this derivation?

In summary, the author is confused about some of the terms used in the equations and is trying to understand them.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I've been looking at examples of motion derivations for my class, and it's honestly just very confusing. I heard Dynamics should prep you for this but I must have had a very poor course because we never had to understand geometry and physics to this degree...

Homework Equations

Equations are listed

The Attempt at a Solution

I understand parts, and parts confuse me greatly. The thing that most confuses me is why they chose to relate side BC as (l-xs). That to me implies that the tripod is almost completely spread out flat because I cannot see how the net displacement is of any noticeable size...
I understand the relarionship between potential energy being .5 (keqx2 = 1.5kxs2 that is a relationship between springs in series, and it is saying that the resulting stiffness times the vertical displacement after mass is added is equal to the sum of individuals displaced... equally?

The real problem is in the third photo where they say the triangle's geometry related side BC to the other 2 sides. This looks like textbook pythagorean's theorem but they use 2LXCos(a) and I don't understand why...
Physics news on
  • #2
whitejac said:
side BC as (l-xs).
Each leg is shortened by xs under the load, so its new length is l-xs. This is not related to how squat the tripod is, it is true generally.
whitejac said:
that is a relationship between springs in series,
Not specifically, indeed these springs are in parallel. It is merely saying that the total PE is the sum of the PEs in the three springs.
whitejac said:
This looks like textbook pythagorean's theorem
Pythagoras' theorem only applies to right angled triangle. This is using a generalisation of it known as the cosine rule.

Edit: corrected expression in first line.
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  • #3
haruspex said:
Each leg is shortened by xs under the load, so its new length is x-ls. This is not related to how squat the tripod is, it is true generally.
Wouldn't that be a description of point AC then? I thought line BC was designating the horizontal displacement of point B, ie, where the tripod touches te ground with respect to its close position along the vertical axis. That would make sense to be described as it's original length minus the displacement (compression).

haruspex said:
Pythagoras' theorem only applies to right angled triangle. This is using a generalisation of it known as the cosine rule.

Wouldn't this be a case of 3 right triangles each sharing a vertical side? The problem states the legs are fixed equidistant from each other because they're all using same value for α, at least that's how I interpreted it from te image and the question. If that's not the case. Then I can easily see where I made a mistake in not using the law of cosines (which I'd forgotten because I was so set on a right triangle situation)
  • #4
whitejac said:
thought line BC was designating the horizontal displacement of point B, ie, where the tripod touches te ground
You are misreading the perspective. It is a simple side view. The point A is the unloaded position of the top of the tripod, point B is its position under load. It is not a point on the ground. Consequently, CBA is not a right angle.
  • #5
Ah yes. I was just typing that ah-ha! Moment. I was misinterpreting the point B.

Thank you for that! There are so many ways to describe a situation.. This is something I'm struggling with and striving to get some exposure to because it really makes deriving/applying formulas simpler.

FAQ: Can someone explain this derivation?

1. How do I interpret this derivation?

The first step in interpreting a derivation is to understand the context in which it was presented. What problem is the derivation attempting to solve, and what are the assumptions made? Next, carefully read through each step of the derivation, making sure to follow the logic and equations used. It may also be helpful to consult external resources or ask for clarification from the person who presented the derivation.

2. Why is this derivation important?

Derivations are important because they provide a way to logically and mathematically explain a concept or phenomenon. By breaking down complex ideas into smaller, easier-to-understand steps, derivations allow us to gain a deeper understanding and make connections between different concepts.

3. What are some common mistakes when interpreting a derivation?

One common mistake when interpreting a derivation is to assume that every step is correct without questioning the underlying assumptions. It is also important to be aware of potential errors in algebra or calculus, and to carefully check units and dimensions. Another mistake is to focus too much on the mathematical symbols and not enough on the physical meaning of the derivation.

4. How can I improve my understanding of derivations?

One way to improve your understanding of derivations is to practice solving problems and going through derivations yourself. This will help you become more familiar with the techniques and concepts involved. It is also helpful to discuss derivations with others and ask for feedback or alternative explanations.

5. Are there any resources that can help me with understanding derivations?

Yes, there are a variety of resources available to help with understanding derivations. Textbooks, online lectures and tutorials, and peer-reviewed articles are all great sources for derivations. Additionally, many universities offer tutoring or study groups for specific subjects, which can be a helpful resource for understanding derivations.

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