Can someone help me make a schedule?

  • Thread starter Edin_Dzeko
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In summary, the student is an "average" student who believes they can make solid grades by studying and understanding the material. They are taking 18 credits this semester to catch up, including classes in biology, chemistry, English, history, and music. They have a busy schedule with back-to-back classes on certain days and extracurricular activities such as Bible study, soccer, and organ practice. They are struggling with time management and considering dropping a class, but it is suggested that they focus on setting weekly goals instead of a set amount of study time for each class. It is also recommended that they make time for social activities and prioritize sleep.
  • #1
I'm an "average" student. If I study enough and understand the material enough I can make solid grades.

This semester I'm taking 18 credits and I think if I balance my time right it won't be too overwhelming and I can come out with a 3.8 - 4.0. Last semester I took 8 credits because I dropped so many courses and so I ended the semester completing just 8 credits. So I'm a little behind and I need to catch up. So I'm taking:
Bio I-------4 credits
Bio I lab---0 credits (it's supposed to be 1 but gets added on to lecture)
Chem I----4 credits
Chem I lab-0 credit (same case as Bio)
English-----4 credits
History----3 credits
Music------3 credits

Bio major (intent on med school), music minor
M|W|F 9:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. (Music,English, Bio) classes are back-to-back
T|Thurs. 9:30 - 3:15 (History, Chem, Bio lab (T), / Chem lab (Thurs.)) back-to-back

I'd like to study for each class at least 2 hours a day. Homework doesn't count into that 2 hours time. Thursdays at 8 p.m. I attend Bible studies and Fridays I play soccer from 3-6 p.m. Saturday I go to practice the organ from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Sunday church is at 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. I don't attend any parties. I would like to go to the gym 5x a week.

Can you guys help me please? I'm already starting to get a bit overwhelmed because of poor planning. Should I drop history and go down to 15 credits?
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  • #2
I'm struggling. aaarrghh! I don't want to drop classes again though. That's what got me into trouble last time 'cause I had all this free time and I put things off and so I fooled around :mad:

This means I have to cut back on certain things like, the gym, soccer and Bible study. Studying one hour isn't enough to stay on top of things :frown: :frown: I hate me. :frown:
  • #3
It seems to me that you have your schedule pretty well planned, already. Honestly, it is up to you to figure out how much studying you need to do for each class; chemistry will almost certainly require more time than history or your labs.

That being said, I hope the following tips will help:

Don't worry too much about establishing a minimum amount of time you need to spend studying for each class. Rather, every weekend, write down what you need to accomplish over the week, and plan accordingly to accomplish these goals during your off hours. Some days you will study more than others. Seeing as you have bible study on Thursdays, perhaps Thursday could be lighter studying day. Or you could pass on the gym on Thursdays.

In my experience, it has always been more beneficial to not allot a certain amount of time to something like studying or doing homework, but to take as much (or as little) time as I need to finish it. It makes more sense to allot blocks of time for things more directly under your control, like the gym and eating.

Also, don't forget to have some fun. You will go crazy if all you do is attend classes, study, go to church, and exercise, especially if you stick to a schedule that is too tight. Make sure to hang out with friends on the weekends or during weeknight dinners, at the least. Perhaps you could attend a party now and then. Sleep is important, too.

Try the above advice for a week, and maybe you won't have to drop a class. In the end, though, it's better to take on a manageable load than to stress yourself out and perform poorly.

FAQ: Can someone help me make a schedule?

1. How do I create a schedule that works for me?

Creating a schedule that works for you requires careful consideration of your daily tasks and responsibilities. Start by identifying your priorities and setting specific goals for each day. Then, create a daily or weekly schedule that allows you to allocate time for each task. Be sure to include breaks and downtime to avoid burnout.

2. What tools can I use to make a schedule?

There are various tools you can use to create a schedule, such as a physical planner, a digital calendar, or a scheduling app. Choose the one that works best for you and allows you to easily track and adjust your schedule as needed.

3. How do I stay motivated to follow my schedule?

Staying motivated to follow your schedule can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can try. First, set realistic goals and break up your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. This will make them feel less overwhelming and more achievable. Additionally, reward yourself for sticking to your schedule and celebrate your accomplishments.

4. How often should I update my schedule?

Your schedule should be updated regularly, especially if there are changes in your daily tasks or responsibilities. It's a good idea to review and adjust your schedule at least once a week to ensure it aligns with your current goals and priorities.

5. Can someone else help me make a schedule?

Yes, it can be helpful to have someone else's perspective when creating a schedule. This can be a friend, family member, or a professional like a life coach or a personal assistant. They can offer valuable insights and help you create a schedule that works best for you.

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