Can someone tell me if conduction is more powerful than induction?

In summary, the conversation is about a lab experiment where a metal sphere is brought into contact with a charged foam slab to observe the transfer of charge. There are two options being debated for the results of the experiment, with one predicting a shock when touching the sphere and the other questioning whether a shock should be felt. In the second part of the experiment, the sphere is touched while in contact with the foam and then taken away, resulting in a shock when touched afterwards. The group discusses the reason for this shock, with one option suggesting that the sphere was polarized by contact with the foam. In the third part of the experiment, the metal sphere is neutralized by a lab partner and brought close to the charged foam, resulting in a shock
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the lab I am writing about, here were the directions
7. Predictions: Touch a metal sphere to neutralize it. Holding the plastic handle, bring the metal sphere in contact with the charged foam slab. Do not touch the sphere at any time. Take the sphere away from the foam. Has it acquired a charge? Will it shock you if touched? If it has acquired a charge, predict the polarity. Sketch and briefly explain your predictions, then check to see if you were right.

8. Try something different: When the sphere is neutral, bring it into contact with the foam, and touch the sphere while it is touching the foam. What happened? Now take the metal sphere away from the foam. Touch the sphere again.
9. Neutralize a metal sphere by having a lab partner touch it. Bring it close to but not touching the charged foam. Touch the sphere, then carry it several feet away. What happens when you touch it?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

7. -OPTION 1: Predictions: The negative charge of the foam will be transferred to the sphere due to conduction. The sphere will shock when touched because it will transfer the negative charge to the finger.

The sphere acquired a charge which we proved was negative... It also shocked when touched. Our predictions proved correct.

-OPTION 2: Or did we do this incorrectly? Were we not supposed to feel a shock? If so, why not? Because the foam is not a conductor but an insulator?

8. When we touched the sphere while it was in contact with the negatively charged foam, it delivered a powerful shock.
When we touched the sphere afterwards, it also shocked, but not as strongly.
Both were much stronger than the shock delivered from induction. (IS THIS AN ACCURATE STATEMENT?)

-Option 1: This was because the sphere had an overall negative charge through induction both times we were shocked.

-Option 2: The sphere became polarized by contact with the foam. Because we touched the side of the sphere opposite the foam, we received a negative charge in the form of a shock, which gave the sphere an overall positive polarity. So, when we touch it again and are shocked, it is because we are transferring electrons to it, not the other way around.

9. There was a shock while it is close to the foam and while it is several feet away, though the shocks were not as powerful as the ones in number 8, when the charge was conducted and not inducted. FROM THIS CAN WE CONCLUDE/BEGIN TO THINK THAT CONDUCTION IS MORE POWERFUL THAN INDUCTION?

-For options see number 8
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  • #2
in #9, the metal ball was not supposed to contact the negative foam; electrons were chased from the ball by the foam's Electric field, so they fled thru your body into the ground (the shock). The ball was left with way too few electrons, so it would pull some from you later if it got a chance.

Which process has the ball closer to the source charge - contact charging, or induced charging?

Related to Can someone tell me if conduction is more powerful than induction?

1. Is conduction more powerful than induction in transferring heat?

It depends on the specific scenario. In general, conduction is more powerful than induction because it involves direct contact between two objects, allowing for a more efficient transfer of heat.

2. Can you provide an example of when conduction would be more powerful than induction?

One example is when cooking with a metal pot on a stove. The heat from the stove is directly transferred to the pot through conduction, allowing for faster and more even cooking compared to using an induction stove.

3. How does the medium of heat transfer affect the power of conduction and induction?

The medium of heat transfer can impact the power of conduction and induction. For example, conduction is more powerful in solids due to their tightly packed molecules, while induction is more effective in liquids and gases where molecules are more spread out.

4. Are there any factors that can influence the power of conduction and induction?

Yes, there are several factors that can affect the power of conduction and induction. These include the temperature difference between the objects, the surface area of contact, and the heat conductivity of the materials involved.

5. In what situations would induction be more powerful than conduction?

Induction is more powerful than conduction in situations where direct contact between two objects is not possible, such as in electromagnetic induction for heating metals or induction stovetops for cooking. It is also more efficient in transferring heat over longer distances compared to conduction.

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