Can Spider Silk Be Used As Space Tethers?

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In summary, the single strand of carbon fibre is stronger than a woven number of strands, but it would only be able to carry a limited weight before it breaks. spider silk is not strong enough for a space elevator, but carbon nanotubes may be a better option. If the strands can be vibrated at a very short wavelength, they may be able to prevent ice from forming and shake off water droplets.
  • #1
interested in the news on this this week.
I am wondering is a single strand of this stronger than a woven number of strands?

Obviously the woven strand is stronger in that it will bear a greater load but will the single strand stretch further (bearing only its own weight)?
How long a strand could be drawn until it snapped under its own weight in gravity ( as a space tether)?
I am thinking that if it could make the distance into space then it could be used to ferry up very small quantities that might eventually add up to a worthwhile amount.
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  • #2
It is possible to estimate the greatest length that can support it's own weight if you know the Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and density of the material.
Carbon fibre has a UTS of 1.7 x 10^9 Pa therefore a fibre of cross sectional area 1mm^2
( 1 x 10^-6 m^2) can support a weight of 1.7x10^9 x 1x10^-6 Newtons = 1.7x10^3N
This is a mass = 1.7x10^2 kg (taking g = 10N/kg).
If all of this mass is taken to be a fibre then the length can be calculated.
The density of carbon fibre = 2.3kg/m^3
So a fibre of cross sectional area = 1x10^-6 m^2 and mass 1.7x10^2 kg would need to have a length given by
L x 1x10^-6 x 2.3 = 1.7x10^2, which gives L = 74 x 10^6m
so a carbon fibre 74 million metres long is at the point of breaking under its own weight.
This is very much an ESTIMATE calculation because I have ignored variation of g with height and probably some other things but at least it gives some idea.
If you can find data for spider silk then I hope this helps you make some estimates.
  • #3
thanks for that.
It is a bit academic (I mean above my head) though since I came upon this link

which seems to fairly definitely say that spider silk is just not strong enough for a space elevator(although carbon nanotubes seems to be a runner according to them =NASA= in 2003).

But you seem to be calculating 74,000 km length of carbon fibre as an approximation before it would break under its own weight.

Wouldn't that allow it to carry a load up into space if gravity was all there was to contend with (it seems implausible -have I misunderstood ?)

I don't have an idea of the UTS of Spider Silk but would I be wrong to assume it would be superior to carbon fibre?
  • #4
thought I would throw this out there. A piece of this long enough to wrap the world at the equator would weigh 2 pounds.

Best use for this silk so far is to grow replacement skin tendons and nerves growen on this as a structure.

Space elevator is also a possible use but that will be ages from now. The wind and currents of rising and falling air mixed with water and ice would increase the string to its breaking point. Anything used is going to have to be heated to keep the water off it.
The company making this is Kraig Biocraft. Stock symbol is KBLB if you are a stockmarket type
  • #5
lveran said:
. Anything used is going to have to be heated to keep the water off it.

is it an insane idea that the strands could be made to vibrate along their length at a very short wavelength?
To stop ice forming and shake of water droplets.
A bit like a micro tsunami set off from the bottom or the top...

FAQ: Can Spider Silk Be Used As Space Tethers?

What is spider silk and how is it related to space tethers?

Spider silk is a protein-based fiber that is produced by spiders to build webs and capture prey. It is known for its strength and flexibility. In the context of space tethers, spider silk has been studied as a potential material for creating strong and lightweight tethers that can be used in space missions.

How is spider silk different from other materials used in space tethers?

Spider silk has a unique combination of properties that make it different from other materials used in space tethers. It is incredibly strong, yet lightweight and flexible. It also has a high tolerance for extreme temperatures and radiation, which is important for space applications.

What are the potential benefits of using spider silk in space tethers?

Using spider silk in space tethers could have several potential benefits. It could reduce the weight and cost of launching materials into space, as spider silk is much lighter than other materials with similar strength. It could also increase the durability and reliability of tethers, as spider silk is known for its toughness and resistance to damage.

What are the challenges of using spider silk in space tethers?

There are several challenges that need to be addressed in using spider silk for space tethers. One of the main challenges is producing enough spider silk to meet the demands of space missions. There are also concerns about the degradation of spider silk in the harsh conditions of space, as well as its ability to withstand the forces and stresses of tether deployment and operation.

What research is currently being done on spider silk and space tethers?

There is ongoing research on spider silk and space tethers, both in the laboratory and in space experiments. Scientists are studying ways to produce and harvest spider silk in larger quantities, as well as exploring different methods for incorporating spider silk into tether designs. There are also experiments being conducted on the International Space Station to test the performance of spider silk in microgravity and extreme conditions.

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