Can Spinning Water Measure Gravity?

Therefore, by using the information of the rotation speed and the coefficient of x^2 in the equation of the curved water surface, you can calculate the gravity using the equation k= (w^2)/(2g).
  • #1

Homework Statement

I've just done a experiment about the curved water surface when spinning.
I want to ask

(1) what theory involve in it?

also, I use some software to mersure the curved water surface and i get the equation of the curve, I get the rotation speed (w) The coeff. of x^2 (k) Can I use these information to find gravity?

Homework Equations

Can I calculate it by the equation k= (w^2)/(2g) if g is the gravity?

Thank You
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  • #2
.The AnswerYes, you can calculate the gravity using the equation k= (w^2)/(2g), where g is the gravity and w is the rotation speed. This equation comes from theory called the Centrifugal Force Theory, which states that the centrifugal force is proportional to the square of the angular velocity and inversely proportional to the radius. The relationship between these two forces is expressed by the equation F = mrw^2/R, where m is the mass of the object, r is the distance from the center of rotation, R is the radius of rotation, and w is the angular velocity. By rearranging this equation, you can obtain the equation for gravity, which is g = w^2/2R.

Related to Can Spinning Water Measure Gravity?

1. What causes the curved water surface when spinning?

The curved water surface when spinning is caused by the centrifugal force, which is the outward force experienced by an object when it is moving in a circular motion.

2. Why does the water form a dome shape when spinning?

The water forms a dome shape due to the combination of the centrifugal force pushing the water outwards and the surface tension of the water holding it together.

3. Does the speed of spinning affect the shape of the water surface?

Yes, the speed of spinning does affect the shape of the water surface. The faster the spinning, the more pronounced the curve of the water surface will be.

4. Can other liquids exhibit a curved surface when spinning?

Yes, other liquids can also exhibit a curved surface when spinning, as long as they have surface tension and are free to move in a circular motion.

5. Is this phenomenon related to the concept of centripetal force?

Yes, the curved water surface when spinning is related to the concept of centripetal force, as the centripetal force is responsible for keeping the water moving in a circular motion and creating the curved surface.
