Can Teenagers Pick Up Game Diamonds Faster Than Adults?

In summary, the conversation revolves around a science fair project that involves creating a game where players collect diamonds in the least amount of time. The person is seeking suggestions on how to turn this idea into a topic and is also trying to find articles to support their theory that teens will have less time than adults in completing the game.
  • #1
My science fair project is basically making a game. In this game you pick up diamonds, and the objective is to pick all 10 of them up in the least amount of time.

My theory is that teens will have lesser time than adults, but i don't know how to put this in a 'physics/science' way.

I also have to find articles proving this, but i don't know what keyword to search for!

If anyone can be so kind as to suggest how i can turn this idea into a good topic, i will appreciate it!

thanks in advance.
Physics news on
  • #2
Pires said:
My theory is that teens will have lesser time than adults...
First ask yourself why you believe this would actually happen.

Why would the teen time be less than the adult time?

The answer to this question should also give you some ideas for a keyword search.
  • #3

First of all, congratulations on coming up with a creative and fun science fair project idea! It sounds like you are on the right track, but let's see how we can turn this into a topic that incorporates physics or science.

One way to approach this project is to focus on the concept of reaction time. Reaction time is the time it takes for a person to respond to a stimulus, such as picking up a diamond in your game. This is a concept that is studied in the field of psychology, but it also has a basis in physics.

You can design your experiment to test how reaction time differs between different age groups, such as teens and adults. This can be done by having participants play your game and recording their times. Then, you can analyze the data and see if there is a significant difference in reaction time between the two groups.

To incorporate more physics into your project, you can also consider the concept of force. When picking up the diamonds in your game, the player is exerting a force on the object. You can explore how the amount of force applied affects the time it takes to pick up the diamonds. This can involve measuring the force applied by participants when playing the game and comparing it to their reaction times.

As for finding articles to support your theory, you can search for keywords such as "reaction time and age," "force and reaction time," or "human response time." This should give you some relevant articles to use as references for your project.

Overall, your project has the potential to be a great combination of psychology and physics. Just remember to have a clear hypothesis, well-designed experiment, and reliable data to support your findings. Good luck!

FAQ: Can Teenagers Pick Up Game Diamonds Faster Than Adults?

What is a science fair project?

A science fair project is a hands-on investigation that allows students to explore a specific scientific question or topic of their choice. It typically involves conducting experiments, collecting data, and presenting the results in a creative way.

How do I choose a topic for my science fair project?

When choosing a topic for your science fair project, it is important to select something that interests you and that you are curious about. You can also consider current issues or problems in the scientific community, or build upon previous projects to add your own unique twist.

What are the steps involved in creating a science fair project?

The steps involved in creating a science fair project include: selecting a topic, researching background information, formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting the results in a clear and organized manner.

How can I make my science fair project stand out?

There are several ways to make your science fair project stand out. Some suggestions include choosing a unique or creative topic, using advanced equipment or techniques, incorporating multimedia elements in your presentation, and thinking critically and creatively about your results.

What are some tips for a successful science fair project presentation?

To give a successful science fair project presentation, it is important to practice beforehand, use clear and concise language, engage your audience with visuals and demonstrations, and be prepared to answer questions. It is also helpful to include a clear hypothesis, data, and conclusions in your presentation.

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