Can the cosmological constant term run in Einstein's equations?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the authors discuss the possibility of the cosmological constant (CC) term in Einstein's equations being able to run, as opposed to being a fixed value. They argue that this possibility should be considered when studying models for dark energy, which are currently focused on scalar fields. They also address criticisms against the idea of running CC and point out that there is no proof for or against it. Several quantum gravity approaches, such as Martin Reuter's and Loll's Causal Triangulations, rely on running CC to explain certain features of cosmology. The idea of running CC is widespread and has been around for some time.
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arXiv:0808.0315 (cross-list from hep-th) [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Can the cosmological "constant" run? - It may run
Authors: Ilya L. Shapiro, Joan Sola
Comments: LaTeX, 36 pages, extended discussion, typos corrected, references added. Sections 2 and 4 include our complete refutation of the criticisms from the authors of arXiv:0712.3040 [hep-th] against our previous papers on this subject
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); Astrophysics (astro-ph); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)

Using standard quantum field theory, we discuss several theoretical aspects of the possible running of the cosmological constant (CC) term in Einstein's equations. The basic motivation for the present work is to emphasize that this possibility should also be taken into account when considering dynamical models for the dark energy (DE), which are nowadays mainly focused on identifying the DE with the energy density associated to one or more ad hoc scalar fields. At the same time, we address some recent criticisms that have been published (or privately communicated to us) attempting to cast doubts on the fundamental possibility of such running. In this work, we argue that while there is no comprehensive proof of the CC running, there is no rigorous proof of the non-running either. In particular, some purported "non-running theorem" recently adduced in the literature is, in our opinion, completely insubstantial and formally incorrect. The way to the CC running is, therefore, still open and we take here the opportunity to present a pedagogical review of the present state of the art in this field, including a a brief historical account.
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Running Lambda (i.e. running CC) is a basic feature of several leading quantum gravity approaches. It plays a big role in Martin Reuter's approach. He uses it to explain some features of cosmology that don't have a very good explanation otherwise. And his approach wouldn't work without running Lambda.

Loll's Causal Triangulations approach also depends on having a positive Lambda and it has a "bare value" which I believe can be different from the observed value that you see at large scale. That is usually the case with running constants.

I looked at the Ilya Shapiro article, he cites a whole bunch of other people (as well as a Reuter paper) so I guess the idea of running Lambda is widespread, and must have been around for quite a while.

It seems to be shared by some quite different approaches.

FAQ: Can the cosmological constant term run in Einstein's equations?

What is "Running CC"?

"Running CC" refers to the process of running a chemical reaction using a continuous flow of reactants. It is a technique commonly used in organic synthesis and drug discovery.

What are the advantages of running CC compared to traditional batch reactions?

Running CC offers several advantages, including faster reaction times, improved control over reaction conditions, and the ability to perform reactions with unstable or highly reactive compounds.

What types of reactions can be run using CC?

CC can be used for a wide range of chemical reactions, including but not limited to, cross-coupling reactions, oxidation reactions, and hydrogenation reactions.

What equipment is needed for running CC?

The equipment needed for running CC varies depending on the specific reaction and set-up, but typically includes a pump, reactor, and tubing. Additional equipment such as a fraction collector or detector may also be used.

What are some common challenges when running CC?

Some common challenges when running CC include clogging of tubing, difficulties in controlling reaction temperature, and compatibility of reactants with the equipment used. It is important to carefully plan and optimize the setup for each specific reaction to avoid these challenges.
