Can the Probability of a Number Being a Product of Primes be Calculated?

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  • Thread starter PeterJ1
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In summary, the probability of a number being a product of each successive prime as the number line is progressively sieved cannot be calculated using the PNT. It is possible to approximate the probability using the inc-exc approach, but the calculation ends up being the same as the distribution of primes around the number.
  • #1
I am not a mathematician but enjoy studying the primes as a mechanical system. Regrettably I don't have the tools (and perhaps the intellect) for some jobs.

I've spent some time trying to calculate the probability of a number being a product of each successive prime as the number line is progressively sieved, and have decided it cannot be done. But maybe this is just ignorance.

It is simple for 2,3, and 5.
Sieve out the products of 2 and 1/3 of the remainder will be products of 3.
Sieve out the products of 3 and 1/5 of the remainder will be products of 5.
Sieve out the products of 5 and about 1/7.5 of the remainder...

From here on the proportion become increasingly difficult to calculate.

Is this calculation possible? Or must it always be a statistical approximation?
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  • #3
I'm tempted to create a new user account with the name PeteL...

  • #4

Thanks Petek. The inc-exc approach does seem relevant but I wouldn't know how it can be used in this situation.

I suspect that the calculation cannot be done directly but that a result can be approximated using the PNT. But I'm not sure about this. Now I look at it I wonder if I'm just trying to re-create the PNT. I thought coming at it from this angle would be managable but as usual it's the endless error corrections that defeat me.

Suppose for some defined region we sieved out all the primes up to 13. Would it then be possible to calculate the probability that a number in this region is a product of 17 without using the PNT?
  • #5
PeterJ said:
I am not a mathematician but enjoy studying the primes as a mechanical system. Regrettably I don't have the tools (and perhaps the intellect) for some jobs.

I've spent some time trying to calculate the probability of a number being a product of each successive prime as the number line is progressively sieved, and have decided it cannot be done. But maybe this is just ignorance.

It is simple for 2,3, and 5.
Sieve out the products of 2 and 1/3 of the remainder will be products of 3.
Sieve out the products of 3 and 1/5 of the remainder will be products of 5.
Sieve out the products of 5 and about 1/7.5 of the remainder...

From here on the proportion become increasingly difficult to calculate.

Is this calculation possible? Or must it always be a statistical approximation?
What probability distribution are you assuming? You cannot have a uniform probability distribution with an infinite set.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
What probability distribution are you assuming? You cannot have a uniform probability distribution with an infinite set.

Hi HallsofIvy -Thanks for replying.

I'm not assuming anything at all (I hope). I'm wondering whether it is possible to calculate the changing probability of N being a product of a prime as the products of each prime in turn are sieved out.

This is easy for the primes 2.3 and 5. This leaves 8 in 30 numbers unsieved.

There would now be 1/7 products of 7 among the numbers that remain, but a correction would be requires for joint products of 5 and 7 (which have already been sieved).

Then for 11, three or four correction terms would be required. And so on.

So, as the products of each prime is sieved in turn the chances of N being a product of the next prime will become ever further from 1/p.

The calculation seems to end up being the same as it would be distribution of primes around N but comes at it from a slightly different direction.

My most naive question would be: Are these correction terms playing the same role as Riemann's correction terms?

If this is an idiotic question I wouldn't be surprised.
  • #7

This seems a naive question but a reasonable one and I really would like to hear a response from a mathematician. You could think of it as charity work with the mathematically impaired. :)

Related to Can the Probability of a Number Being a Product of Primes be Calculated?

1. Is this calculation possible?

The answer to this question depends on the specific calculation in question. In general, most calculations are possible as long as they follow the laws of mathematics and are computationally feasible.

2. What factors determine if a calculation is possible?

The main factors that determine if a calculation is possible include the available data, the laws and principles involved, and the computational power and capabilities of the system performing the calculation.

3. Can a calculation ever be impossible?

In theory, any calculation that follows the laws of mathematics and has the necessary data and computational power should be possible. However, in practice, there may be limitations or errors that can make a calculation impossible to perform accurately.

4. How can I ensure that my calculation is possible?

To ensure that a calculation is possible, it is important to carefully consider the available data, the laws and principles involved, and the computational capabilities of the system. It may also be helpful to consult with other experts in the field or conduct tests and simulations before performing the final calculation.

5. What should I do if my calculation is not possible?

If a calculation is not possible, it is important to carefully review the data, assumptions, and methods used. It may be necessary to revise or adjust the calculation or seek assistance from other experts in the field. In some cases, it may be necessary to gather additional data or improve the computational capabilities before attempting the calculation again.

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