Can the Proton's 10e35 Pascals Outward Force Be True?

In summary, there is recent research showing that the pressure distribution inside a proton is about 10^35 pascals, which is roughly half the proton's rest energy. This pressure is a result of the energy field holding protons and neutrons together, known as the strong nuclear force, which is mediated by gluons. Gluons act on all quarks in a nucleus and are considered force carriers. Every interaction has mediating particles as force carriers.
  • #1
Sanborn Chase
Gold Member
I recently read the proton has an outward force of 10e35 Pascals with an equal inward force containing it. Can this be true?
Physics news on
  • #2
Where did you read this?

1035 Pa * (radius of proton)3 = 400 MeV or roughly half the proton rest energy. If you want to define a "pressure of a proton", whatever that might mean, it has to be in that range.
  • #3
I'm fairly certain it was From whence cometh this "opposing pressure" to the proton's outward force?
  • #4
The work was done at JLAB, the CLAS experiment, and was published last spring in Nature-
The pressure distribution inside the proton

From the abstract- "The average peak pressure near the centre is about 10^35 pascals..."

The paper doesn't seem to be on the arXiv, but there is a copy at ResearchGate-

  • #5
I'm an engineer I would not put myself forward as a particle physicist. However, it is the common currency of physics that pressure is the energy of any field per unit volume; J/m^3 (and as a J = N/m so it is the same as N/m^2).

Whenever there is a non-zero 'field' then the field will have an energy and you can define a 'pressure' for it. Whether that means the same thing to you as, for example, a pressure of a gas in (or on) a sealed bottle might not be the same conceptual idea, but whichever way you approach it, pressure is energy per unit volume.

There is an energy field that holds protons and neutrons together; the strong nuclear force. The gluon is the mediating particle of the strong nuclear force proton field.
  • #6
Thanks for your response. I am a dilettante. Gluons sound fine to me, but the descriptions of them I've read don't seem to jive with the use of the Pascal as unit measure. Using that term I'm getting approx. 240x10E25 total area outward force on a "point" four nanometers in diameter. To have that EXACTLY balanced as in the current model is a stretch for me. Isn't the strong nuclear force a description of the binding force holding the nucleus together? Does it apply equally to the components of the nucleus? Don't we need a mediating force?
  • #7
Four nanometers is not a scale you'll see anywhere in connection with the strong interaction.
Sanborn Chase said:
To have that EXACTLY balanced as in the current model is a stretch for me.
There is nothing that would need fine tuning to be balanced.
Sanborn Chase said:
Isn't the strong nuclear force a description of the binding force holding the nucleus together? Does it apply equally to the components of the nucleus?
It is, and to a good approximation it acts the same on all quarks in a nucleus.
Sanborn Chase said:
Don't we need a mediating force?
Mediating between what?
  • #8
mfb said:
Four nanometers is not a scale you'll see anywhere in connection with the strong interaction. There is nothing that would need fine tuning to be balanced.It is, and to a good approximation it acts the same on all quarks in a nucleus.Mediating between what?
Well, I was going on the content of wikipedia [] which says the force holding the quarks together is the strong nuclear force, which is mediated by gluons.

"The strong interaction is observable at two ranges and mediated by two force carriers. On a larger scale (about 1 to 3 fm), it is the force (carried by mesons) that binds protons and neutrons (nucleons) together to form the nucleus of an atom. On the smaller scale (less than about 0.8 fm, the radius of a nucleon), it is the force (carried by gluons) that holds quarks together to form protons, neutrons, and other hadron particles. "

Every quantum field has mediating particles as force carriers, does it not?
  • #9
cmb said:
Well, I was going on the content of wikipedia [] which says the force holding the quarks together is the strong nuclear force, which is mediated by gluons.
That is correct but I don't see the connection to your previous question about "a mediating force". The strong interaction is mediated by gluons. Gluons are not a force, they are force carriers (similar to the photon).
cmb said:
Every quantum field has mediating particles as force carriers, does it not?
Every interaction ("force") has.
  • #10
Sorry, typo, I meant mediating particle.

FAQ: Can the Proton's 10e35 Pascals Outward Force Be True?

1. What is the significance of the Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force?

The Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force is a measure of the repulsive force between two protons in an atom's nucleus. This force is essential for the stability of the atom and plays a crucial role in determining the properties of matter.

2. How was the Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force discovered?

The Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force was first theorized by scientists in the early 20th century, based on experiments that showed the repulsive force between two protons. This force was later confirmed through more advanced experiments, such as particle accelerators, which allowed for the direct measurement of the force.

3. Can the Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force be manipulated?

No, the Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force is a fundamental force of nature and cannot be manipulated or controlled by humans. It is an inherent property of protons and cannot be altered.

4. What implications does the Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force have in the field of physics?

The Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, along with gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong nuclear force. It plays a crucial role in understanding the structure of matter and the interactions between particles. It also has implications in fields such as quantum mechanics and nuclear physics.

5. Is the Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force constant?

Yes, the Proton's 10e35 Pascals outward force is a constant force that remains the same regardless of the distance between two protons. This is known as the Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
