Can the Sets A and B be Considered Elements in a Sigma-Algebra?

  • Thread starter P3X-018
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In summary: I also think that A and B are elements of \sigma(\mathbb{D}) since they are subsets of \mathbb{D}. In summary, the sets A and B can be considered as elements in the system of sets \mathbb{D}, and therefore also in the sigma-algebra generated by \mathbb{D}. The sets C and D can also be expressed as elements in this sigma-algebra, and S can be written as an infinite intersection of sets in \sigma(\mathbb{D}). It is clear that A and B are contained in \mathbb{D} and therefore also in \sigma(\mathbb{D}).
  • #1
If we define two sets as

[tex] A = \left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \vert x+y<a \right\} [/tex]
[tex] B = \left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \vert x-y<a \right\} [/tex]

and then define the system of sets,

[tex] \mathbb{D} = \left\{A\vert a\in \mathbb{R}\right\}\cup\left\{B\vert a\in \mathbb{R}\right\} [/tex]

and then let [itex] \sigma(\mathbb{D}) [/itex] be the [itex] \sigma [/itex]-algebra generated by the system of set [itex] \mathbb{D} [/itex]. To show that the sets

[tex] C = \left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \vert x+y\leq a \right\} [/tex]
[tex] D = \left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \vert x-y\leq a \right\} [/tex]

are elements in [itex] \sigma(\mathbb{D}) [/itex] for every [itex] a\in \mathbb{R} [/itex].
Some questions arises. Can the sets A and B be considered as elements in [itex] \mathbb{D} [/itex] and hence in [itex] \sigma(\mathbb{D}) [/itex] too, or are they just subsets of [itex] \mathbb{D} [/itex]?
Now I want to express C as a union of A and the set [itex] S = \left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \vert x+y=a \right\} [/itex], and similar for D. But then I have to express the new set in some way to show that it is contained in [itex] \sigma(\mathbb{D})[/itex]. (Maybe there are easier approaches?). I was considering to write the new set S as

[tex] S = \bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}\left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \vert x+y<a+\frac{1}{n} \right\}\cap \left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \vert x+y\geq a \right\} [/tex]

Where the last set is the complement of A. But will this set even converge towards S, or will it just be empty?
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  • #2
I think A and B are not subsets. {A} and {B} are subsets. But, isn't [itex]\sigma[/itex] defined over subsets of [itex] \mathbb{D}[/itex]?

I think S is empty, but [itex]\bar S[/itex], defined with an < (instead of an <) is non-empty. See
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  • #3
So A and B are elements in [itex]\sigma(\mathbb{D})[/itex], right? And yes [itex]\sigma(\mathbb{D})[/itex] is defined as the smallest [itex]\sigma-[/itex]algebra containing [itex]\mathbb{D}[/itex].

Hmm... Now you have changed your answer of weather S is empty or not. I thought that maybe it would be non-empty because of the way we (in class) defined an interval of the type (a,b] as

[tex] (a,b] = \bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}\left(a,\, b+\frac{1}{n}\right) [/tex]

as a intersection of open intervals.
But hmm... then again maybe this wasn't even a good inspiration, since it seems different now that I type it...

But how would you suggest to write S from the 'building blocks' of [itex]\sigma(\mathbb{D})[/itex]?

The question really is just, will the infinity intersection be

[tex] \bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}\left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \,\vert\, x+y<a+\frac{1}{n}\right\} = \left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R} \,\vert\, x+y\leq a\right\} [/tex]

Because that is the set I'm interested in. And that's why I considered that if (a,b] can be writting in that way, why can't the above equation be true?
By this expression S becomes completely useless, since I can just set C equal to that expression, and C will then consist of an infinite intersection of A sets. But then we're back to my first question, are A and B elements in the [itex]\sigma[/itex]-algebra even though it is generated by the union of A and B, so that C is can be considered as an element in the algebra?
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  • #4
Ok instead of making yet another edit, I'll make a new reply, getting confusing wit so edits now.
I think I was confused about [itex] \mathbb{D} [/itex], since I saw it a union of 2 sets, but it's actually a union of 2 system of sets. So the [itex] \mathbb{D} [/itex] is actually,

[tex] \mathbb{D} = \left\{ A \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \,\vert\, A\in \{A_a\,\vert\, a\in\mathbb{R}\}\quad\mathrm{or}\quad A\in \{B_a\,\vert\, a\in\mathbb{R}\} \right\}[/tex]

and I think that it is clear from this, that A and B are contained in [itex]\mathbb{D}[/itex] and hence also [itex]\sigma(\mathbb{D})[/itex].
  • #5
I think I agree with
[tex] \bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}\left\{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2 \,\vert\, x+y<a+1/n\right\} = \left\{ (x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^2\vert x+y\le a\right\} [/tex]

I think I was right the first time, then confused myself with nested intervals.
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FAQ: Can the Sets A and B be Considered Elements in a Sigma-Algebra?

What is a Sigma-Algebra problem?

A Sigma-Algebra problem is a mathematical concept in the field of measure theory. It involves constructing a collection of subsets of a given set, known as a Sigma-Algebra, that satisfies certain properties. This problem is often encountered in probability theory and statistics.

What are the properties of a Sigma-Algebra?

A Sigma-Algebra must contain the given set and be closed under countable unions and complements. This means that any union of countably many sets in the Sigma-Algebra must also be in the Sigma-Algebra, and the complement of any set in the Sigma-Algebra must also be in the Sigma-Algebra.

What is the importance of Sigma-Algebras in probability theory?

Sigma-Algebras are crucial in probability theory because they allow us to define a measure, or a way of assigning a numerical value to a set, which is necessary for calculating probabilities. Additionally, Sigma-Algebras help us define events and outcomes in a precise and rigorous manner.

How is the Sigma-Algebra problem solved?

The Sigma-Algebra problem can be solved by constructing the Sigma-Algebra using a step-by-step process known as the Caratheodory's extension theorem. This involves starting with a smaller collection of subsets and gradually adding more subsets to satisfy the desired properties of a Sigma-Algebra.

What are some real-life applications of Sigma-Algebras?

Sigma-Algebras have many practical applications, particularly in the fields of probability and statistics. They are used to model and analyze real-world phenomena such as stock market fluctuations, weather patterns, and disease outbreaks. Sigma-Algebras also play a crucial role in machine learning and data analysis, where they help in making predictions and decisions based on available information.
