Can the Slower Cyclist Win if the Race is Short Enough?

In summary: The cheater starts with an acceleration of 2.5 m/s2 while the faster cyclist takes 3 seconds to replace her bike chain and then starts with an acceleration of 3.0 m/s2. The question is asking for the maximum length of the race in order for the slower cyclist to win. The solution involves finding the time and distance traveled by both cyclists and setting them equal to each other. This can be done through the equation x = 1/2(at^2).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two cyclists are in a race. One cyclist knows that he is slower, so he cheats: he removes the faster cyclist’s bike chain. The cheater starts from rest immediately with acceleration 2.5 m/s2. The faster cyclist has to take 3 seconds to replace her bike chain. She then follows (also from rest) with acceleration 3.0 m/s2. Assume that both cyclists accelerate smoothly and that they do not reach their maximum speeds during this race.

What is the maximum length that the race can be (in meters) in order for the slower cyclist to win?

The attempt at a solution

I used [itex] x = 1/2(at^2)[/itex] and plugged in the values of the cheater cyclist into the equation.( t = 3, a = 2.5)
Found x (came out as 11.25), plugged the same value of x into the equation with acceleration of the faster cyclist. This gave me the time it would take for the faster cyclist to reach that same position the cheater cyclist reached in 3 seconds. got t = 2.7. Plugged in t = 3+2.7 into the equation to get the position of the cheater cyclist at the time when the faster cyclist reached the position x = 11.25. Kept doing this, but it's taking me nowhere. Is there a simpler way to solve this problem?
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  • #2
judas_priest said:
What is the maximum length that the race can be (in meters) in order for the slower cyclist to win?

Can you recast the condition "the maximum length that the race can be (in meters) in order for the slower cyclist to win" mathematically?
  • #3
That would be the length just before the difference of position between them becomes zero. I don't know how to put it mathematically. I do know it involves calculus, and I can solve it if the equation is framed. But someone will have to help me/hint me on how I can get that particular equation.
  • #4
judas_priest said:
That would be the length just before the difference of position between them becomes zero. I don't know how to put it mathematically.

You have almost done so. The limiting case is the difference is zero. Write that down and you have it.
  • #5
Xcheater - Xfast cyclist = 0.

Therefore, [itex]ut - 1/2at^2 = ut -1/2at^2[/itex] solving this would give me the time. How do I get the distance?
  • #6
judas_priest said:
Xcheater - Xfast cyclist = 0.

Therefore, [itex]ut - 1/2at^2 = ut -1/2at^2[/itex]

If the second equation is a corollary of the first one, then it should have different accelerations, but it does not.

Express ##X_{\text{cheater}}## and ##X_{\text{fast cyclist}}## correctly.
  • #7
Express how? I'm sorry. There's where the problem lies.
  • #8
judas_priest said:
Express how? I'm sorry. There's where the problem lies.

Are you saying you do not know how to express displacement in uniformly accelerated motion?
  • #9
I obviously do. And yes, the second equation does have a different acceleration. But is my approach correct? To get the time from that equation, and then find the distance travelled. Or is there another way to do this problem?
  • #10
judas_priest said:
I obviously do. And yes, the second equation does have a different acceleration.

Then I suggest you do what I requested earlier: express those displacements correctly.

But is my approach correct? To get the time from that equation, and then find the distance travelled.

Your approach is generally correct.
  • #11
Let t be the amount of time that has elapsed since the fast cyclist started out, and let t+3 be the amount of time that has elapsed since the slow cyclist started out.



Related to Can the Slower Cyclist Win if the Race is Short Enough?

1. What is pure kinematics?

Pure kinematics is a branch of classical mechanics that focuses on the study of motion without considering the forces that cause the motion. It deals with the position, velocity, and acceleration of objects without taking into account the forces acting on them.

2. What types of problems can be solved using pure kinematics?

Pure kinematics can be used to solve problems involving the motion of objects such as projectiles, pendulums, and simple machines. It can also be applied to more complex systems such as cars, airplanes, and satellites.

3. How is pure kinematics different from dynamics?

Pure kinematics only considers the motion of objects without taking into account the forces that cause the motion, while dynamics takes into account both the motion and the forces acting on the object. In other words, pure kinematics focuses on the "what" of motion, while dynamics focuses on the "why" of motion.

4. What are some common equations used in pure kinematics problems?

Some common equations used in pure kinematics problems include the equations of motion (position, velocity, and acceleration) and equations for constant acceleration (such as the kinematic equations).

5. How is pure kinematics used in real-world applications?

Pure kinematics is used in many real-world applications, such as designing and analyzing the motion of vehicles, predicting the trajectory of projectiles, and understanding the motion of celestial bodies. It is also used in robotics, animation, and sports science to study and improve movement and performance.

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