Can the tensor product be visualized as a machine for processing vectors?

  • Thread starter Mandelbroth
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In summary, one way to better understand the tensor product is to think about its properties in lower dimensional spaces and use visualization techniques. It can also be helpful to think of it as a machine for processing vectors, where the resulting vector is in the direction of the first vector and has a magnitude based on the dot product with the second vector. This perspective may be more relatable for those with an engineering background.
  • #1
"Seeing" Tensor Products

Is there a way to "visualize" the tensor product of two (or ##n##) vectors/tensors/algebras/etc.?

I'm having a lot of trouble making the tensor product feel intuitive. I know its properties, and I can usually apply it without too much of a problem, but it does not feel "easy." Any ideas?
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  • #2
For tensor actions in general, I always started by thinking about the properties in lower dimensional spaces, where they can make more physical sense or can be mapped out/drawn explicitly on paper. It tends to bolster your intuition for what happens with higher rank objects.

Then, you can just think of a general action as something that you can already visualize, but in a projected sense (ie, you are imagining only a part of the true behavior, as more exists "behind the scenes," but it is enough to know what's going on).
  • #3
I'm probably coming at this from a different perspective from you, but maybe this can help. My background is in engineering. I like to visualize that tensor product as a machine for processing vectors. You feed a vector to the machine, and the tensor product maps the vector into a new vector. If [itex]\vec{L}\otimes \vec{R}[/itex] is the vector product of the vectors [itex]\vec{L}[/itex] and [itex]\vec{R}[/itex], then if I dot the vector product on the right by a vector [itex]\vec{V}[/itex], I get:

[tex](\vec{L}\otimes \vec{R})\centerdot\vec{V}=\vec{L}(\vec{R}\centerdot\vec{V})[/tex]
This is a vector in the direction of [itex]\vec{L}[/itex], with a magnitude equal to the magnitude of [itex]\vec{L}[/itex] times [itex](\vec{R}\centerdot\vec{V})[/itex]. If I dot the vector product on the left by a vector [itex]\vec{V}[/itex], I get an analogous result.

As a physicist or mathematician, I don't know if this makes any sense to you. But to me as an engineer it makes perfect sense, and I have used it many time in practice when working with the engineering stress tensor to map a unit normal vector to a surface into the traction vector.


FAQ: Can the tensor product be visualized as a machine for processing vectors?

1. What is a tensor product?

A tensor product is a mathematical operation that combines two vectors or matrices to create a new vector or matrix. It is denoted by the symbol ⊗ and is used to represent the relationship between two mathematical objects.

2. How is a tensor product different from a regular product?

A regular product, also known as a scalar product, multiplies two vectors or matrices to produce a single value. A tensor product, on the other hand, creates a new vector or matrix by combining the elements of two existing ones. It is a more complex operation that takes into account the relationships between the elements.

3. What are some real-world applications of tensor products?

Tensor products have various applications in physics, engineering, and data analysis. They are used to describe physical quantities, such as force and velocity, in three-dimensional space. In engineering, they are used to model stress and strain in materials. In data analysis, they are used for tasks such as image recognition and natural language processing.

4. How do you calculate a tensor product?

The calculation of a tensor product involves multiplying the elements of one vector or matrix with the elements of another one and arranging the results in a specific way. The exact method of calculation depends on the dimensions of the vectors or matrices involved and the desired output. It is recommended to use a mathematical software or programming language to perform these calculations accurately.

5. Can the tensor product of two vectors or matrices be represented visually?

Yes, the tensor product of two vectors or matrices can be represented visually using a diagram known as a tensor network. This diagram shows the relationships between the elements of the vectors or matrices and how they are combined to create the new vector or matrix. Tensor networks are useful for understanding and visualizing the complex relationships involved in tensor products.

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