Can the value of a function at a point of discontinuity vary among authors?

  • Thread starter spaghetti3451
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In summary, there are varying definitions for the value of a function at a point of discontinuity among different authors. This is because the value does not affect the surface area beneath the function. Some authors may draw a vertical line at the point of discontinuity in their diagrams, but this is incorrect as the function cannot be multivalued if it is single-valued in the definition. It is likely a mistake in the graphing software. The function cannot have multiple values at the point of discontinuity. Some authors may choose to not define the function at the point of discontinuity, while others may smooth the discontinuity to make the line appear vertical. However, the area under a finite number of points is always zero, regardless of any smoothing
  • #1
In their definitions, the value of the function at the point of discontinuity varies from one author to another. Why is this the case?

Also, the authors draw a vertical line at the point of discontinuity. Isn't this incorrect? (surely, the function cannot be drawn as multivalued if it is single-valued in the definition?)

I am also wondering if the function can have multiple values at the point of discontinuity.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
failexam said:
In their definitions, the value of the function at the point of discontinuity varies from one author to another. Why is this the case?

The reason that we want to study step functions is because we're interested in the surfac area beneath the function. But I think it's easy to see that the surface area beneath a finite number of points is always zero. So if you change a finite number of points in a function, then the surface area will not change. So what value we take doesn't really matter, and this is the reason that it's allowed for different authors to define the value at the point of discontinuity differently.

Also, the authors draw a vertical line at the point of discontinuity. Isn't this incorrect? (surely, the function cannot be drawn as multivalued if it is single-valued in the definition?)

No, this is not correct. Can you give me a reference to an author that actually does this, because I don't think I've ever seen such a thing.

I think that the problem is with the graphing software. Often it can not draw discontinuities, but it can only draw a vertical line. But this is a mistake, the vertical line shouldn't be there.

I am also wondering if the function can have multiple values at the point of discontinuity.

No, this is not allowed.
What some authors do however, is not to define the function at the point of discontinuity, since it doesn't matter. But I also don't consider this to be very rigorous and I don't like it...
  • #3
The definition of f(a) varies, somtimes it is undefined, somtimes something like (f(a-)+f(a+))/2 because that is what Fourier series give. Sometimes he funcion is made continuous by smothing then the line is not vertical it only looks vertical. Even when the discontinuity is kept the vertical like is not incorrect, but it does not belong to the function, it is just to show the discontinuity. In many cases the actual value is unimportant.
  • #4
micromass said:
But I think it's easy to see that the surface area beneath a finite number of points is always zero. So if you change a finite number of points in a function, then the surface area will not change.

Shouldn't there at least be some finite non-zero area beneath the finite number of points even if it might be negligibly small? I ask this becuase you say that the area under those points is zero.

micromass said:
No, this is not correct. Can you give me a reference to an author that actually does this, because I don't think I've ever seen such a thing.

In drawing a square wave, for instance. See I agree this is not a textbook digram, but then again every teacher draws a vertical line at the point od discontinuity. What should I believe?
  • #5
failexam said:
Shouldn't there at least be some finite non-zero area beneath the finite number of points even if it might be negligibly small? I ask this becuase you say that the area under those points is zero.

No, the area under a finite number of points is always zero. This is not just true in integrals, but it already follows from classical geometry: imagine a rectangle with two sides, one side is 5 meters long, the other is 0 meters long. Then the area of the rectangle is 0x5 meters2. Thus the area of the rectangle is 0m2.

The tricky question is: how do you define the concept of area? This is a very interesting questions with a number of answers. But every answer will agree that the area under a point is zero. I know this may sound counterintuitive, but it's something that needs to be like that.
The point is that these diagrams are mostly used by engineers. And I don't mean to say anything bad about engineers, but their notation and rigor may be a bit sloppy at times...
In drawing a square wave, for instance. See I agree this is not a textbook digram, but then again every teacher draws a vertical line at the point od discontinuity. What should I believe?

I see... Well, I've seen these diagrams before. But they're actually "wrong": the straight lines don't need to be there. However, many authors already use these diagrams, so nobody will change it. You simply need to remember that the straight lines are not really there...
  • #6

FAQ: Can the value of a function at a point of discontinuity vary among authors?

1. Can the value of a function at a point of discontinuity vary among authors?

Yes, the value of a function at a point of discontinuity can vary among authors. This is because different authors may use different definitions of continuity and may also have different interpretations of the concept of a "discontinuity."

2. What factors can contribute to the variation in the value of a function at a point of discontinuity among authors?

There are several factors that can contribute to this variation, including the type of discontinuity (removable, jump, or infinite), the function's behavior on either side of the point, and the author's personal interpretation of continuity and discontinuity.

3. How can one determine the correct value of a function at a point of discontinuity?

To determine the correct value of a function at a point of discontinuity, one must first agree on a definition of continuity and discontinuity. Then, the type of discontinuity must be identified and the function's behavior on either side of the point must be analyzed. Ultimately, the correct value may vary among authors depending on their interpretation of these factors.

4. Can the value of a function at a point of discontinuity be undefined?

Yes, the value of a function at a point of discontinuity can be undefined. This is often the case for jump and infinite discontinuities, where the function's behavior on either side of the point is not equivalent and cannot be assigned a specific value.

5. Are there any real-world applications where the value of a function at a point of discontinuity is important?

Yes, there are many real-world applications where the value of a function at a point of discontinuity is important. For example, in economics, the demand and supply curves of a product may have a jump discontinuity at the point where the price changes. In this case, the value of the function at the point of discontinuity affects the equilibrium price and quantity of the product. In physics, the value of a function at a point of discontinuity may determine the behavior of a system, such as the stability of a bridge at a certain point where there is a change in the structure.

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