Can this classical double-slit experiment duplicate loss of interference?

In summary, the conversation discusses the double slit experiment and the use of polarizing filters to determine which slit the particle went through without disturbing it. The experiment involves measuring both members of an entangled pair and the correspondence principle is brought up in relation to the classical limit and the interference pattern. The professor is unsure if the theory applies to this specific problem and asks for opinions.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Not sure whether to put this in the QM forum or the classical forum, you'll see why--

I was thinking about the version of the double slit experiment, in which the information about which slit the particle went through is obtained in a somewhat unusual way; instead of actually measuring the particle as it goes through the slits, two polarizing filters at different angles are placed in front of the slits, so that only photons of one polarization can get through the left slit, and only photons of a different polarization can get through the right. As described in the link:

To make the "which-way" detector, a quarter wave plate (QWP) is put in front of each slit. This device is a special crystal that can change linearly polarized light into circularly polarized light. The two wave plates are set so that given a photon with a particular linear polarization, one wave plate would change it to right circular polarization while the other would change it to left circular polarization.

With this configuration, it is possible to figure out which slit the s photon went through, without disturbing the s photon in any way. Because the s and p photons are an entangled pair, if we measure the polarization of p to be x we can be sure that the polarization of s before the quarter wave plates was y. QWP 1, which precedes slit 1, will change a y polarized photon to a right circularly polarized photon while QWP 2 will change it to a left circularly polarized photon. Therefore, by measuring the polarization of the s photon at the detector, we could determine which slit it went through. The same reasoning holds for the case where the p photon is measured to be y. The following table provides a summary.
This experiment involves measuring both members of an entangled pair, which is important for the later "erasure" phase of the experiment. But for the sake of this post, suppose we just sent non-entangled photons through the double slit. Without the polarizing filters (the "quarter wave plates") you should see interference on the screen, while with the filters in place you won't see an interference pattern, correct?

If so, I was wondering if the correspondence principle means that even if you analyze this experiment in the context of classical electromagnetism, you would still have the result that with no filters you'd see an interference pattern (in the intensity of the waves hitting the screen, since obviously there are no individual photons in classical EM), while with the filters you would see the interference destroyed. My thinking was that the classical limit should be approached when you send large numbers of photons through the slits, and in QM the intensity at a given point on the screen for a large number of photons is proportional to the probability that any individual photon lands at that point. I asked my professor, who said that probably this wouldn't work because the size of the slits still needs to be very small in order to get an interference pattern, and the correspondence principle may require that you're dealing with large distances along with large numbers of particles. But my professor hadn't done any detailed calculations here, or seen this specific problem analyzed before...does anyone here have an opinion?
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  • #2
@JesseM did you find any more insight on this topic?

Related to Can this classical double-slit experiment duplicate loss of interference?

1. Can the classical double-slit experiment be used to replicate the loss of interference observed in real-world situations?

The classical double-slit experiment is a well-known physics experiment that demonstrates the wave-like behavior of light. While it is a useful tool for understanding the concept of interference, it cannot accurately replicate the loss of interference observed in real-world situations. This is because the experiment is conducted in ideal laboratory conditions, which do not accurately reflect the complexities and variables present in real-world scenarios.

2. How does the classical double-slit experiment work?

In the classical double-slit experiment, a beam of light is shone through two narrow slits onto a screen. The light passing through the slits diffracts, or spreads out, creating a pattern of light and dark fringes on the screen. This is due to the interference of the light waves from the two slits. The experiment demonstrates the wave-like behavior of light and provides evidence for the phenomenon of interference.

3. What is the significance of the loss of interference in real-world situations?

The loss of interference is a phenomenon that occurs when the interference pattern created by the classical double-slit experiment is disrupted. This can happen due to various factors, such as the presence of multiple light sources or the use of different types of light. The loss of interference has important implications in fields such as optics, where it can affect the quality of images produced by lenses and other optical instruments.

4. Can the classical double-slit experiment be modified to replicate the loss of interference?

While the classical double-slit experiment cannot accurately replicate the loss of interference observed in real-world situations, it can be modified to simulate certain aspects of this phenomenon. For example, researchers have used multiple light sources or different types of light to disrupt the interference pattern and observe its effects. However, these modifications are not able to fully replicate the complexities of real-world scenarios.

5. What are the limitations of the classical double-slit experiment?

Although the classical double-slit experiment is a useful tool for understanding the concept of interference, it has certain limitations. These include the fact that it is conducted in ideal laboratory conditions, which do not accurately reflect real-world scenarios. Additionally, the experiment only provides evidence for the wave-like behavior of light and does not fully explain the nature of light as both a wave and a particle.
