Can This Limit Prove the Maximum Value of a Function on an Interval?

In summary, the conversation discusses a proof involving a continuous and positive function f on the interval [a,b] and its maximum value M. The proof involves rewriting the limit of a Riemann sum as a limit of an infinite series and using the fact that M is the maximum value of f on [a,b]. The proof concludes that M is equal to the limit of the Riemann sums, and the proof has been deemed well-structured and clear.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f be continuous and positive on [a,b] and let M denote its maximum value. Prove:

M = [tex] \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{\int_a^b (f(x))^n dx}[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Writing out the integral as a limit of Riemann sums, we have [tex] \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{\int_a^b (f(x))^n dx} = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{\frac{b-a}{n}[f^n(x_1) + f^n(x_2) + ... + f^n(\alpha) + ... + f^n(n)]}
[/tex] where [tex] f(\alpha) = M [/tex].

This expression can be rewritten as [tex]\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{\frac{b-a}{n}} \sqrt[n]{f^n(x_1) + f^n(x_2) + ... + f^n(\alpha) + ... + f^n(n)}[/tex]. Now, letting n tend to infinity, the nth root of (b-a)/n converges to 1 and so we need only evaluate the limit of the infinite series. Let all f values raised to the power of n, except for f(alpha) = M, be equal to [tex] \xi^n[/tex]. Then we have [tex]\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{\int_a^b (f(x))^n dx} =\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{M^n + \xi^n}[/tex].

Now, since f is positive everywhere in the interval and remembering there are n terms under the nth root sign, then [tex] \sqrt[n]{M^n} = M < \sqrt[n]{M^n + \xi^n} \le \sqrt[n]{nM^n} = M\sqrt[n]{n} [/tex]. Since the right hand side of the inequality converges to M (since the nth root of n converges so 1 as n goes to infinity), then the limit of the Riemann sums is also M and so we have [tex] M = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{\int_a^b (f(x))^n dx}[/tex].

How does this proof look?
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  • #2

Your proof looks good overall, but there are a few small things that could be clarified or improved upon.

First, it would be helpful to specify that the Riemann sums are being evaluated at the partition points x_1, x_2, ..., x_n, and that \alpha is a point in the interval [a,b] such that f(\alpha) = M. This will make it clear that you are using the fact that M is the maximum value of f on [a,b].

Second, when you rewrite the limit as \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt[n]{\frac{b-a}{n}} \sqrt[n]{f^n(x_1) + f^n(x_2) + ... + f^n(\alpha) + ... + f^n(n)}, it would be helpful to explain why this is allowed. This step relies on the fact that the Riemann sums converge to the integral, but it would be good to explicitly mention this.

Third, when you let all f values raised to the power of n, except for f(\alpha) = M, be equal to \xi^n, it would be helpful to explain why this is allowed. This step relies on the fact that \xi^n is a smaller term compared to M^n, and so it will not affect the limit.

Finally, it would be good to mention that the inequality \sqrt[n]{M^n} = M < \sqrt[n]{M^n + \xi^n} \le \sqrt[n]{nM^n} = M\sqrt[n]{n} follows from the fact that \xi^n \le M^n for all n, and the fact that the nth root function is increasing. This will make your argument clearer.

Overall, your proof is well-structured and clear. Just make sure to explain all of your steps and assumptions in more detail. Great job!

FAQ: Can This Limit Prove the Maximum Value of a Function on an Interval?

What is the concept of Maxima and Integration?

Maxima and integration are two important concepts in mathematics. Maxima refers to the highest or greatest value in a set of numbers or a function. Integration, on the other hand, is a mathematical operation that involves finding the area under a curve.

Why is it important to prove Maxima and Integration?

Proving maxima and integration is important because it provides a way to validate and verify the results obtained through mathematical methods. It also helps to establish the accuracy and reliability of the calculations.

What are some common techniques used to prove Maxima and Integration?

There are various techniques used to prove maxima and integration, such as the fundamental theorem of calculus, substitution, and integration by parts. Other methods include using the properties of integrals, differentiation, and the mean value theorem.

What are some real-life applications of Maxima and Integration?

The concept of maxima is used in various fields such as economics, engineering, and physics to optimize resources, design structures, and solve optimization problems. Integration is used in physics to calculate work, in statistics to find probabilities, and in engineering to determine volumes and areas.

What are some common challenges faced when proving Maxima and Integration?

One of the main challenges faced when proving maxima and integration is finding the correct approach or method to use. Additionally, solving complex integrals or functions can be time-consuming and require advanced mathematical skills. It is also important to avoid errors and ensure the proof is logically sound.

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