Can Time Loops and Pre-Determined Fate Control Our Lives?

  • Thread starter RobertPounder
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In summary, The conversation discusses the topic of time travel and its implications. The participants share their theories and opinions on the subject, including the possibility of changing the future by going back in time. They also bring up Einstein's theory of relativity and the concept of loops in time. The conversation ends with a reminder to stick to scientific discussions and not personal theories.
  • #1
Hi all, just hoping for some opinions on a silly little scribble I was writing a while ago, stuff I think about a lot:

I was watching Lost (the TV series) the other day. For those not familiar with it, it is based on Time Travel, and Monsters and god knows what else.

Anywho there is a storyline (not a scene, lost never has complete scenes!) that includes something that a character Daniel Faraday has to say about going back in time. I'll explain the basis of what happened before I delve in!

There is a character called Desmond who lives on an island and then there is another character called Sawyer who is marooned on the island by a plane that has crashed. Anyway Sawyer and Faraday are sent back in time on the island and Sawyer wants to speak to Desmond. Now Sawyer having met Desmond in the future according to Faraday, means that Sawyer can not see Desmond, even if he wanted to. This is because Desmond would of recognized him in the future which he did not. Any who Faraday speaks to Desmond and Desmond knows him in the future because of this encounter.

After a few more time-travel related incidents this brought to me a Theory. If you went back in time you would not be able to do anything that affected the future because (implying the fact that you would be going back to the future) you can not change what has happened in the future. So anything you do in the past you have ALREADY DONE. Other people maybe you interact with would know that you would be going back in time.

At the end of the day this would in theory mean that our decisions would be pre-determined for us in the past while you are there (having traveled back) and to scale it down this would mean people from the future traveling back would have the same effect, and with that in mind this would mean that our decisions are already made, because to go to the future they would see what you've done etc.

In conclusion I believe that yes we are in control of our lives, but our decisions have already been made and what we do is in fact inevitable.

Sorry if any of this is unclear, I am pretty bad at explaining stuff :)!

While we are on the subject (This could be complete ********) but Einstein said that anything man-made can not go as fast as the speed of light or w/e. Therefore it would be impossible to go back in time, but if you had 2 objects both going at half the speed of light, the collision between them would create the impact of the speed of light. And if say this created a flash back in time for the objects, say 1 second, it would put the 2 objects into a loop, crashing into each other, undoing it and repeated.

Another Theory I was thinking of was if we were stuck in a loop of going back in time and then back to present, like say that my theory of the 2 objects colliding on loop was true, then how would we know if we ourselves were stuck in a loop? We would have the same "session" in our mind put back to the original one, therefore we could be doing the same thing over and over and have no idea, think about it and tell me what you think :P!

Hope you enjoyed my non-sense babbling that kind of makes sense,

Robert Pounder

Input would be appreciated :). Sorry if I wasted your time reading this :(!
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  • #2
The two objects may appear to be traveling at speeds greater than the speed of light relative to each other; to an observer who is defined to be at rest. But in the frame of either colliding object, that frame is at rest, and the other object is traveling at a speed less than the speed of light. If you take some time to study Special Relativity, you will see that this is true.
  • #3
Thanks for a quick reply! :)

The last 2 bits are more random thoughts of mine than actual theory's.

Robert Pounder
  • #4
We don't know if time travel is possible beyond the normal sense of time, so we can't know what rules would apply if it was possible to back in time.

You are invited to ask questions, but please remember that personal theories are not discussed here.
  • #5
Sorry I did not know :(!
  • #7
Hi Robert, the scenarios you described are not new. You might want to read about the grandfather paradox. If you like science fiction, Bradbury's "A sound of thunder" is a great short story about traveling back in time and changing the present.

You might want to look up some old threads about these subjects before starting a new one.

Related to Can Time Loops and Pre-Determined Fate Control Our Lives?

1. What is a time loop?

A time loop is a hypothetical concept in which time repeats itself, causing events to occur in the exact same way over and over again. This idea is often explored in science fiction and can involve characters being trapped in a specific period of time or experiencing the same events repeatedly.

2. Do time loops really exist?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of time loops. However, some theories in physics, such as the concept of a closed timelike curve in general relativity, suggest that time loops could be possible in certain circumstances. But for now, time loops remain a fictional concept.

3. How does the concept of pre-determined fate fit into time loops?

In a time loop, events are predetermined and occur in a fixed sequence with no possibility for change. This idea of a predetermined fate or destiny is often explored in connection with time loops, as characters may be unable to break free from the repeating cycle of events.

4. Can we break out of a time loop?

In theory, it may be possible to break out of a time loop through some sort of disruption or intervention. However, since time loops are currently considered to be purely theoretical, there is no known way to break out of one.

5. Are there any real-life examples of time loops?

There are no confirmed real-life examples of time loops. However, some people have reported experiencing déjà vu, which could be seen as a mild form of a time loop. Additionally, some theories suggest that the phenomenon of time dilation, experienced by astronauts and high-speed travelers, could potentially create a sort of time loop effect.

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