Can tungsten nanorods harness air molecules to create propulsion?

  • Thread starter fagan
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In summary, Six electrical contacts as small and as close as we can make them on a surface. Call them ABCDEF. Apply current to C&D electrons are separated from air molecules in contact with C&D. Apply a positive charge to A the electrons will be drawn to A across B. Apply a negative charge to F the air molecules short electrons will be drawn to F across E.The electrons that come in contact with B will pass through a wire to E. Some of current can be harnessed that was needed to separate the electrons from the air can be recovered. As the positively charged air moves off C&D pushes the air off E&F. This will be repeated over and over again one after another also side
  • #1
Reduceing atmosphric pressure

Six electrical contacts as small and as close as we can make them on a surface. Call them ABCDEF. Apply current to C&D electrons are separated from air molecules in contact with C&D. Apply a positive charge to A the electrons will be drawn to A across B. Apply a negative charge to F the air molecules short electrons will be drawn to F across E.The electrons that come in contact with B will pass through a wire to E. Some of current can be harnessed that was needed to separate the electrons from the air can be recovered. As the positively charged air moves off C&D pushes the air off E&F. This will be repeated over and over again one after another also side by side covering a ever larger and larger area. We are moving this air with no moving parts so how fast can we make it move? Moving air over a surface reduces pressure on that surface. IF I am not wrong and the math does not get in the way This could make things fly.Could the six contacts points be made of tungsten nanorods? I truly do not see where I am wrong but it is to simple to work .Please I have thought of this to long but I can not do the math will never run into some one that can till I find out why it does not work I can not seem to let it go. Please Help.
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Physics news on
  • #2
I suspect that the voltage required to ionize air greatly exceeds the breakdown of any dialectic placed between the wires in your arrangement.

OTOH years ago a hobby magazine published construction details for a solid state flier.
Simply apply about 30,000 volts to the power leads and it would fly.
No switching required.

The lawyers would be standing in line nowadays. :rolleyes:
  • #3
What is dialectic the contact pionts? I tried looking up the sats on tungston nanorods found sats on carbonnano tubes but could not understand them. I heard of a expara ment where they heated the nano rod but do not know what they can take . I do not know how big a nano rod is how meny air molecules are incontact at one time how meny volts to ions them? like I said there is so much I do not know
  • #4
dialectic=insulator in this case

>how meny air molecules
First of all it would be the pointy end of the rod you are interested in.
So the answer is one.

>but could not understand them
Now you know what your first task is. :biggrin:

  • #5
Frist thing

The insulator would be a problem I never thought of. But the frist thing I think would be how few moluculs of air are needed to move how fast to get a efect that would do any good.
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  • #6
That answer you can probably look up or some calculations.

Tells you nothing about if your proposed mechanism can do this.

Its would actually be the last question you answer.
Since that answer says if your idea is any good or not.

FAQ: Can tungsten nanorods harness air molecules to create propulsion?

What causes thoughts to get stuck in our heads?

There are various reasons why thoughts can get stuck in our heads. It could be due to stress, anxiety, or even a traumatic event. Certain thoughts may also be more persistent than others due to our brain's tendency to focus on negative or worrisome thoughts.

How can I get rid of a thought that is stuck in my head?

There are a few techniques that can help you get rid of a thought that is stuck in your head. One approach is to try to distract yourself with a different activity or thought. Another method is to confront the thought and challenge its validity. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present moment can also help alleviate persistent thoughts.

Can certain habits or behaviors contribute to thoughts getting stuck in our heads?

Yes, certain habits or behaviors can contribute to thoughts getting stuck in our heads. For example, constantly ruminating or overthinking can make a thought more persistent. Similarly, avoiding or suppressing a thought can also make it more likely to stick around in our minds.

Are there any underlying mental health conditions that can cause thoughts to get stuck in our heads?

Yes, there are several mental health conditions that can contribute to persistent thoughts. These include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is important to seek help from a mental health professional if you are struggling with persistent thoughts.

Can medication help with getting rid of thoughts that are stuck in our heads?

In some cases, medication can be helpful in managing persistent thoughts. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can help alleviate symptoms of certain mental health conditions that contribute to persistent thoughts. However, medication should be used in conjunction with therapy and other coping strategies for the best results.

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