Can Uniform Points on a Circle be Derived from the Standard Normal Distribution?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of deriving a standard normal distribution from using polar form p = r*e^(i*v) to distribute uniform points along the contour of a circle. The conversation also touches on the relation between the polar exponential form and the standard normal distribution, and the use of the Box-Muller transform to generate independent normal random variables from two independent random numbers. The conversation concludes with a discussion on how the basic method and the other method, using K = e^(-0.5*k), both result in uniform points on the unit disk.
  • #1
Is it possible to derive the standard normal distribution from using polar form p = r*e^(i*v) to distribute uniform points along the contour of a circle?

I've read that it is possible to randomize points like that using X and Y values with normal distribution by normalizing each point, but I haven't found a good reference which explains this in simple terms.
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  • #2
Yes. You just set Θ=Random([0,2Π>). That way you get a random distribution of angles = points on the circle.
  • #3
Yes, or in my case - v.
But I would like to start with the polar exponential form and end up with the standard normal distribution for the x coordinate for example.
It should be possible, right?
  • #4
rabbed said:
But I would like to start with the polar exponential form and end up with the standard normal distribution for the x coordinate for example.
It should be possible, right?
I am not quite sure what you mean. But if you start with a rectangular distribution of points on a circle, the projections on the x-axis is not going to have a rectangular distribution.
  • #5
For example, the top answer on this page explains a method to generate points on the surface of a sphere in any dimension, which in 2D should be the contour of a circle.
In the comments there are also hints at a proof using matrices, but if the method is just used to distribute uniform points on a circle, it should be possible to show this using polar exponential form also? I figured the polar exponential form shouldn't be too far away from the standard normal distribution since they are already pretty similar.
  • #6
Hm, maybe the surface of a sphere in 2D is the area of the circle. In that case I would like to start with p = r*sqrt(u)*e^(i*2*pi*v)
U_PDF(u) = 1 (0 < u < 1)
V_PDF(v) = 1 (0 < v < 1)
The end result should be
X = some function
Y = some other function
X_PDF(x) = 1/sqrt(2*pi) * e^(-0.5*x^2)
Y_PDF(y) = 1/sqrt(2*pi) * e^(-0.5*y^2)

But if it's easier to go the other way around, starting from the standard normal distributed X and Y and show how this relates to polar exponential form, that's OK too.
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  • #9
My question then is - when (0 < u < 1) has a uniform distribution, does a radius of sqrt(-2*log(u)) also give a uniform distribution of points over the circle area just like a radius of r*sqrt(u) does? How does that work?
  • #10
Both of these formulas
rabbed said:
My question then is - when (0 < u < 1) has a uniform distribution, does a radius of sqrt(-2*log(u)) also give a uniform distribution of points over the circle area just like a radius of r*sqrt(u) does? How does that work?
are for distributions in one dimension. How do they relate to a unit circle?
  • #11
It's the radial part from the center to a point inside the circle.
The other part (which is the same for both cases) is the angular part = 2*pi*v with (0 < v < 1) coming from a uniform distribution.

Btw, I'm pretty sure that sqrt(-2*log(u)) should be changed to sqrt(-2*ln(u)) since we are dealing with powers of e.
  • #12
r*sqrt(u) gives points between 0 and r, sqrt(-2ln(u)) gives points between 0 and infinity. The first gives points uniform on the unit disc, the second gives (two) normally distributed points.
  • #13
But according to the link I posted, the normal distribution method can be used to give uniform points on the unit disk also.

I just realized something, the 'basic' method gives uniform points on the unit disk by:
P = sqrt(U)*e^(i*2*pi*V)
U_PDF(u) = 1 (0 < u < 1)
V_PDF(v) = 1 (0 < v < 1)

while the other method must do it by:
P = sqrt(-2ln(K))*e^(i*2*pi*V)
K = e^(-0.5*k) (0 < k < 1)
V_PDF(v) = 1 (0 < v < 1)

..which will give the same result. Correct?

But what is K, the inverse CDF of some PDF? It should be possible to work backwards to get the normal distribution..
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FAQ: Can Uniform Points on a Circle be Derived from the Standard Normal Distribution?

1. What is the concept of "uniform points on a circle"?

The concept of "uniform points on a circle" refers to the distribution of points on a circle in a way that they are evenly spaced and have equal distances from each other. This is also known as a "regular polygon inscribed in a circle".

2. How many points can be evenly distributed on a circle?

The number of points that can be evenly distributed on a circle depends on the number of sides of the regular polygon inscribed in the circle. For example, a circle can have 3, 4, 5, or more points that are evenly spaced and have equal distances from each other.

3. What is the formula for calculating the coordinates of uniform points on a circle?

The formula for calculating the coordinates of uniform points on a circle is (x,y) = (r * cos (2kπ/n), r * sin (2kπ/n)), where r is the radius of the circle, k is the number of points, and n is the total number of points on the circle.

4. What is the significance of uniform points on a circle in mathematics?

Uniform points on a circle have various applications in mathematics, such as in geometry, trigonometry, and complex analysis. They are also used in computer graphics and animation to create smooth and symmetrical shapes.

5. Can uniform points on a circle be used in real-life situations?

Yes, uniform points on a circle have practical applications in a wide range of fields, including architecture, engineering, astronomy, and navigation. For example, they are used in the design of circular structures and in the construction of geometrically precise shapes.

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