Can Warp Speed Violate Causality? The Debate Among Physicists

In summary, the concept of "warp speed" from Star Trek has been discussed by many physicists, including Michio Kaku, and it is believed that it does not violate any known physical laws. However, if we were able to make warp speed possible and travel towards a distant star, such as Alpha Centauri, within a year, we could potentially see the star blow up before we even left Earth due to the effects of Special Relativity. This would raise questions about causality and the attainability of warp speeds. While there are some theoretical solutions, such as using negative matter, it is unclear if this would fully overcome the issue of causality. Additionally, the use of Special Relativity in this scenario may not be applicable,
  • #1
Dhruva Patil
I have heard many physicists (ex:- Michio Kaku) saying "Warp speed" from Star Trek doesn't violate any known physical laws. But doesn't it violate causality?
Say, we make warp speed possible and get on it and travel towards Alpha Centauri (4.22 light years away) in warp speed and reach there, say, within a year (+/- few months) and blow it up. Now using Special Relativity, we could devise a frame of reference where in the observer would see the star blow up before we ever left planet Earth. Wouldn't that violate causality and make warp speeds unattainable?
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  • #2
Dhruva Patil said:
I have heard many physicists (ex:- Michio Kaku) saying "Warp speed" from Star Trek doesn't violate any known physical laws. But doesn't it violate causality?
Say, we make warp speed possible and get on it and travel towards Alpha Centauri (4.22 light years away) in warp speed and reach there, say, within a year (+/- few months) and blow it up. Now using Special Relativity, we could devise a frame of reference where in the observer would see the star blow up before we ever left planet Earth. Wouldn't that violate causality and make warp speeds unattainable?
Here's where he discusses the issue (on the next page of the article):

We physicists used to laugh at Star Trek's warp factor. We don't laugh anymore. About 10 years ago, a Mexican relativist named Miguel Alcubierre was watching Star Trek, and he came up with a new solution to Einstein's [general relativity] equation. The loophole is negative matter -- Einstein never considered it. And Alcubierre got a solution that looked very similar to warp drive. The key is, you don't go to the stars, the stars come to you. Everybody assumes you have to go to the stars, which means you have to break the light barrier and violate the laws of physics. But you can compress the space like an accordion -- compress the space between you and the stars. It's like a wrinkle in space. There are some objections to this, of course. We don't have negative matter, for instance. But in principle, if you have, let's say, a meteorite made of negative matter, then it may be possible. Einstein never said that nothing can go faster than light. Empty space can contract or expand faster than the speed of light. That's the Big Bang. It's emptiness that expanded. It looks very similar to the rendition of warp drive in the movies -- you would see distortion of star light, stars would come at you very fast, but inside you feel nothing.

Sure we can do it, if only we had some negative matter, which we don't.
  • #3
So given some negative matter and a suitable folding of space we can have superluminal transport without violating any known physical laws ... as long as we don't count causality conservation as a physical law?
  • #4
ghwellsjr said:
Here's where he discusses the issue (on the next page of the article):

Sure we can do it, if only we had some negative matter, which we don't.

That is not the question. I know we need Negative matter/energy which we do not have or know how to create. But if we did, could we really be able to travel at Warp Speed? Wouldn't it violate causality?
  • #5
Dhruva Patil said:
I have heard many physicists (ex:- Michio Kaku) saying "Warp speed" from Star Trek doesn't violate any known physical laws. But doesn't it violate causality?
Say, we make warp speed possible and get on it and travel towards Alpha Centauri (4.22 light years away) in warp speed and reach there, say, within a year (+/- few months) and blow it up. Now using Special Relativity, we could devise a frame of reference where in the observer would see the star blow up before we ever left planet Earth. Wouldn't that violate causality and make warp speeds unattainable?

If you assume that we traveled faster than light, then it's hard to figure out how much of special relativity still applies. In general though, here is something to consider. Simultaneity of events at widely separated points is different for different reference frames. So the times that things happen depend on the reference frame. For events A on the Earth and B the star, it would be hard to agree if A and B were simultaneous, A before B, or B before A. The observer would agree that we blew up the star but he would not agree with us about when we left the earth.
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  • #6
Dhruva Patil said:
Say, we make warp speed possible and get on it and travel towards Alpha Centauri (4.22 light years away) in warp speed and reach there, say, within a year (+/- few months) and blow it up. Now using Special Relativity, we could devise a frame of reference where in the observer would see the star blow up before we ever left planet Earth. Wouldn't that violate causality and make warp speeds unattainable?

You can't use SR in this scenario. The process of creating the "warp bubble" and expanding and contracting space would also expand and contract time; you simply would not be able to construct an SR-style inertial frame, even an approximate one, that included all of the events in question.
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
You can't use SR in this scenario. The process of creating the "warp bubble" and expanding and contracting space would also expand and contract time; you simply would not be able to construct an SR-style inertial frame, even an approximate one, that included all of the events in question.
Maybe it would depend on what's meant by "approximate one", but since the Alcubierre metric is asymptotically flat (as mentioned on the first page here), doesn't that mean that if you "zoom out" to sufficiently large scales of space and time, the warp bubble behaves like a small localized disturbance moving on a flat spacetime? If so, then if it moves faster than light, with multiple such warp bubbles moving in different directions it seems like you should be able to construct a causality paradox similar to the tachyonic antitelephone. And it has been shown that a system of multiple "warp bubbles" moving in different directions can give rise to closed timelike curves in general relativity, see the paper at - Warp drive and causality - prd950914.pdf.

Related to Can Warp Speed Violate Causality? The Debate Among Physicists

1. What is warp theory?

Warp theory is a concept in theoretical physics that suggests the possibility of traveling faster than the speed of light by manipulating space-time. It is based on the theory of general relativity proposed by Albert Einstein.

2. How does warp theory relate to causality?

Warp theory and causality are closely related because the idea of traveling faster than light can potentially disrupt the cause and effect relationship between events. This is because traveling at such a high speed could allow a person to arrive at a destination before the cause of their departure.

3. Is warp travel possible?

At this time, warp travel is purely theoretical and has not been proven to be possible. However, there are ongoing studies and experiments in the field of quantum physics that may provide more insight into the potential of warp travel in the future.

4. What are the potential consequences of violating causality through warp travel?

If warp travel were to be possible and causality were to be violated, it could potentially lead to paradoxes and contradictions in the timeline. This could have significant implications for the laws of physics and our understanding of the universe.

5. How does the concept of time dilation play a role in warp travel and causality?

Time dilation is a key factor in understanding the relationship between warp travel and causality. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, as an object approaches the speed of light, time slows down for that object. This means that a person traveling at warp speed would experience time differently than someone who is not, potentially creating discrepancies in the sequence of events.

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