Can we accurately read people's emotions through subtle cues?

In summary, the conversation discusses an individual's strange ability to accurately sense what people are feeling or thinking, and how this ability often leads to a feeling of disgust towards some people who may seem nice on the surface. The individual and their mother both possess this ability, and it is theorized that it may be due to picking up on subtle cues such as body language and tone of voice. Others in the conversation also share similar experiences and speculate about the potential chemical signals that humans may give off when experiencing certain emotions.
  • #1
I wasn't sure whether to put this in S&D, but here we go.

I've found that I have a really strange ability to tell what people are feeling/thinking. It doesn't occur with everyone, sometimes it happens straight away, sometimes after I have known them for a while. Often I meet someone and just unexplainably get a really bad feeling about them, and so far its always turned out to be justified. There are some people that I know straight away whether they are telling the truth or not, but they can get away with lying to everyone else. I'm 21, and this has only started over the last few years. It often scares me when I meet someone that seems nice and then I get this overwhelming feeling of disgust towards them, but nevertheless, I've learned to trust it.

Now, I don't think this is any sort of psychic ability, but the way these feelings come to me often reminds me of that sort of thing. My theory about this is that my sub-conscious is picking up on something; body language, tone of voice etc. that I usually wouldn't be aware of. I know also that my mother has the same ability. I wonder if anyone else here experiences anything similar?
Physics news on
  • #2
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  • #3
Kazza_765 said:
I wasn't sure whether to put this in S&D, but here we go.

I've found that I have a really strange ability to tell what people are feeling/thinking. It doesn't occur with everyone, sometimes it happens straight away, sometimes after I have known them for a while. Often I meet someone and just unexplainably get a really bad feeling about them, and so far its always turned out to be justified. There are some people that I know straight away whether they are telling the truth or not, but they can get away with lying to everyone else. I'm 21, and this has only started over the last few years. It often scares me when I meet someone that seems nice and then I get this overwhelming feeling of disgust towards them, but nevertheless, I've learned to trust it.

Now, I don't think this is any sort of psychic ability, but the way these feelings come to me often reminds me of that sort of thing. My theory about this is that my sub-conscious is picking up on something; body language, tone of voice etc. that I usually wouldn't be aware of. I know also that my mother has the same ability. I wonder if anyone else here experiences anything similar?

I don't see anything mysterious here except your claim to be knowing what people are thinking. Being disgusted by people who are apparently nice is not too unusual when the "niceness" rings false and seems to cover alterior motives or darker emotions.

As for knowing what people are thinking, this may or may not be mysterious depending on how specifically you mean it, and how much of what they're thinking is obvious from the context of the situation or conversation.
  • #4
Although i won't go into the details, i know personally who can demonstrate that chillingly, and it has interested me so. If you don't mind my asking kazza, are you male or female. Second, have you ever been able to "somewhat" see or predict something that might happen in the future?
  • #5
Kazza_765 said:
I wasn't sure whether to put this in S&D, but here we go.

I've found that I have a really strange ability to tell what people are feeling/thinking. It doesn't occur with everyone, sometimes it happens straight away, sometimes after I have known them for a while. Often I meet someone and just unexplainably get a really bad feeling about them, and so far its always turned out to be justified. There are some people that I know straight away whether they are telling the truth or not, but they can get away with lying to everyone else. I'm 21, and this has only started over the last few years. It often scares me when I meet someone that seems nice and then I get this overwhelming feeling of disgust towards them, but nevertheless, I've learned to trust it.

Now, I don't think this is any sort of psychic ability, but the way these feelings come to me often reminds me of that sort of thing. My theory about this is that my sub-conscious is picking up on something; body language, tone of voice etc. that I usually wouldn't be aware of. I know also that my mother has the same ability. I wonder if anyone else here experiences anything similar?
It sounds like you are very good at picking up on nuances that others miss. I am the same way. I either like or dislike a person immediately and my "intuitions" are very rarely wrong. I can also size people up quickly over the phone.

Unfortunately, I still let my emotions cloud my judgement at times.

It's a great skill to have, you'll probably find that you get better at it as you get older.
  • #6
Kazza_765 said:
Now, I don't think this is any sort of psychic ability, but the way these feelings come to me often reminds me of that sort of thing. My theory about this is that my sub-conscious is picking up on something; body language, tone of voice etc. that I usually wouldn't be aware of. I know also that my mother has the same ability. I wonder if anyone else here experiences anything similar?

Do humans give off any kind of chemical signal regarding what types of emotions they are experiencing? I know other animals do this, and I was certain I had seen this posited as an explanation for certain empathic abilities, though just the everyday type, not the extraordinary type, if I recall correctly.
  • #7
Do humans give off any kind of chemical signal regarding what types of emotions they are experiencing?

I have read articles that say that we do. For instance, I read an article in Discovery (meaning it is automatically more rumor than fact) that says that females release a chemical after sex that usually makes their male partner feel like trusting them more. They were talking about harnessing the chemical in order to help untrustworthy people (car salesman and the like) do their job by releasing it into the office air or something.

Anyways, I do experience exactly the same thing you are experiencing. The problem is that emotions are not trustworthy...or sometimes they tell you mixed things and you need to try to use your intellect as much as possible to see past them. For example, last semester my "instincts" told me to watch out for this girl in my science class who appeared to have a crush on me (as you say, it picked up on something about her that made me uneasy)...then 5 minutes later, these same instincts told me "seems good, let's repopulate the planet with her." Clearly both impulses can't be correct.

It turns out that the uneasy instinct was probably "correct," but I only know this *after* impulse number 2 had taken over and I got to know her behavior a bit better over a couple of months. I used to trust those instincts outright, but seeing as how if I did that I probably would never be social with anyone (living in LA, everyone is a potential creep) now I use them more as a guide. If I have a bad feeling at first I look closer at things to see if I can find more information that justifies that feeling. Of course, as someone said on here, you always run the danger of trying to make your own prophecy true when you do I try to make sure I have plenty of evidence before I rush to judgement on something.

I think the "feelings" or first impressions we get are based on instinct somewhat and the more experience we get the more information we have to feed those instincts (so I do think this aspect of us gets more and more dominant over our thinking with age). Be warned though, your instincts CAN mislead you into feeling a certain way about something irrespective of any facts or reality (TV ad execs bet on that).
  • #8
Kazza_765 said:
I wasn't sure whether to put this in S&D, but here we go.

I've found that I have a really strange ability to tell what people are feeling/thinking. It doesn't occur with everyone, sometimes it happens straight away, sometimes after I have known them for a while. Often I meet someone and just unexplainably get a really bad feeling about them, and so far its always turned out to be justified. There are some people that I know straight away whether they are telling the truth or not, but they can get away with lying to everyone else. I'm 21, and this has only started over the last few years. It often scares me when I meet someone that seems nice and then I get this overwhelming feeling of disgust towards them, but nevertheless, I've learned to trust it.

Now, I don't think this is any sort of psychic ability, but the way these feelings come to me often reminds me of that sort of thing. My theory about this is that my sub-conscious is picking up on something; body language, tone of voice etc. that I usually wouldn't be aware of. I know also that my mother has the same ability. I wonder if anyone else here experiences anything similar?

Odd that you consider this abnormal we all have this ability to one extent or another, after all most apsects of communication are non verbal, I seem to be able to tell if someone is lying or just joking or being positively delusional in what they believe about common instinctual interpritations of a situation, it would be hard to believe that some of these beneficial empathy traits weren't inherent in our genome at a subconscious level, after all I and we do this all the time. Sometimes we're right sometimes we're wrong but that's what makes the feed back loop of subconscious to conscious so interesting, the initial pattern of response and then the pattern that comes from experience; little is learned from applying accepted intuition to situations, do some personal research and see where the hit and miss lead you, as has been said.

Some psychics seem to think that there ability is paranormal because they devolve themself from what is really just a trained way to garner facts between the lines, if they were truly unusual or paranormal they would be able to prove it, but AFAIK no one has yet, and this goes for the broad realm of the sixth sense in all cases.

Here's an example I once was show an experiment that alowed me to move a pendulum with my mind, I tried and I tried hard but came to the conclusion that although it had moved several times, it was in fact because, the experiment was set up in a null way, the floor boards under the table moved the pendulum as people walked passed, and they asked people questions at times when this was happening, in the same way experiments in research need to find out parameters that are simply devolved from a persons conscious beliefs and that are absolutes, of course, it would be a waste of time to apply experiments like this all the time, but when you can sit down and show people where their mistaken ideas come from, it's a fine way to progress in real research. If they are wrong there are funds waiting to be collected by those who are truly and exemplary psychics, but they won't be won by people with simple human skills like yourself.
  • #9
I find that an amazing number of people believe that they can tell when someone else is lying. Frankly, I don't believe it. If I think that someone thinks that I'm lying, it makes me feel like I'm lying, and then I probably exhibit body language that would indicate such.

For example, if you are staring into someones eyes as if the person was being questioned in a murder investigation, an uncomfortable reaction is reasonably normal.
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  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
I find that an amazing number of people believe that they can tell when someone else is lying. Frankly, I don't believe it. If I think that someone thinks that I'm lying, it makes me feel like I'm lying, and then I probably exhibit body language that would indicate such.

For example, if you are staring into someones eyes as if the person was being questioned in a murder investigation, an uncomfortable reaction is reasonably normal.

I agree completely: MI5 agents and police detectives are taught to look out for signs of lying, under or over embelishment of story, nervousness, sweating, but no one can tell absolutely, especially if a person is a pathological liar, he may well then believe everything he says to be true and so there would be no tell tale signs, even a lie detector isn't 100% accurate. Everyone has some degree of talent in this area, I don't think it's paranormal though, just human.
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  • #11
Some ppl have high emotional intelligence. They can indeed "sense" how ppl feel emotionally plus they have enhanced "intuition" if a person is speaking truth or not. Those are facts connected to ourTEMPERAMENT. (

From another perspective, pheromones each one of us gives off freely communitace our basic "animalistic" state. Anger/fear/etc , its very plausible that certain ppl learned (through polaniy's tacit knowledge) to read this signals better than others.

i don't see nothing supernatural in this...
  • #12
I think I have the same kind of sense sometimes.. I would love to understand it better.. Backstory on why : I am not sure if its me being insacure or am I really senseing the truth.. I have been validated recently.. I was withthis girl for over a year and felt like she loved me and became comfortable enough to allow myself to fall head over heels in love with her.. Was considering asking her to marry me at one point.. Then it all changed... I felt like she loved her Ex still even though she talked **** about him everyday and always got pissed off when I said anything about it.. I kept telling myself it was my owm insacurities that was makeing me think that way.. So I kept giving myself futher and further. This girl cheated on me once before swears she didnt of course) and does things I disagree with and has a million tons of drama but I still want to love her for some reason.. I have never felt like that before.. SO I figured it was meant to be so I can't leave her and her kids.. about a month ago she left me on a sunday and moved her ex in the tuesday.. I was crushed.. after a couple of days I was at peace without the drama and extra stress but I stil missed her and her kids and still loved her even after all that ********.. Her ex only stayed a few days and left her and her kids again and now I am back in the picture.. I don't think it is the right thing for me but I can't get over the feeling that I am suppose to be with her.. but at the same time I feel like she only has me here cause he doesn't want to be here.. I think she takes me for granted.. She made me feel like she really regretted doing that to me and relized how good she had before and how much she loved me.. It onlt lasted a few days.. She isn't rude or mean to me now but I can't figure out if she really is actracted to me and really wants me to be her Man.. Like proud to be with me kinda.. It is a extremely hard thing to talk about and to figure out.. Are my instincs right and I just don't want them to be or is my judgment of my instincts clouded becasue of the things she has done in the past.. I am at a point where I need to follow a path one way or the other.. I have a friend who has showed interest in me and she is a great girl.. Funny Beautiful, and very loveing and careing but I haven't really done anything about it becaseu my head and my emotions are so screwed up.. If I go with her Iwill be leaveing a women I love to death and if I don't I am in a relationship that doesn't give me what I want.. WOW Sorry I went on so long but I have never actually said this before.. Now I know why my head is so clogged up.. What I meant to ask is How do you know if you are senseing the truth or worrying about what could happen.. IS there a way to make this sense stronger.. I know it comes from me and how I feel about me but any suggestions would great ! Thanks
  • #13
Yes, I've always thought I was good at reading people (don't know if I really am).

But there's a catch 22. The better I know somebody, the harder it is to tell because the more complex our relationship is. It's more confusing to figure somebody out that you've known for a while and spent a lot of time with.

In the street or the office though, where I have shallow relationships with people, they're easier to read (or maybe I just never get a chance to confirm if I'm right, heheh!)

I wonder if this is because people are more self-conscious around people they're closer to. When people are self-conscious it's hard to read them at all (like an example given in a previous post... if you're being accused of murder you're going to be very self-conscious of your actions even if you're innocent)
  • #14
Tension in postures, breathing patterns, how quickly smiles fade after a laugh, where the eyes wander, fidgeting...

There are many indicators and many combinations of these indicators that can transmit information.
  • #15
Schrodinger's Dog said:
even a lie detector isn't 100% accurate.

Lie detectors can be easily manipulated. It is pseudo-science.
  • #16
IMO, personality-type probably has something to do with it (i.e. Some people are better than others at picking up the details, putting details together to create an order or pattern that makes sense, and making better inferences as a results...
  • #17
I have learned to do what you describe, but I am not a natural, I've had to learn the hard way. I have met a few people in my life and accepted them into my life that I wish I had not. Your lucky.

The unashamed wickedness of many many people here on Earth is fact, and those that I describe often try to appear quite the opposite. These people study psychology and know how to exploit your emotions. They appeal to your kindness by making you feel sorry for them. They bombard you with complements. Then when you let your guard down they bite you like a snake. After you realize their intent, and what kind of evils they are capable of, you just move on and try not to make them angry.

They will then move on to the next victim, and you can be free.
  • #18
LightbulbSun said:
Lie detectors can be easily manipulated. It is pseudo-science.

The polygraph is just one tool for the interrogator; The interrogator themselves are the ultimate lie detector. It's not really that easy to mess with the polygraph without pissing the interrogator off. The common result is that you make the results unreadable, not that you look truthful. This is a red flag to the interrogator.
  • #19
Pythagorean said:
The polygraph is just one tool for the interrogator; The interrogator themselves are the ultimate lie detector. It's not really that easy to mess with the polygraph without pissing the interrogator off. The common result is that you make the results unreadable, not that you look truthful. This is a red flag to the interrogator.


The reason the polygraph is not a lie detector is that what it measures--changes in heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration--can be caused by many things. Nervousness, anger, sadness, embarrassment, and fear can all be causal factors in altering one's heart rate, blood pressure, or respiration rate. Having to go to the bathroom can also be causative. There are also a number of medical conditions such as colds, headaches, constipation, or neurological and muscular problems which can cause the physiological changes measured by the polygraph. The claim that an expert can tell when the changes are due to a lie and when they are due to other factors has never been proven. Even if the device measures nervousness, one cannot be sure that the cause of the nervousness is fear of being caught in a lie. Some people may fear that the machine will indicate they are lying when they are telling the truth and that they will be falsely accused of lying. Furthermore, even the most ardent advocate of the polygraph must admit that liars can sometimes pass their tests. One need only remember the spy Aldrich Ames, who passed the polygraph test several times while with the CIA. -"

Perversely, the "test" is inherently biased against the truthful, because the more honestly one answers the "control" questions, and as a consequence feels less stress when answering them, the more likely one is to fail. Conversely, liars can beat the test by covertly augmenting their physiological reactions to the "control" questions. This can be done, for example, by doing mental arithmetic, thinking exciting thoughts, altering one's breathing pattern, or simply biting the side of the tongue. Truthful persons can also use these techniques to protect themselves against the risk of a false positive outcome. Although polygraphers frequently claim they can detect such countermeasures, no polygrapher has ever demonstrated any ability to do so, and peer-reviewed research suggests that they can't. -"
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  • #20
LightbulbSun said:

Yes, I see your point. I guess I should be clear that I don't think it's a science (yet...)

It has, however, been shown to work in revealing information. Some interrogators are better than others, and of course some subjects (like a trained spy) are better at deceiving the interogator.

It's like a super-complicated game of chess; there's no formulated way to guarantee a win, but it doesn't mean that you can't win at all. It also doesn't mean it's completely random and up to chance. Certain players are better at chess and succeed more often.

It's a feedback system, so every case will be unique and have exception, but there's general rules and codes to follow so that the feedback system works for you. The caveat being that the opponent can use the same rules and codes to the make the feedback system work for him (or her).

Also, how many women have been able to trick polygraphs, just out of curiousity. I've only heard of men tricking it, and mostly trained people. People that do it from a webpage on the internet often get caught because they make obvious attempt to sabotage and then the evidence is found in their home later after a warrant is made up.

This is where I would say that science doesn't encompass all reality; Do you use science in your relationships or making music? I don't; I use my gut, and it's worked out fine for me (errors happen... but they happen in science just as frequently).

Science doesn't work very well with human behavior, but that doesn't mean human behavior is completely unmanageable.
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  • #21
Pythagorean said:
Yes, I see your point. I guess I should be clear that I don't think it's a science (yet...)

It has, however, been shown to work in revealing information. Some interrogators are better than others, and of course some subjects (like a trained spy) are better at deceiving the interogator.

It's like a super-complicated game of chess; there's no formulated way to guarantee a win, but it doesn't mean that you can't win at all. It also doesn't mean it's completely random and up to chance. Certain players are better at chess and succeed more often.

It's a feedback system, so every case will be unique and have exception, but there's general rules and codes to follow so that the feedback system works for you. The caveat being that the opponent can use the same rules and codes to the make the feedback system work for him (or her).

Also, how many women have been able to trick polygraphs, just out of curiousity. I've only heard of men tricking it, and mostly trained people. People that do it from a webpage on the internet often get caught because they make obvious attempt to sabotage and then the evidence is found in their home later after a warrant is made up.

This is where I would say that science doesn't encompass all reality; Do you use science in your relationships or making music? I don't; I use my gut, and it's worked out fine for me (errors happen... but they happen in science just as frequently).

Science doesn't work very well with human behavior, but that doesn't mean human behavior is completely unmanageable.

I agree science doesn't encompass all of reality because relationships or making music isn't about finding out the truth. However, I think the lie detector is just wishful thinking. Until they can rule out other possible causal factors for changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration then I remain skeptical. A lot of people feel uncomfortable naturally when you want them to look you straight in the eye. It's an uncomfortable situation. A lot of people will say that's an indication that the person is lying. They maybe lying, but they could also look uncomfortable due to the uncomfortable situation you put them in of having to stare you straight in the eye.

This is why collaborating evidence is the best method for telling whether someone is lying or not. Let's stop wasting our time and money on pseudo-science junk.
  • #22
LightbulbSun said:
Until they can rule out other possible causal factors for changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration then I remain skeptical. A lot of people feel uncomfortable naturally when you want them to look you straight in the eye. It's an uncomfortable situation. A lot of people will say that's an indication that the person is lying. They maybe lying, but they could also look uncomfortable due to the uncomfortable situation you put them in of having to stare you straight in the eye.

This is why collaborating evidence is the best method for telling whether someone is lying or not. Let's stop wasting our time and money on pseudo-science junk.

As far as I understand, law enforcement officers (and federal interrogators) well understand that innocent people can be uncomfortable. They also agree with you (as do the courts) that the polygraph and the interrogator's word aren't enough to convict somebody.

Polygraphs are just one tool used to eventually find the collaborating evidence, or get a confession out of weaker-minded convicts.
  • #23
I am 16 years old and I have had the same thing happen to me, the thing that happens to me is I can not read everythng but I can read if someone has been hurt, or is they have something that is eating them up inside. The look in their eyes tells it all, I can do it better with guys, which is weird because I am a guy, it probably happens more often with men because I am one myself and understand how emotions work with men, but it is also happening a lot with girls lately, I can see them and see if they are hiding certain feelings from someone, or if they are lying. Which it can be a bad thing for me too, I can see if someone is insecure about themselves, and they are desparate. But it only happens with certain people which I never have known in my life and I can read them immediately. With people I know well or almost very well I can not tell anything else about them, any hurt they are hiding seems to go away. And then it comes back every once in a while when they have had something wrong like my friend recently was cheated on and she did not let anyone know but I knew immediately by her eyes that she was hiding something. It's an interesting gift to have but I don't know if it is really a gift or maybe a curse because some people do not want to be helped, they do not want to be bothered with, it might get me in trouble one day.
  • #24
People are complicated. That is not mysterious. Everyone is, in some way, flawed in the eyes of others. By the time you are 30, it will be less confounding.
  • #25
As Kirk once said - I need my pain. It defines me. We are who we are by living life one day at a time and making mistakes. You cannot correct the past, but, you can avoid repeating your mistakes. I spent half my life making mistakes, another half repenting, and the last half accepting I may be fallible.
  • #26
I am also 21 years of age. I thought i was the only one. I live in a small enough town and I've talked with a lot of people and no one knew the term or what i was talking about. they all said you can read people because of they eyes, body motion, or tone of voice. I all told them it was probly why. Until i was 18 and a half i started having weird feelings inside my head and i started ready people more and more often. I have found that reading friends were harder cause they knew you could sense them. But strangers were awesome. I could read them like as if they were an open book. I acting went to a lot of partys and stunned a lot of people. This one person i met was a stranger and i knew her for like five minutes and we were talking about something and i told her i could tell her everything about her life. I visually saw inside my head when she was a kid, fights she's been in with her mother, how it happened where it was, i even knew where all her birth marks where, and even her middle name. Usually i don't have a lot of details i know the main facts...its like being in a fully furnitured house and all i can see is me and the person inside of a greyish white room and faded shades of black where the furniture is suppose to be. I don't believe that this is chemical induced. I do believe this is something unexplanable now after all my experience. it is a gift in a way but It has gotten me into trouble before cause I am not suppose to know things...and i tell people how to avoid things but it ruins two when i try and save them from a future accurance. I can only see the future in dreams...ive had up to three straight days of like a day jae vous. which i also think this is part of the senseing people thing. I don't think its your subconscious doing either. but to hone in on your skills i found that complete control of your emotions and balance in your life helps to keep a stable image and prediction. I also found that mediation helped a lot just to get intuned with your body.
  • #27
Monolie_69 said:
I visually saw inside my head when she was a kid, fights she's been in with her mother, how it happened where it was, i even knew where all her birth marks where, and even her middle name.

There are some tricksters who are very good at reading people, but they have all been debunked; their methods usually consist of secret investigation (ie, they have a partner who innocently engages a person in conversation to leverage details, then reports back to the magician who pretends to know everything about the person, and uses these details as evidence). These people are often also very good at mentioning general things that could apply to everyone. People have so many experiences in their lives and they want or are afraid that the ability is real, and this causes them to believe it is real, and associate the made up events with real events. For example, how many times have you looked at your fortune in the newspaper and thought "hm..that does apply to me"? In another example, there's an episode of Mindfreak where Chris Angel pretends to know people's past history, he makes up one random event, and tells it to about 10 different people...every single one is amazed that he is able to read their past and is completely convinced that it's actually about their life.

On the other hand, being able to tell someone's middle name or the location and description of unique birth marks is a descriptive and verifiable thing (note: saying they have a mole on their back is not descriptive and counts for nothing. it would only be relevant for people who actually have unique birth marks). If you can demonstrate to a scientist that you are capable of predicting unusual birthmarks at a statistically significant rate, or predicting middle names at a statistically significant rate, then this phenomena will become scientifically recognized as a fact of life. If you truly have this ability, you can also become extremely rich and famous as a magician or TV star. You would be the first person in human history ever documented to have this ability. It would be the most profound and exciting discovery of the century.

Of course, it's far more likely that you have tricked yourself into thinking that you have abilities that you don't really have, because you want to believe, and accepting that belief makes you feel less insignificant. Try doing some experiments with yourself to see if it is TRULY repeatable. If it is, then contact a scientist and they do some more rigorous experiments and have it published in a journal if its real..then start going on TV shows and become famous.
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  • #28
junglebeast said:
In another example, there's an episode of Mindfreak where Chris Angel pretends to know people's past history, he makes up one random event, and tells it to about 10 different people...every single one is amazed that he is able to read their past and is completely convinced that it's actually about their life.

Wow - all 10? He's good. Funny how easily false memories can be created. People will actually sometimes create such rich false memories that they can even provide all kinds of details about the event that never happened. I wonder if he asked any of them about the time they were" .
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  • #29
+1 to junglebeast , same opinion :)
  • #30
I also can detect people who are interested in me wherever they are and from whatsoever distance, and without having any contact with those people. I did it thousands of times and I'm 100% sure that they were interested in me at the time of the detection. What could be the explanation for this?
  • #31
SDetection said:
I also can detect people who are interested in me wherever they are and from whatsoever distance, and without having any contact with those people. I did it thousands of times and I'm 100% sure that they were interested in me at the time of the detection. What could be the explanation for this?
What form does this "detection" take?
  • #32
zoobyshoe said:
What form does this "detection" take?

I sense something and then suddenly look in a certain direction and there is someone staring at me. When the starer is caught off guard, he/she suddenly turns his/her face away to avoid being caught staring, and that actually proves the intention. It happens so quickly, It's like a reflex on my part followed instantly by a reflex on part of the starer. Also those people were not in my sight. I know that all people can do that but how could this happen?.
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  • #33
SDetection said:
I sense something and then suddenly look in a certain direction and there is someone staring at me. When the starer is caught off guard, he/she suddenly turns his/her face away to avoid being caught staring, and that actually proves the intention. It happens so quickly, It's like a reflex on my part followed instantly by a reflex on part of the starer. Also those people were not in my sight. I know that all people can do that but how could this happen?.
I'd say 80% of the time a person is in a public place they are the object of "people watching". Personally I do this all the time: observe people. Anyone who seems positioned so they can't directly see me is a better target: you can stare longer. It doesn't surprise me you catch someone staring at you so often. People are fascinated by people.
  • #34
SDetection said:
I also can detect people who are interested in me wherever they are and from whatsoever distance, and without having any contact with those people. I did it thousands of times and I'm 100% sure that they were interested in me at the time of the detection. What could be the explanation for this?

Then you should go and get tested. Let us know when the results are published.

For that matter, you should take Randi's challenge and win a million bucks.

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