Can We Create Artificial Organs that Outperform Natural Ones?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating artificial organs using advanced technology and biology. The speaker wonders if these organs could be made of materials other than tissue to prevent diseases, and if they could potentially outperform natural organs. They also mention the challenges of growing differentiated tissue and the potential tradeoffs in terms of age, enhancement, and durability. The conversation also mentions a man who received a mechanical heart, but unfortunately only lived for five weeks. The speaker concludes by acknowledging that the future of biotechnology is uncertain.
  • #1
I watched an episode of Vsauce just now and something in the video got me thinking, our organs are vulnerable to diseases and malfunction and with the advancement of technology and biology I wondered if in the near future we might be able to make lungs, kidneys, hearts etc that can do a better job than a natural one.

I also wondered if instead of making these out of tissue using stem cells or however they do it at the moment, couldn't we just make these out of some other material so it wouldn't get any diseases at all? I imagine it to be such that your manufactured organs need to be charged from a socket in your chest lol.

There's already been a made who had his faulty heart taken out and replaced with a device that simulates what a heart does and he is living just fine.

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  • #2
Would you want to give up your healthy organs to get artificial ones? Even if they are in some respect, better?

Cells are great little factories. Replacing them with tubings and electrical wires, if at all possible, must have its own disadvantages.
As for growing cells into superior organs, growing differentiated tissue is currently very problematic. It has to do with gene expression and the epigenetic code, which seems like a really difficult problem to crack.

Much easier to adjust or add some enzymes and have nature grow it's own cells and organs but with better proteins.

Also, I don't think our organs are that vulnerable to disease and malfunction. Think about all the equipment that breaks down while your organs keep going fine.

In fact, I like to think that as biotechnology progresses, more and more stuff will be made out of living cells, or derivatives from it, though living cells will have their own annoying limitations.
It is just that a lot can be done with organic chemistry and life gives us a toolbox for free that it took a couple of billion of years to develop.
  • #3
iDimension said:
There's already been a made who had his faulty heart taken out and replaced with a device that simulates what a heart does and he is living just fine.
No, he only lived for a little over 5 weeks.
  • #4
iDimension said:
...I wondered if in the near future we might be able to make lungs, kidneys, hearts etc that can do a better job than a natural one.

better is subjective, as there usually are tradeoffs.
Longevity, energy consumption, performance, cost, corrosion resistance, modes of mechanical failure, repair methods, adaptability, size, weight. There is most likely more design features that have to be considered.

for example,
Age of patient: Adaptability, size, weight, longevity
A mention of a mechanical heart. If replacing the biological heart of a small child, or even a baby, the mechanical heart surely does not grow in size with the patient. Several operation would have to be performed to match the replaceable heart with the size of the patient, even with switch and replace, as the cavity size for the old mechanical heart in the chest would not match the size of the new. Some discomfort would ensue with tissue displacement.

Enhancement: Performance, energy consumption, specialization
Do I really need a mechanical hand with enough grip that can twist nuts on a bolt for secure fastening, or a finger adapted to twist screws? Or an eye that can see like an eagle? Instead, I can already enhance what I already have for the task I wish to accomplish and use a wrench, screwdriver, eyeglasses, binoculars, and other technologies to sense and manipulate my surroundings in various and multiple ways.

Durability: Longevity, failure, corrosion, repair, cost
Skin is something someone does not think about much as being an organ, but it no less important for survival than the others. Self repair is evident when one receives a cut and a few days later it is healed. We might "protect" the cut from the outside environment with a bandaid, but nature has already thought of that by the formation of the scab.
Also, here again with the heart as an example, how durable should we make the mechanical heart. Should its design life be 2 years to be replaced, or 30 years, 40 years, a lifetime. With switch and replace that is an interesting question.

Quote - advancement of technology and biology
I guess we will have to see what the future brings.
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Bioengineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to the fields of biology and medicine. It involves using engineering tools and concepts to design, develop, and improve biological systems, processes, and products for various applications.

2. What is the future of bioengineering?

The future of bioengineering is exciting and full of potential. With advancements in technology, we can expect to see more innovative and efficient solutions in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. Some possibilities include personalized medicine, tissue engineering, and bioremediation.

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As with any emerging technology, there are ethical concerns surrounding bioengineering. These include issues related to informed consent, potential risks and unintended consequences, and the ethical implications of manipulating living organisms. It is important for bioengineers to consider these concerns and adhere to ethical principles in their work.

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Bioengineering has the potential to significantly impact society in various ways. It can improve human health and quality of life, contribute to sustainable development, and address global challenges such as food insecurity and climate change. However, it is important to carefully consider and mitigate any potential negative impacts on society.

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To pursue a career in bioengineering, one needs a strong foundation in biology, chemistry, and mathematics. Additionally, proficiency in engineering principles and techniques, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills, are essential. Good communication skills and a passion for innovation and problem-solving are also important for success in this field.

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